Gascoyne Development Commission Reconciliation Action Plan
2017– 2020
Our vision for reconciliation
The Gascoyne Development Commission (GDC) is committed to reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. The GDC endorses a united Australia which values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, cultures and peoples and provides justice and equity for all citizens.
The GDC is committed to:
- Working in partnership with and supporting Aboriginal Australians to assist in achieving regional growth and prosperity in the Gascoyne.
- Providing genuine opportunities to improve social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal Australians.
- Identifying and developing business practices that contributes to the wellbeing and quality of life of Aboriginal Australians.
- All staff being well informed on all aspects of Aboriginal culture and how this is critical to assisting them in carrying out their work in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner.
- Applying the best options in all work to address the requirements of the Regional Development Commission Act (1993) while considering the needs of Aboriginal Australians.
Our business
The Gascoyne Development Commission (GDC) is a Western Australian State Government Statutory Authority and one of nineRegional Development Commissions established in 1993 under the Regional Development Commissions Act.
Objectives and functions of the Gascoyne Development Commission as per the Act (1993) are to:
• Maximise job creation and improve career opportunities in the region.
• Develop and broaden the economic base of the region.
• Identify infrastructure services to promote economic and social development within the region.
• Provide information and advice to promote business development within the region.
• Seek to ensure that the general standard of and access to government services in the region are comparable to those in metropolitan areas.
• Generally take steps to encourage, promote, facilitate and monitor the economic development of the region.
The mission of the GDC is to “Achieve sustainable economic and social development of the Gascoyne region – A better place to live.”
The vision for the Region is that “The Gascoyne will be recognised as providing a great lifestyle and visitor experience though its diversity, good employment and investment opportunities, unique natural environment and climate.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan
The Gascoyne Development Commission envisages this Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) as a tool to assist in maintaining and building positive relationships between all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
The RAP was developed with the support of a small working group that included Aboriginal representation, GDC staff and GDC Board members. Input was also sought from internal and external stakeholders including local Aboriginal people involved with the Gascoyne Aboriginal Heritage and Cultural Centre (Gwoonwardu Mia), small business, private companies, government agencies and non government organisations.
The RAP was developed to formalise existing actions and introduce new initiatives to act on the commitment the GDC has outlined in its Strategic Plan 2010-2020 to assist the Region’s Aboriginal people by capacity building , leadership and business development and ensuring equality of opportunity.
The implementation of our RAP will be monitored by senior management at the agency. Progress will be reported to the Chief Executive Officer and the Board. It will also be documented in the GDC’s Annual Report thereby integrating the RAP into the GDC’s governance framework.
Reviews will be conducted annually; any updates will be completed and endorsed if required.
The RAP will be publicly available on the GDC’s website and all stakeholders will be encouraged to provide comment and suggest additional actions for inclusion in the RAP
The Gascoyne Development Commission recognises the importance to further develop and build on existing relationships with Aboriginal people, communities, groups, organisations and businesses. The GDC will facilitate effective consultation and engagement between government, non-government organisations and the Aboriginal community to assist in the growth and prosperity of Aboriginal people throughout the Gascoyne region.
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Performance IndicatorsThe RAP Working Group (RWG) continues to actively monitor RAP development, including implementation of actions, tracking progress and reporting / Corporate / Ongoing /
- RWG oversees the development, endorsement and launch of the RAP.
- RAP reported annually in the GDC’s Annual Report.
- Link on commissions website to reconciliation Australia
Celebrate National Reconciliation Week by providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and other employees to build relationships / All Staff / Annually /
- Organise at least one internal event each year.
