Garnetbank Primary School

Primary 3/2 – Term 3 2017/18

Dear Parents and Carers

In the boxes below you will find what we hope to achieve this term.

We will continue to follow Glasgow Counts Maths programme.
  • We will revisit our work on number bonds and working with number bonds to 10 and 20.
  • Then explore the use of addition and subtraction within these number bonds.
  • We will also look at the importance of place value within these numbers Primary 2’s will be mainly using tens and ones and hundreds for the Primary 3’s.
  • We will look at measurement, discussing the uses of it and linking it to our topic.
All children will continue to work on their mental maths skills to help improve their agility. / LANGUAGE
All children will continue with Storyworld reading books.We will continue to make predictions about our reading book before and during reading. We will also look at different genres of reading books and compare the language used.
Talking and Listening – Whole Class
The children will focus in listening to different genres of story and discuss the different styles of writing.
Writing- Taught in Two Groups with Ms Suleman
Most of the Primary 2’s and 3’s will work on imaginativewriting this term. They will focus on character and setting and create their own stories. Ms Suleman’s group will also look at imaginative writing using different pictures and stories to help inspire them.
Social Studies
Term 3’s topic is Dinosaurs.
The children will look at the history of dinosaurs, finding out what the world was like at that time and create a time line of events. We will also look at the different types of dinosaurs and their different featuressorting the dinosaurs into categories and creating our own fact files. /


This term there is a homework challenge sheet that relates to our topic work. It will be handed out before the February weekend and be returned before the Easter holidays.
All children should continue weekly reading following theStoryworld reading schemes and weekly spelling homework to support the language programme in class.
As we are looking at measurement in Maths also try to encourage your child to look at different ways of measuring different things such as steps, hand span or, arm’s length.
Health and Well Being
This term we will be using the Bounce Back program to look at friendship and building resilience. / PE
(with Mrs Anderson and Miss Carberry)
P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs Robertson will be visiting to help look at different types of movement and how to control our body.
Please do not send children to school with jewellery on these days. / Music& Drama
The children will continue to sing songs in assembly and in class we will focus on recognising the beat using their movement and bodies. / Art and Design
Children will be undertaking art tasks that relate to our dinosaur topic as well as looking at warm and cold colours and how to create shade and tone.
Religious and Moral Education
Ms Anderson will be looking at traditions in different religions. She will also be looking at the Easter Story. / Science – Electricity & STEM project
This term the children will be looking at Electricity and how to stay safe with it. We will also be undertaking a STEM product design challenge.

Report Cards will be issued and Parents Evening will be in the middle of March.

Miss Carberry