Gambia Education & Teaching Support (GETSuk)

UK Registered Charity No. 1110998 Gambian Registered Charity No. 343/2011

Please provide full contact details – we guarantee not to pass your details to any other organisation
Do remember to let us know if any of these details change!

Full Name
(capital letters please)
Telephone number
Email address
Reference Number / This is made up from your initials and postcode e.g.–
Alan Smith AS-RL248ZF

Sponsoring a Sunrise Student

Tick / Name (if known) / Monthly Payment / Annual
Lower Basic

Please post or email this completed page to:-

Dawn Webster, Greenacres, Broadstreet Common, Nash, Newport NP18 2AZ

If you are a UK tax payer, would you please consider making your contributions gift aided?

This will increase the amount of your contribution as the tax that you have already paid on your money is returned to us by the UK Government. Please say in the box if you wish your contributions to be gift-aided

I wish Gambia Education and Teaching Support to treat this payment

and all past and future payments made to this charity, as gift aided.

I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year that

is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council tax do not apply.


Payments should be made to –

Gambia Education & Teaching Support sort code: 09-01-55 account no: 61215189


GETS operates a policy of transparency in all its dealings.

All money donated is accounted for, used efficiently and its use fully monitored.

We ask sponsors of students at Sunrise to pay a minimum of £10 a month towards the cost of the

student’s education. This covers the uniform and the fees which would have been paid by the parent
or guardian and also helps towards providing necessary equipment and resources. Sponsoring a

student at Sunrise, does not just help one student, but helps the whole class.

The £10 a month covers school fees, but in the case of skills students, does not cover the

materials needed for practical sessions, which are then taken home by the student. We believe that

having this stake in their child’s education enables the parents or guardians to feel part of the

process, rather than having everything provided by someone else. However in cases of real hardship

we will discuss the situation with the sponsor.

Sponsors will be emailed copies of school reports and photographs of their student. Our website gives information about Sunrise and sponsors are able to click on a link there and read our regularly updated blog about what is happening at Sunrise. There are many pictures and they will be able to see the students at work and play.

All supporters are invited to GETS’s AGM, held in late August/early September every year.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer and choose to gift aid:-

You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying

If you pay tax at a higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your self assessment form.