The third global review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) will be conducted in 2018. ECOSOC resolution 2015/5 mandated regional commissions to provide assistance to Member States in organizing their third MIPAA national review and appraisal exercises; organizing regional review meetings using an inclusive and coordinated approach in relation to the participation of civil society in the process; promoting networking and the sharing of information; and providing an analysis of the main findings and identifying priority areas and policy responses by 2017.
The present regional survey is an integral part of the preparatory process for the global review in 2018. It is a follow-up to the regional survey conducted in 2013 and provides an opportunity to inform of new policy developments and data collection,as well as to highlight examples and practices from the region.
The regional analysis will feed into the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meetingon the Third Review and Appraisal of MIPAA, which will be held in early 2017as well as the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on the Third Regional Review and Appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in late 2017. The outcome of the Intergovernmental Meeting will be submitted to the global review of MIPAA.
It would be appreciated if you could kindly complete the questionnaire and return the response together with relevant attachments by 1 December 2016, preferably by email, to:
Social Development Division, ESCAP
United NationsBuilding
Rajadamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok10200, Thailand
Fax: (66-2) 288-1030
The electronic version of the questionnaire can be downloaded from the following website:
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
Thank you.
- Does your country have a national coordinating body/committee/agency on ageing?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of the coordinating bodyDescription, including the year of establishment, level (ministerial or other) and main functions
Contact information, including mailing address, telephone, fax number, email and website
2. National framework on ageing
2a. Does your country have legislation to promote and protect the rights of older persons?[1]
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
NameDescription including year of enactment. Please include information on updates or revisions, if applicable
Please attach a copy of the document or provide the link.
2b. If you answered “yes” to Q 2a., what are the resources allocated to implement the legislation/policies and which ministries hold the resources?
2c. Does your country have a national policy or plan of action on ageing?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
NameDescription including year of establishment. Please include information on updates or revisions, if applicable
Please attach a copy of the document or provide the link.
2d. If you answered “yes” to Q 2a and/or Q 2b, have gender and disability concerns been explicitly addressed in the legislation, national policy or plan of action?
If “yes”, please elaborate.
2e. If you answered “no” to Q 2a and Q 2b, please elaborate on any effort towards the preparation and adoption of such a national policy or plan of action and/or legislation.
[If your answer to Question 2 was “no” please go to Question 5 directly]
3. Is there a monitoring framework for the implementation of the above-mentioned legislation, national policy or plan of action?
If “yes”, please specify the mechanisms of the framework and whether these include
older people and their organisations (bottom up review and appraisal process)
If “no”, please provide information on the obstacles and challenges faced.
4. Has there been any specific survey or research on ageing or older persons in your country since 2012?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Focus and coverageYear of survey/research
By which Ministry/Agency (government, NGO, university, international agencies, etc.).
Please attach a copy of the document or provide the link.
5. Budget allocation
5a. What percentage/proportion of the Government budget is allocated to your Ministry/Agency? (If different Ministries or Agenciesresponsible for ageing policies are completing the questionnaire, state budget for each of them in questions 5a. and
5b. Of the above amount, what share is allocated to the implementation of policies and programmes on ageing and older persons?
5c. Has this budget allocation changed since 2012?
Yes - How has the percentage of government budgetallocated changed compared to 2012?
5d. Out of your budget for programmes for older persons, which areas receive the highest share of budgetary allocation? Please rank the areas below in order of budget allocation(each option must be assigned a different number from 1 to 11)
[1 = highest amount, 11 = lowest amount]
Provision of old age pension schemes / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11Access to affordable health care[2] / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Development and strengthening of geriatric services / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Provision of long-term care services for older persons / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Training and support for caregivers / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Provision of affordable and age-friendly housing for older persons / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Research on ageing / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Support to older persons in emergency and conflict situations / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Preventing neglect, violence and abuse of older persons / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Fostering mechanisms to strengthen the participation of older people in policy and programme processes / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Other, please specify: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
6. Please describe what measures your country has undertaken or is planning to undertake with regard to the third review and appraisal of the implementation of MIPAA[3], or in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to older persons.
Please elaborate on the approach(es) used (such as bottom-up participatory approach, surveys) as well as the involvement of civil society including associations of older persons.
