FY2018 Application Form (Additional Sheet 1) Ver.1.0 (2018/03/06)
FY2018 Application Form (Additional Sheet 1) Ver.1.0 (2018/03/06)
Project NameProject
Representative / Affiliation: / Name:
1Significance of the Research
1.1Purpose of the Research
1.2Expected Achievements and RippleEffects
2Research Plan and Method
2.1Research Plan and Method
2.2Utilization Plan of Computational Resources
2.2.1 Requested Computational Resources (for each system)
Provider name/Resource name:
Program name / Input data set name / Data size
(#grid points) / #time steps / Normal execution confirmed
(Utilization plan for the half-year between October 2018 and March 2019)
Requested Amount of Resources
MM YYYY: node-hours
MMYYYY - MMYYYY: node-hours
MMYYYY - MM YYYY: node-hours
Total (October 2018 - March 2019): node-hours
Utilization Plan for the Extended Period (if requesting)
(Request for the extension: Plan from April to June, and/or from July to September, 2019)
Requested Amount of Resources
MM 2019 - MM 2019: node-hours
MM 2019 - MM 2019: node-hours
Total: node-hours
2.2.2 HPCI Shared Storage (Fill out only if you request it.)
HPCI Shared Storage: GB
Basis of the estimate:
2.2.3 Data Management Plan
2.3Preparation Status of the Application Program
Application program name:
1)The development of the program has finished, and the operation has been tested (no matter on what computer(s) or with what data).
2)The program has been tested on the requested computer(s) (no matter with what data)
3)The program has been tested on the requested computer(s) with a similar type of calculation and the same data size.
4)The estimated parallel efficiency for the target number of nodes is sufficient in carrying out the project (50% or higher is expected).
The target number of nodes for the production run:
Estimated parallel efficiency: %
2.4Necessity of the Requested Computational Resources
2.5Organizational Plan for the Project Execution, and Staffing Plan
(Organization Chart)
Organization / Roles
(The above chart can be replaced by a diagram showing an organization structure.)
(Project Members)
Project Member / Affiliation / Expertise / Whether to use the resource / Roles
(Experience and Achievements)
(Staffing plan & training)
- Research Information Relevant to This Proposal
- Ongoing Projects
Research project using the HPCI Systems
Research plan for collaborating with Large Experimental Facility projects.
Other Related Researches
- Research Achievements References
- Validity to Perform the Project
Eligibility of Junior Researcher Promotion Project Applicant
To apply for the junior researcher promotion project, all the members must be less than or equal to 39 years of age at the time of April 1, 2018 (born on or after April 2, 1978). Only if you want to apply to it, please fill in the age of the project members.
Name / Age (as of April 1, 2018)