2014-15 Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s): / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
- Gain a greater understanding of state expectations for student performance and achievement.
- Gain a greater understanding of state expectations for teacher performance and effectiveness.
- Expand professional knowledge regarding instructional practices designed to develop higher-order thinking through questioning, increased student specific feedback, and problem solving.
- Increase professional knowledge of and improve instructional practices regarding K-5 Standards for Mathematical Practice.
- Continue development of school-wide writing strategies to prepare student for increased performance on writing tasks and assessments.
Date / # Hours / Description of Learning Activities
July 31
Pre-Planning / 7 / Welcome Back- Connecting Data Teams to instruction, TKES orientation & Project Connect
August 1
Pre-Planning / 3 / PBA training
August 4
Pre-Planning / 7 / F & P Training (SLO), SGP training for 4th and 5th
August 6
Pre-Planning / 1 / Lunch & Learn- Safety, Ethics & School procedures
August 27
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) / 3 / Data Teams Training- ACCESS Test results – Collaborative data analysis
September 15, 16 & 17 / 3 / IKAN/GLoSS with Dr. Lack – Grade level training for administering IKAN/GLoSS and using mathematical data to inform instruction.
September 26
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School) / 3 /
- Mission Cognition I (Expand professional knowledge regarding instructional practices designed to develop higher-order thinking through questioning and problem solving.)
- Hess’ Cognitive Model for instructional reflection and planning.
October 17- DCD / 7 / Feedback- Using specific feedback to improve student achievement. (LAC Team groups)
Grade level collaboration
November 19 / .5 / Number Talks training with Dr. Lack.
January 5
Prof. Dev. Day (School) / 7 / Mission Cognition II(Expand professional knowledge regarding instructional practices designed to develop higher-order thinking through questioning and problem solving.)
- Instructional strategies for creativity and connecting the dots with writing and technology.
January 2015 / 3 / Unpacking TKES Standards & continued math training- IKAN/GLoSS and Standards for Mathematical Practice (½ day grade level training)
February 16-DCD
Prof. Dev. Day (District and School) / 7 / Questioning- Using higher order questioning to improve student achievement. (LAC Team groups)
Grade level collaboration
March 2015 / 3 / Unpacking TKES Standards & continued math training- IKAN/GLoSS and Standards for Mathematical Practice (½ day grade level training)
May 26
Post-Planning / 3 / Data debrief and celebration of success
May 27
Post-Planning / 4 / Planning for 2015-16
Total Hours: / 61.5
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