Band Boosters Meeting

March 6, 2017 @ 6:30 pm

Officers/Board Members in Attendance: Tim Kreps, Jamie Frueh, Sherry Smith, Brigid Byers, Kenny Byers, Carleen Overackerand Theresa Eckard. Mr. Nash was also present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Jamie Frueh.

Secretary’s Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from theNovembermeeting was made by Kenny Byers and seconded by Carleen Overacker. The motion was voted on by the floor and passed.

It was noted the band trailer is in need of a state inspection. Kenny Byers will look into getting it inspected.

Treasurer’s Report and Finance Report

Jamie reported we have spent more than we have raised. He anticipates expenses of $7500-8000 by end of the fiscal year. We still need to pay for state band and senior awards. We have not paid copier expenses this year - Mr. Nash will check on this. We are under budget on both expenses and income. We are about $2600 short. We have a chicken BBQ scheduled for April 22. Jamie will follow up on pit reservation. We usually have fewer donated items in the Spring which cuts into profits. Discussed cooking more chicken but decided to wait until pre-sell orders are turned in before making final decision. Jamie needs two week notice to order chicken. We have Bridgewater Foods and 7-11 in Bridgewater reserved to sell chicken. Still waiting to hear back from Ace Hardware on Route 42. Other possible locations were discussed (Wal-Mart, Exxon on Rt. 42 and Erickson, Food Lion, Woodman of the World, and Dr. Angelopulos office). We typically make $1600-1800 profit on a chicken BBQ but this will still leave a $800-1000 deficit in fundraising. We need a larger cushion of cash going into the summer with band camp expenses. We will not plan on having a yard sale this year but this will be a backup if needed. Grant Dishroon is willing to head up a Krispy Kreme fundraiser for the band. The donuts sell for $8 a box and we keep $4 which is a great profit margin. Fundraiser will begin on March 20 with delivery on April 1. A car wash is scheduled for June but may not be needed. Tim Kreps is checking on selling coffee and donuts at Monger Fields. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Carleen Overacker and seconded by Debbie Schofield. The motion was voted on the floor and passed.

Committee Reports

Logistics – Senior awards ceremony June 1. Carleen Overacker will get a contact from choir to work with on banquet. Brigid will reserve the 7-11 for car wash on lawn party weekend.

Publicity – Mr. Nash trying to publicize more band events. District Jazz Band April 5 at Bridgewater College (Tyler Mundy), State Band April 6-8 at Colgan HS (Zach Reedy), Percussion Concert May 4 at HHS and Spring Concert May 24.

Nominating - Nominations are needed for May meeting. Mr. Nash will be getting a list of middle school students and parents.

Scholarship - Theresa Eckard reported the applications will be ready on March 14.

Director’s Report– Mr. Nash will be getting plaques updated, a shelf for band awards and new band photos hung. He is working to promote band events throughout the community. The Music in our Schools concert was held last week. Students will be playing jazz during school lunch breaks in March. Other ideas include Jazz in Park with high school and middle school bands and playing at Generations Park or Oakdale Park. Mr. Nash will check with the Town of Bridgewater on venues. Mr. Nash thanked everyone for helping with district band auditions. The concession stand generated $1100 profit. We will be hosting district auditions again next year. Mr. Nash will have two assistants and a better computer system. Room monitors and judges will be lined up for the event. District auditions will be held the first Saturday in December. There will be two Guard Clinics held on March 23 and April 20. A Marching Clinic will be held at date to be determined. The Marching Knights schedule and forms for 2016-2017 will be available next week. There is a 15 percent increase in band members for next year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Next Band Booster Meeting: April 3, 2017 at 6:30 pm


Submitted by:

Sherry Smith, Secretary