Due to the excessive temperature and high humidity conditions in the recent months, several employees have suffered from heat related illnesses, and in some cases these individuals had to seek professional medical treatment. Fortunately, all these individuals made full recovery. Heat related illnesses can be very serious. Due to the climates that we work in, we must be aware of signs and symptoms of heat stress and ways to prevent occurrence.

Heat stress results when the body is unable to get rid of excess heat. The hazards of heat stress can be both direct and indirect. Direct causes include: fogged glasses, sweat in the eyes, slippery hands, and dizziness or fainting. Indirect causes include: physical discomfort, irritability, poor judgment, inattention to the job, and slower mental or physical reaction time.

General guidelines to prevent heat-related illnesses or injuries:

§  Drink plenty of fluids. (approx. 8 oz. of water every 20 minutes)

§  Stay away from caffeinated drinks or high energy drinks. These beverages will dehydrate your body.

§  Adjust your schedule to do strenuous work during the cooler parts of the day if possible.

§  If on medication, check with your doctor or pharmacist about possible heat related side effects.

§  Find shade or an air-conditioned space for breaks.

§  Inform your supervisor if you start to develop signs or symptoms of heat illnesses.

§  Loss of Salt
§  Heavy Sweating / §  Painful spasms of arms, legs, and abdomen.
§  Sudden onset
§  Hot, moist skin / §  Drink Water
§  Massage cramped area
§  Rest
§  Non-acclimatized
§  Dehydration / §  Heavy sweating
§  Intense thirst
§  Pale, moist, cool, skin
§  Rapid Pulse
§  Fatigue, weakness
§  Fainting, collapse / §  Move to shade or an air-conditioned space
§  Rest, lying down, legs elevated
§  Loosen clothing
§  Drink water
§  Excessive exposure to hot environments
§  Body’s system of temp. regulation fails
§  Body temp rises to critical levels / §  Lack of sweating
§  Hot, red, dry skin
§  Rapid pulse
§  Chills
§  Difficulty breathing
§  Disoriented
§  Weakness
§  Unconsciousness / §  Medical Emergency
§  Call for emergency help
§  Immerse person in water
§  Massage body with ice.