7. In the implementation of the MIPAA, has your Government experienced any of the following challenges?
[1 = never, 2 =sometimes, 3 =always]
Need for greater capacity on policy development / 1 / 2 / 3Need to accord higher priority to the issue / 1 / 2 / 3
Need for greater budgetary resources / 1 / 2 / 3
Need for increased personnel (human resources) dedicated to ageing issues / 1 / 2 / 3
Need for focal points on ageing within ministries / 1 / 2 / 3
Need to strengthen inter-ministerial or inter-departmental coordination / 1 / 2 / 3
Need for greater support from international agencies / 1 / 2 / 3
Need to support older people and organizations of older people to engage with the bottom up review and appraisal approach / 1 / 2 / 3
Other challenges, please elaborate:
8. Has your Government undertaken any measures[4]to promote the participation of older persons in policy-making and/or decision making?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
9. Has your government engaged in actions to demonstrate and support the contributions of older persons as specified in MIPAA?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
10. Has your Government undertaken any of the following measures with regard tosocial protectionfor older persons?
10a.Old age contributory pension scheme (universal coverage or targeted at some segment of older persons)
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
(Such as details of means-tested or universal pension, budgets share allocated and size of the monthly social pension or old age allowance.
Please provide any monetary amounts in USD, for ease of comparison).
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including an assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
10b. Old-age non-contributory (or social) pension (universal coverage or targeted at some segment of older persons)
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
(Such as details of means-tested or universal pension, budgets share allocated and size of the monthly social pension or old age allowance.
Please provide any monetary amounts in USD, for ease of comparison).
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including an assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
10c. Social protection/social security programmes for older people working in the informal sector
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
10d. Provision of other income-support schemes for older persons
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
11. Has your Government undertaken any measures to support employment potential and increase employment opportunities for older persons who wish to work and are able to do so?
If “yes”, please specify the nature of support in both informal and formal sector for both older women and older men andprovide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
12.Has your Government undertaken any measures to include the specific needs of older persons in all phases (preparedness, relief and reconstruction) of humanitarian and disaster relief programmes?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data, and whether older persons have participated at different stages of relief and rehabilitation.
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
13. Has your Government undertaken any measures to alleviate poverty of older persons living in rural areas?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
14. Has your Government established a statutory retirement age?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
(Please indicate whether any changes in statutory retirement age have occurred since 2002).
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
15. Does your Government have data relating to the following indicators? If yes, please indicate the figure, year and source:
15a. Number and proportion of older persons entitled to benefits and covered by a contributory income security programme, if possible disaggregated by sex, age and poverty status.
Yes No
Country/area –level data(number entitled)
(proportion entitled) / year / source
Country/area –level data
(number covered)
(proportion covered) / year / source
15b. Number and proportion of older persons entitled to benefits and covered by a non-contributory income security programme, if possible disaggregated by sex, age and poverty status.
Country/area –level data(number entitled)
(proportion entitled) / year / source
Country/area –level data
(number covered)
(proportion covered) / year / source
15c. If your Government has figures on entitlement and coverage only for both contributory and non-contributory schemes combined, please provide the total figure below
Country/area –level data(number entitled)
(proportion entitled) / year / source
Country/area –level data
(number covered)
(proportion covered) / year / source
15d.Number and proportion of older persons entitled to benefits and covered by any income security programme, if possible disaggregated by sex, age and poverty status.
Country/area –level data(number entitled)
(proportion entitled) / year / source
Country/area –level data
(number covered)
(proportion covered) / year / source
15e. Number and proportion of older persons, by sex,reported voting in last elections benchmarked against proportion of general population.
Country/area –level data / year / source15f.Does your government have dataon the number and proportion of
older persons employed in both the formal and informalsector,
disaggregated by sex and age?
Country/area –level data / year / source15g. What is the statutory retirement age, if available, for men and women as
stipulated by your Government?
Country/area –level dataFemale:
Male: / year / source
16. Has your Government developed any policies or programmes topromote healthy and active ageing?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17. Has your Government undertaken any of the following measures to provide universal and equal access to health care services for older persons?
17a.Provision of health insurancescheme (universal coverage or targeted at some segment of older persons)
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impactor relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17b. Policies on equal and affordable access to primary and secondary health care services, including affordable access to essential medications, other therapeutic measures and needed medical devices for older persons
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17c. Measures to improve the coordination of primary health care, long term care, social services and community based services for older persons in order to ensure a continuum of care
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17d. Geriatric and gerontological training for health care providers
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data, and information on palliation training
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17e. Promotion of self-care in older persons and participation of older persons in the development of social and health care programmes
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
17f. Other measures, please specify
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
18. Has your Government undertaken any actions to record and prevent
discrimination (health service rationing) on the basis of age in access to health
services, including access to providers and medicines?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
19.Has your Government undertaken measures with regard to long term care of older persons?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
20. Has your Government undertaken measures with regard to older persons who are living with HIVand for those who are caregivers for HIV-positive family members?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.
21. Has your Government undertaken measures to enhance mental health services for older persons, such as programmes to help older persons with dementiaand other psycho-social disabilities?
If “yes”, please provide information on the following:
Name of policies/programmes
Time frame (start date and duration)
Any additional information, including assessment of results/impact or relevant data
Please attach a copy of the relevant documents related to the policies/programmes.