Hi Camie,
My first thought:
General Education Requirements for Geography Majors

Geography majors must meet the mathematical literacy requirement by taking MATH 117. Students obtaining a geography degree without an option, may meet the university-wide symbolic system requirement either by taking one year of foreign language instruction (100-level or higher) or by taking MATH 117 and MATH 241. Students obtaining a degree in geography with an option must meet the university-wide symbolic system requirement by taking MATH 117 and MATH 241. The upper-division writing expectation must be met by successfully completing an upper-division writing course from the approved list in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog (see index), or by writing a senior thesis in geography.

I’ll let you know if I have a second thought.

From: Foos, Camie L
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:20 PM
To: Sloan, Debbie; Macdonald, Douglas
Subject: FW: Symbolic Systems Sequence

Hi Debbie,

Will this work?


From: VonReichert, Christiane
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 11:59 AM
To: Foos, Camie L
Subject: RE: Symbolic Systems Sequence

Thanks, Camie.

It is (and has been for years) in the catalog and on our advising materials. ASCRC approved thatquite a few years back --before the current changes to the languages/symbolic systems choices.

The textbelowfrom the catalog. I feel it should be o.k. --and I am certainly not looking for more paper trails. But I alsowant to make sure this is ok.



General Education Requirements for Geography Majors

Geography majors must meet the mathematical literacy requirement by taking MATH 117. Students obtaining a geography degree without an option, may meet the university-wide symbolic system requirement either by taking one year of foreign language instruction (100-level or higher) or by taking MATH 117 and MATH 241. Students obtaining a degree in geography with an option must meet the university-wide symbolic system requirement by taking MATH 117 and MATH 241. The upper-division writing expectation must be met by successfully completing an upper-division writing course from the approved list in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog (see index), or by writing a senior thesis in geography.

From: Foos, Camie L
Sent: Tue 2/3/2009 10:14 AM
To: VonReichert, Christiane
Subject: RE: Symbolic Systems Sequence

Hi Christiane,

Please identify the options that require the symbolic systems and provide a pedagogical justification and catalog language that supports the requirement. I believe the sequences will need to be listed in the catalog as information for students. Students no longer have the choice between foreign language and symbolic systems- see framework language below.

Group III: Modern and Classical Languages or Symbolic Systems
A two semester language sequence is the default option (test out provisions apply). Students may substitute a symbolic system sequence required by their major and approved by ASCRC. / 0-10 or 3-6

Camie Foos
Administrative Associate
Faculty Senate


UH 221

From: VonReichert, Christiane
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:34 AM
To: Foos, Camie L
Subject: RE: Symbolic Systems Sequence

Hi Camie,

We require Math 117 for the Math requirement and Math 241 (or equivalent) for symbolic systems in some of our options. As Math 241 is listed, are we all set.

I do we need to submit (alreday have submitted?) a separate request?



Christiane von Reichert

Department of Geography