Gangers (State) Award
Application by The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales, Industrial Organisation of Employees.
(No. IRC 3164 of 2006)
Before Commissioner Ritchie / 13 November 2006VARIATION
1.Delete subclause (vii) of clause 2, Wages - Private Sector, of the award published 25 January 2002 (330 I.G. 1143), and insert in lieu thereof the following:
(vii)The rates of pay in this award include the adjustments payable under the State Wage Case of 2006. These adjustments may be offset against:
(a)any equivalent overaward payments, and/or
(b)award wage increases since 29 May 1991 other than safety net, State Wage Case and minimum rates adjustments.
2.Delete Part B, Monetary Rates, and insert in lieu thereof the following:
Table 1 - Private Sector - Rates of Pay
Item / Clause / Classification / RateNo. / No. / $
Gangers in Charge of a gang which includes:
1 / 2(i)(a) / Up to 9 persons / 626.00
2 / 2(i)(b) / From 10 to 15 persons / 635.30
3 / 2(i)(c) / 16 persons or more / 642.20
A Ganger in charge of 12 persons or more:
4 / 2(ii)(a) / Plate Laying - Permanent way / 654.40
5 / 2(ii)(b) / In tunnel, drive or shaft / 654.40
The rates prescribed in subclause (ii) of clause 2, Wages - Private Sector are inclusive of a rate for
supervising plant items.
New South Wales, including the County of Yancowinna
Less than 100 persons on time sheets -
Timekeepers who are responsible for computing payments and allocating costs -
6 / 2(v) / On works where cash orders or cheques for advance pay are issued / 597.30
Where no cash order or pay cheques for advance pay are issued
7 / 588.50
Assistant or check-time keeper
8 / Timekeepers and store-keepers (combined) / 579.10
9 / Storekeepers / 588.50
10 / 586.90
New South Wales, including the County of Yancowinna
100 persons or more on time sheets -
Timekeepers who are responsible for computing payments and allocating costs -
11 / 2(v) / On works where cash orders or cheques for advance pay are issued / 602.00
Where no cash order or pay cheques for advance pay are issued
12 / 597.30
Assistant or check-time keeper
13 / Timekeepers and store-keepers (combined) / 587.40
14 / Storekeepers / 597.30
15 / 588.00
Table 2 - Other Rates and Allowances
Item No. / Clause No. / Brief Description / Amount$
1 / 7(iv)(c)(1) / Return home up to 100 km / 43.10
2 / 7(iv)(c)(1) / Each additional 10 km / 1.85
3 / 7(v) / Meal while travelling / 10.80
4 / 7(v) / Bed while travelling / 55.20
5 / 13(ii)(a)(1) / Fares - persons not camped / 1.28 per week
0.29 per day
6 / 13(ii)(a)(1) / Maximum Fares / 3.00 per week
7 / 13(ii)(b)(1) / Travelling Allowance / Per Day
More than 3 but not more than 10 km / 4.60
More than 10 but not more than 20 km / 9.20
More than 20 but not more than 30 km / 13.85
More than 30 but not more than 40 km / 18.50
More than 40 but not more than 50 km / 22.70
More than 50 but not more than 60 km / 27.40
More than 60 but not more than 70 km / 31.90
More than 70 but not more than 80 km / 36.40
More than 80 but not more than 90 km / 40.10
More than 90 but not more than 100 km / 45.65
8 / 7(i) / Meal allowance / 10.80
Each subsequent meal / 9.05
9 / 7(iii) / Meal allowance / 10.80
Where gangs include one or more plant items, as defined, a Ganger shall be paid for each day or part
thereof the following allowance:
10 / 3(i) / Up to 3 major plant items / 2.92
11 / 3(i) / 4 to 5 major plant items / 4.86
12 / 3(i) / 6 or more major plant items / 7.81
13 / 3(iv)(a) / Industry Allowance / 22.00 per week
14 / 3(vi) / Inclement weather / 24.67 per week
15 / 7(iv)(a) / Country Work / 364.90 per week
16 / 16(i) / Distant Places / 1.15 per day
17 / 16(i) / Western Division / 1.75 per day
18 / 16(ii) / Distant Places / 1.15 per day
19 / 16(iii) / Distant Places / 1.75 per day
20 / 20(i) / Wet places / 0.51 per hour
21 / 20(ii) / Water Depth
Over 457.2 mm / 3.41 per day
Over 914.4mm / 4.10 per day
22 / 20(iii) / Slurry / 0.47 per hour
23 / 21 / Working in the rain / 2.55 per day
24 / 26(ii) / First Aid / 2.27 per day
25 / 28 / Height Money / 0.51 per hour
NOTE: Expense related allowances appearing in this award have been increased up to and including the respective CPI indexes as of 30 March 2006. Item 15 is adjusted in accordance with the General Construction and Maintenance, Civil and Mechanical Engineering (State) Award. Other allowances are inclusive of adjustments in accordance with the June 2006 State Wage Case decision of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales.
3.This variation shall take effect from the first full pay period to commence on or after 13 November 2006.
D.W. RITCHIE, Commissioner
Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.