Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, April 11, 2016
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held in the City Finance Office in Geddes, SD. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Dan Schulte, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Carol Oberbroekling, Raymond Mushitz, Duane Hubers, Mike Krietlow and Monica Vander Pol. Also present were Dale Larson, Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.
Established changes in the agenda were code enforcer, corrected meeting time and Board of Equalization pay.
Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the March, 2016 minutes. Mike Krietlow seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the March local Board of Equalization minutes. Monica Vander Pol seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
March, 2016 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Carol Oberbroekling and seconded by Ray Mushitz to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
April, 2016 disbursements were presented. Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the April, 2016 disbursements and Duane Hubers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom / CK # / Total All / DescriptionNorthWestern Energy / 4918 / $532.63 / Electricity
NorthWestern Energy / 4919 / VOID / Electricity
Dept. of Environment / 4920 / $6,657.95 / Loan payment
Charles Mix County News / 4921 / $341.85 / Publishing
Midstate Communications / DWD / $146.42 / Phone/Internet
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4922 / $125.75 / Bacteria Sample
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4923 / $2,131.10 / 894,000 Gallons
Geddes Farmers Coop / 4924 / $573.28 / Gas/fuel/battery
Rural Development / DWD / $2,030.00 / Sewer payment
Dan Schulte / 4925 / $138.52 / Salary
Sharon Ackley / 4926 / $78.50 / Salary
Duane Hubers / 4927 / $55.41 / Salary
Mike Krietlow / 4928 / $55.41 / Salary
Raymond Mushitz / 4929 / $78.50 / Salary
Carol Oberbroekling / 4930 / $78.50 / Salary
Monica Vander Pol / 4931 / $78.50 / Salary
Donna Paulson / 4932 / $1,087.76 / Wages/Postage
Dale Larson / 4933 / $863.50 / Wages
Richard Strehlow / 9434 / $126.06 / Wages
IRS / DWD / $553.71 / Payroll Tax
Whalen Law Office / 4935 / $125.00 / Retainer fee
Department of Revenue / 4936 / $15.00 / Total Coliform
Unemployment Ins. Division / 4937 / $11.64 / 1st quarter UI
Geddes General Store / 4938 / $10.94 / Ice melt/bulbs
Platte Implement / 4939 / $139.54 / Hose/pump/gask.
Van Zee Gravel & Construc. / 4940 / $174.00 / Gravel
Ferguson Waterworks / 4941 / $23.46 / Gaskets
SD Asso. Of Rural Water / 4942 / $320.00 / Annual dues
Dave's Tractor Repair / 4943 / $2,175.83 / Radiator/muffler
Reiser Lumber / 4944 / $102.40 / Lumber/screws
Tech on Tap / 4945 / $48.75 / Computer work
Total / $ 18,879.91
Maintenance report: Dale Larson reported that he emptied garbage cans, checked lagoon levels, counted old brass meters, got a new battery for the Masey, checked for main valves, had a new muffler put on the city pickup, picked up branches on 3 different occasions, took the sign down at the Community Building, hauled file cabinets to the Finance Office, bladed piles on lots from snow removal, bladed snow, took barricades for the community auction, ditched behind the Blue Room, installed 2 old meters, installed 2 new water meters, put a new screen in the water tower and pushed up the dump. Old Business:
Donna asked the council what their plans were for clean up on the properties that were court ordered to be clean up and since the pay loader was fixed. After discussion, Dale was informed to start cleaning up these properties, except for the 2 properties on Missouri Avenue. Members of the council will go there after the meeting to discuss what needs to be done. Duane Hubers had inquired about contact with Geoffrey Fillingness, Code Enforcer. Donna informed that he was going to be in town the week prior to the meeting, but did not show up.
An email that was received from Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering, and Morris Elcock, SD Rural Water, on our water loss was presented to the council. Ron Gillen informed the council the plans that Morris has when the frost is out of the ground. Ron Gillen also asked the council for approval to apply for a grant for the preliminary study on the water tower. Ron was given approval.
A sealed bid was received on the hay land and opened. The sealed bid was from Jordan Pavel in the amount of $1750.10. Duane Hubers made a motion to accept this bid. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting time was corrected from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for tonight’s meeting.
Donna informed the council that she did not pay them for the local Board of Equalization meeting, and this pay will be included in their 05-16 pay.
Building permit applications were received from Matt Hidy, Jennifer DeJong and the Blue Room and Jacob Peterson. Duane Hubers made a motion to approve all building permits. Monica Vander Pol seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Water testing is safe at this time.
Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Mike Krietlow seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Office
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.”