Garage Band Directions
1. Open Garage Band Project
2. Go to Finder>Documents>File with your slide (NOT the ppt. slide, just the JPEG slide.)
3. Double click on your File>Click and drag to top gray box to the right of purple Podcast Track Box. Drag it to the farthest left of the margin.
4. You may crop your image if need be by double clicking on image box at the bottom of the page. On the lower left of the screen you will see the image with a blue dot which you can adjust the image with the dot.
5. Click on the Female Voice box.
6. Press large red dot to record>speak into computer>press right arrow to stop.
7. File>Save
8. Go to Finder>Documents>File with Your Slide (NOT the ppt. slide, just the JPEG slide.)
9. Double Click on your file>Click and Drag to top gray box to the right of purple Podcast Track box. *** Make sure you drag this image to the edge of the red line which is the play head marking the end of the last audio recording. This is very important otherwise you will be recording over recently recorded audio, or leaving a blank space in the recording.
10. Once again you may crop your image in the lower left of the screen by clicking once on your image to the right and then adjusting the blue dot at the lower left of the screen.
11. Click on Female Voice Box.
12. Click on Red Dot to Record
13. Click on Right Arrow to stop recording
14. File Save
Always make sure your image is properly aligned to the right of the red line. This is where the previous recording ended.
If picture ends up being longer than your audio, then click and drag top of the audio head, (gray arrow at top), to the end of your picture box. The same can also apply if your audio ends up being longer than your picture and the “No Artwork” display shows up. Click and drag the artwork box to lengthen and equal the audio box.
After all students have recorded their slides, you may add sound from the jingles portion of Garage Band. Press blue eye to view options for sounds. Select sound and click and drag to the jingle bar which is under the tracks.
You may click and stretch the sound to extend under all of the recordings.