Universidad de Colima
General Direction of International Relations and Academic Cooperation
StudentExchange Application Form
Please fill out the blanksin the application form:
1. General Information:Name:
Surname / First name(s)
Permanent address:
Street / Town/City and Zip code / State andCountry
E-mail: / @
Date and place of Birth: / Country of Birth:
Citizenship - as stated in your passport:
Marital status: / Passport number and expiration’date: / No.
DD / MM / YY
Phone (country code, area & local number): / Gender: / Male:
2. Educational Background:
List your academic background relevant to the programme(s) you are applying for:
Name of home university: / Current semester of studies:
Total number of higher education study years
Name of degree/diploma/majoryou are studying for: / Final grade average obtained (GPA):
3. Exchange study information:
Mobility Program: / Academic Exchange (bilateral agreement)
International student (free mover)
Internship / Research
Academic Spanish for Foreigners Program (EAPE)
Period of study: / Fall semester /August to January
Spring semester /February to July
Academic Year / August to July
EAPE (period) ______
Other (please specify): ______
Proposed individual course units(if necessary, continue on a separate sheet) / Course unit title / Degree programme / Faculty you are applying to / Semester when offered
Signature:______Date: dd/mm/yyyy
4. Contact Personin Case of Emergency:Name: / relationship:
Phone: / Email:
Send the printed version of the application form together with the requested enclosures by regular mail to International Office in accordance to the deadlines:
- Letter of Institutional Support from the Director of the International Affairs Office at home University
- Learning Agreement (mandatory for all applicants)
- Academic record or transcript (if your final certificate and final year transcripts are not yet available, please submit an official provisional certificate and transcript or an official letter from your home university)
- Motivation Letter explaining your reasons for choosing the University of Colima
- Letter of support from a professor representing your School/Department
- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of the first page of your passport
- Copy of Health Insurance Certificate
- Certified copies of English proficiency or Exchange Student Agreement of Understanding form
- Housing application form (in case you would like to be housed with a host family)
This application must be completed and sent to:
M.Ed. Genoveva Amador Fierros
Dirección General de Relaciones Internacionales
y Cooperación Académica
Universidad de Colima
Ave. Universidad 333,
C.P. 28040, Colima, Col., México
Tel. +52 (312)31 61063
Fax. +52 (312)31 61064