GCHS Athletic Booster Club

January 20, 2016 Minutes

President Bob Kula called the meeting to order at 6:44 P.M. Bob Kula, Tony Guerrieri, Nancy Hartman, Doug Magno, Sharon Vogel, Lynda Hansen, Brian Moe and Leanne Gulden-Kienzle were present.

Minutes from December 9, 2015 were reviewed. Lynda motioned and Sharon seconded the approval of the minutes. All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer was absent from the meeting.

Old Business – Old business was covered in the Committee Reports.

Athletic Director Report – Brian Moe

We should anticipate the Poms competition will be the same weekend next year. Nancy asked that all coaches requests be submitted electronically and sent to her for the Booster record. A regular agenda item will be added to future agendas regarding back payments due for prior Coaches Requests. Brian reported that February 1st is girls’ basketball feeder night so it will likely be busier than usual. He can use the t-shirts we were going to donate to Principal Landry to throw to the crowd on February 1st.

Coaches Requests

Coach Erlenbaugh – Boys Volleyball: Request for $1,512 for 24 warm up tops and bags (24 x $25 and 24 x $38). Bob motioned, Lynda seconded; all were in favor.


President Bob Kula - Bob discussed the Athletic Boosters’ response to the Band Booster issue. Nancy motioned to accept the President’s report and Doug seconded. All were in favor.

Vice President Tony Guerrieri – Tony reported that Hoops Fest registration is almost full at all levels and he’ll be ordering the medals soon. Eddie should look at t-shirt invoices from 2015 to see what we paid. The first game Saturday and Sunday will be 9:00 am. Volunteers should arrive at 8:00 am for food preparation. We’ll need the same number of volunteers as last year. No outside food will be allowed. Sharon motioned to accept the Vice President’s report and Lynda seconded. All were in favor.

Volunteer Coordinator Leanne Gulden-Kienzle – Leanne reported that she sent out an email to all coaches with the number of volunteers their sport had so far this school year. She needs an update of numbers from the sign in book. Nancy motioned to accept the Volunteer Coordinator’s report and Lynda seconded. All were in favor.

Secretary Nancy Hartman – Nancy reported that the last of the Turkey Trot thank you letters were sent out that week. Also, she needs the check for the Band Boosters’ request for show shirts which was approved earlier in the year. Bob motioned to accept the Secretary’s report and Lynda seconded. All were in favor.

Co-Concessions Sharon Vogel and Roberta Manley – Roberta was absent from the meeting. Sharon reported that Inkblots needs to be more responsible when they borrow our popcorn machine and we’ll only let them use the secondary machine. They asked Sharon to order ~$100 of product which they’ll reimburse us for. We talked about using plain brown bags for the popcorn to save money. Sharon will bring us some options at the next meeting. Doug motioned to accept the Concessions report and Lynda seconded. All were in favor.

Spirit Wear Coordinator Damien January – Damien was absent from the meeting. Board approval is required on all new orders and designs for spirit wear.

Treasurer Eddie Jacobs – Eddie was absent from the meeting.

Social Media Doug Magno – Doug reported that we won’t order more t-shirts right now to try to reduce inventory but will do a count and place an order for sweatshirts and sweatpants. Doug will charge all the new Squares. Tony asked that inventory item numbers be put in the Square so we can more easily record the items being sold – Doug said he would take care of this. Doug said we’ll have another online special (free shipping on all orders of $40 or more). Brian will advertise the special on the GCHS home page and it will be on the Booster website. Nancy motioned and Leanne seconded to accept the Social Media report. All were in favor.

Lynda Hansen – Lynda has an old iPad she would be willing to donate to us or the school. We could use it for inventory. Lynda will look for replacement popcorn machine doors and get an additional oven rack for both ovens. Nancy motioned and Sharon seconded to accept Lynda’s report. All were in favor.

New Business – We’ll use vintage spirit wear to donate to the middle schools and youth baseball.

Bob motioned and Doug seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm; the motion was passed. The next general meeting will be held in Room 1350 at 6:30 on February 10, 2016.

Minutes were taken and prepared by Nancy Hartman.