Develop a framework for staff and Board on engagement and negotiation protocols with Aboriginal people in the Gascoyne / Corporate Services / Ongoing /
- Standard acknowledgement adopted and used by GDC staff and Board when convening or facilitating relevant meetings
Encourage and support GDC staff to attend community NAIDOC events / All Staff / Ongoing /
- Number of staff attending events
Commit to ensuring that all relevant taskforces or committees that the GDC establishes or chairs have Aboriginal representation or consultation / Project Staff / Ongoing /
- Number of relevant taskforces/committees that have Aboriginal representation through membership or consultation
Recognition of Traditional Owners to be included in appropriate GDC events and speeches. / All staff / Ongoing /
- Relevant protocols developed and acknowledgment of Traditional Owners included in appropriate events and speeches
It is essential for the Gascoyne Development Commission to respect and have an understanding of Aboriginal culture and people with all aspects of its services in the Gascoyne region. This will ensure that Aboriginal people feel safe and valued when interacting with the Gascoyne Development Commission
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Performance IndicatorsProvide Aboriginal cross cultural awareness training for staff and Board members / Corporate / Ongoing /
- All GDC staff trained in cultural awareness
- All new staff and board members complete training within six months of appointment
Include cultural education/awareness material in staff induction packages including a copy of the Commission’s RAP / Corporate / Ongoing /
- Cultural education/awareness section included in staff induction packages
Celebrate, promote and support Aboriginal culture, learning and achievements with opportunities for staff to participate in events / All Staff / Ongoing /
- Number of events promoted, celebrated and supported by GDC
- Number of staff participating in events.
Consult with Aboriginal community members when developing projects, policy advice and or publications that are relevant to Aboriginal people / All Staff / Ongoing /
- All relevant projects, policy advice and publications have opportunity for Aboriginal input
Promote the success of the Commission’s partnerships with Aboriginal clients, industry and government relating to Aboriginal projects / Project Staff / Ongoing /
- GDC partnerships with Aboriginal clients, industry and government relating to Aboriginal projects promoted in relevant publications, newsletters and the media
Display Aboriginal art/craft in Commission premises / Corporate / Ongoing /
- Aboriginal art/craft displayed in Commission premises.
It is essential that the Gascoyne Development Commission provides opportunities for Aboriginal people to be on the Commission’s Board and be employed at the Gascoyne Development Commission. It is also essential that the GDC draws on the expertise of Aboriginal professionals and partners with Aboriginal organisations as appropriate when delivering its services
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Performance IndicatorsInclude an Aboriginal recruitment and retention strategy in the GDC’s Strategic Workforce Plan / Corporate / Ongoing /
- GDCs Aboriginal recruitment and retention strategy developed
Regularly review methods of recruitment advertising to maximise opportunities for Aboriginal people / Corporate / Ongoing /
- Recruitment methods reviewed, improvements identified and implemented on regular basis
Provide advice and high level economic and social development services to and for Aboriginal people across the Gascoyne and assist with the negotiation, management and implementation of projects / Corporate / Ongoing /
- Number of Aboriginal individuals, groups, corporations, and enterprises assisted by the GDC annually
Participate in Public Sector Commission employment strategies for Aboriginal trainees / Corporate and Project Staff / Ongoing /
- Possibility an aboriginal trainee could be placed at the GDC
Support strategies to improve governance, management and capacity of Aboriginal businesses and organisations in the Gascoyne, in consultation with Aboriginal stakeholders / Corporate and Project Staff / Ongoing /
- Governance and capacity of the Gascoyne Aboriginal business and organisations actively supported and developed where appropriate
Support Aboriginal business, not for profit Aboriginal organisations and communities throughout the Gascoyne to improve economic and social outcomes / Corporate and Project Staff / Ongoing /
- Number of Aboriginal businesses, not for profit organisations and communities supported by the GDC throughout the region human resources or funding
Work in partnership with Aboriginal people and relevant stakeholders to support the delivery of key government policies and programs to improve Aboriginal disadvantage / Corporate and Project Staff / Ongoing /
- The number of key government policies and programs to improve Aboriginal disadvantaged developed or supported
- Number of steering committees or working groups the GDC participates on to progress community initiatives
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Performance Indicators
Announcement of GDC’s Reconciliation Action Plan and distribute to all stakeholders / Corporate and Project Staff / Complete /
- RAP launch on time, promoted in the media and distributed to all stakeholders
Publish the RAP on the GDC’s website / Corporate and Project Staff / Annually /
- RAP published and placed on the GDC’s website
- Regular updates on the implementation of RAP reported in GDC’s publications and on the website
Report on RAP in GDC’s Annual Report / Corporate and Project Staff / Annually /
- RAP included in the GDC’s Annual Report.
Review RAP and update as required / Corporate and Project Staff / Annually /
- RAP reviewed, updated and endorsed annually if required
For further information please contact:
Chief Executive Officer
Gascoyne Development Commission
15 Stuart Street
Carnarvon WA 6701
Phone: 08 9941 7000
Fax: 089941 2576
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