Dunbarton Planning Board Minutes - Wednesday, March 18, 2015





The regular monthly meeting of the Dunbarton Planning Board was held at the above, time, date and place with Chairman Kenneth Swayze presiding. The following members were present:

Kenneth Swayze, Chairman

George Holt, Co-Chairman

Alison Vallieres, Secretary

Charles Frost

Jeff Crosby

Brian Pike, Selectmen's Representative

Town Board/Staff Members:

Steve Laurin, Planning and Zoning Department

Members of the Public:

Maurice Cote, Applicant

Jacques Belanger, Surveyor

David Stilson

Ken Swayze, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a 6 member Planning Board present. He noted for the record that all members present would be voting members.

Ken Swayze, Chairman, confirmed with the Secretary that the meeting had been posted in two public places throughout the Town, and put on the Dunbarton Town Web Site.

7:00 p.m. – GENERAL SESSION:

  1. General Board Administration:
  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes: Wednesday, February 18 , 2015


Charles Frost made a motion that the Dunbarton Planning Board approve the minutes of the Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Planning Board Meeting as written. Jeff Crosby seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Brian Pike made a motion that the Dunbarton Planning Board approve the minutes of the Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Planning Board Workshop Meeting as written. Charles Frost seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Correspondence:

Alison Vallieres, Secretary, reported that she had no correspondence to report.

C. Selectmen's Report

Brian Pike, Selectman, reported as follows:

1. Town Meeting is over.

2. The Warrant Article for a more extensive CIP to be under the Board of Selectmen was approved at Town Meeting.

At this point in the discussion, Ken Swayze, Chairman, stated that if any of the Planning Board members wished to serve on this Committee, they should make it known to the Board of Selectmen for appointment. In the past, Department heads have served on the CIP along with at least one member of the Planning Board.

D. Planning and Zoning Department Report:

Steve Laurin, Planning and Zoning Administrator, reported that the Planning and Zoning Conference was being held on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at the Grappone Center in Concord. Any members interested in attending should get in touch with Steve Laurin immediately. It is being put on by the New Hampshire Municipal Association. There is money in the budget for attending.

At this point in the meeting, Ken Swayze, Chairman, stated that we need to come up with an organized way of updating the tax maps. We need to have easements

shown on the tax maps. In addition, we need to show the Wetlands Conservation District boundaries on the tax maps. Special Exceptions should also be shown.

George Holt noted that the Wetlands Conservation District boundaries show on the GIS tax maps. When an approved plan is sent to CAI, the maps are updated.

Alison Vallieres noted that the Zoning Board of Adjustment has difficulty locating the Wetlands Conservation District boundaries when they are acting on Variances, etc. In addition, she stated that years ago she created a Town Map which showed every granted Special Exception and Variance on properties. This map has since been thrown away. We should work on putting all this information on the Tax Map also.


Continued Public Hearing - Cote & Sciere Real Estate, LLC, Proposed Open Space Three (3) lot subdivision located off Grapevine Road in the Low Density District in Dunbarton, New Hampshire

Ken Swayze, Chairman, opened the Public Meeting.

Jacques Belanger, Surveyor, appeared before the Planning Board on behalf of Cote & Sciere Real Estate Proposed Open Space Three lot subdivision. He noted the following with regard to their application:

1. Have submitted draft Covenants and Restrictions to the Planning Board for their review.

2. Have not submitted legal descriptions yet as their attorney has not completed them.

Board Comments:

1. Should put what the open space can be used for on the final plan.

2. Also should include all the restrictions that apply to the 100' buffer on the final plan. The buffer has to be defined as to what can be done within the buffer. There should be enough information so the average homeowner knows what can or cannot be done within the buffer.

3. "No Cut" wording (in the buffer) should also be included on the final plan. At some point, dead trees may need to be cut.

4. Driveway users, responsibilities and maintenance needs better elaboration on how it is going to operate with the homeowners.

Jeff Crosby asked if this wouldn't be handled in the deed?

It was indicated special arrangements need to also be on the recorded plan. Should also make reference to being compliant with the present Zoning Ordinance.

5. Board indicated they did not need test pit information on the final plan.

Jeff Crosby asked what if the buffer zone is violated, what happens? It was noted this could be problematic.

6. Noted that the driveway width is 60' as requested by the Planning Board in the event the driveway ever becomes a road. There will be two culverts in the driveway.

7. Terms for maintenance and ownership responsibility of the shared driveway should also be included on the final plan.

Steve Laurin brought up the following:

1. Note stating there will be no further development or subdivision of this property and should be on the final plan.

2. A few minor items.

3. Rescinding the previously approved plan should be noted on the plan. Include dates.

Jacques Belanger, Surveyor, noted that the deadline for getting information in for the next meeting was March 26, 2015 and would be touch to get everything together.

The Planning Board reached a consensus that they would extend the deadline to two weeks prior to the meeting or April 2, 2015.

It was noted that the covenants combine the Open space with the Common land. They are now all lumped together. The Open Space consists of a "no cut" buffer.

At this point in the Public Hearing, Ken Swayze, Chairman, opened the Public Hearing.

David Stilson noted that some times in Massachusetts, they make developers put plaques up to let the public know about the Common Land, etc. They have to be updated every ten years.

Ken Swayze, Chairman, noted that the Planning Board has required this in other proposals. It works for a few years. Who is going to enforce this? It would have to be the homeowners within the subdivision. The Town is really not interested in continuously monitoring land such as buffers.

It was noted for the record that there were no abutters present.

At this point, Ken Swayze, Chairman, closed the Public Hearing at 7:42 p.m.


Brian Pike made a motion that the Dunbarton Planning Board continue the meeting until the Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Planning Board Meeting. Charles "Chuck" Frost seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission – Update of Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to cover Fiscal Years 2017-2027 – Board Discussion including proposed Traffic Counts

The Board discussed the request from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission regarding traffic counts. They are requesting that the traffic count requests be limited to five (5) priority locations and five (5) secondary locations per municipality.

Jeff Crosby stated that in the past he has made the decision as to what roads the traffic counts should be put on. He is willing to do this again but would like to know if the Planning Board has any particular roads they would like to have a traffic count done on.

After considerable discussion, the Planning Board reached a consensus that Jeff Crosby will coordinate with Steve Laurin, Planning and Zoning Department, regarding making recommendations for traffic counts on particular roads.


It was noted there is nothing in the offing in the TIP (Ten Year Plan) for Dunbarton.


Planning Board Member:

George Holt, Co-Chairman, introduced David Stilson who stated he was interested in becoming a member of the Planning Board.

Alison Vallieres noted that in the past, the Chairman of Committees makes recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for members of Boards including the Planning Board.

Story Hill Road Issue:

Jeff Crosby reported that there had been an issue with a logger and road issues on Story Hill Road. He recently met with the loggers and the residents of Story Hill Road and worked out the problem.

At this point in the meeting, the following motion was made:


Jeff Crosby made a motion that the Dunbarton Planning Board adjourn at 8:20 p.m.

Charles "Chuck" Frost seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Alison R. Vallieres


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