February 5-6, 2016
GAE Headquarters
Tucker, Georgia
CALL TO ORDER: President Dr. Sid Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m., Friday, January5, 2016.
ROLL CALL: Secretary-Treasurer Lisa Morgan called the roll. Board members Moansenee Conyers, Janine Hardson, Phillip Prince, Peggy Smith-Mitchell, and Erica White, were not present. Shirley Weldon, Sandra Hawthorne and Alisa Haynesserved as Alternates.A quorum was declared.
The District 2 Director Special Elections took place. Justin Johnson and Carol Montgomery addressed the Board of Directors. Justin Johnsonwas elected and properly sworn in by President Chapman.
MOTION1 (R. Reeves/T. Davis): move to accept the updated GAE Board of Directors Meeting Agenda for the weekend of February 5-6, 2016 with flexibility. Motion passed.
MOTION 2 (D. Cox/S. Hawthorne): move to approvethe consent topics: September11-12, 2015 and the November 21, 2015 Board of Directors meeting minutes, August 31, 2015 GAE-FPE Financial Statement, and January 31, 2016 Membership Report. Motion passed.
Audit Report: The GAE 2014-2015 Audit Report was presented by Mr. Loganof Marshall Jones CPA & Advisors.
MOTION 3 (Executive Committee): move to accept the 2014-2015 GAE Audit report as presented. Motion passed.
Management reports were provided anddiscussed.
Executive Director’s Report: Chris Baumann discussed Membership Retention Plan, Alternative Vision Plan, OSD/OSD Action Team, Student Conference, Introduction of Starla Tanner, Director of GAE Government Relations/External Coalitions/Research/Communications and Rita Haecker, Director of GAE Field Services.
MOTION 4 (C. Booker/L. Morgan): move to go into executive session. Motion passed. (8:53)
President Chapman recessed the meeting for a break at 8:53 p.m.
President Chapman reconvened the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
MOTION 5(D. Sobczak/D. Cox): move to come out of executive session. Motion passed. (10:50 pm)
MOTION 6 (Executive Committee): move to approve the GAE-GSO Tentative Contract. Motion passed. (RCV #1, 19-2-4)
President Chapman recessed the meeting at 10:52 p.m., Friday, February 5, 2016.
President Chapman reconvened the meeting at 9:10 a.m., Saturday, February 6, 2016.
ROLL CALL: Secretary-Treasurer Lisa Morgan called the roll. Board members Moansenee Conyers, Janine Hardson, Phillip Prince, Peggy Smith-Mitchell, and Erica Weldon, were not present. Shirley Weldon, and Sandra Hawthorne served as Alternates. A quorum was declared.
MOTION7 (M. Lindner/H. Zappia): move Board members are allowed to speak a maximum of two times on a particular motion. This would include points of information. Rationale: This would put us in line with the policy for the GAE Annual Representative Assembly. It would provide ample opportunity for a person to speak on a particular motion while moving the agenda. Motion passed.
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President’s Report: President Chapman discussed his recent and upcoming events as well as the Vice President’s Report.
Vice President’s Report:Vice Charlotte Booker discussed events she has attended.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Report: Secretary Lisa Morgan reviewed the August 31, 2015 Financial Statement and 2016-2017 GAE Proposed Budget.
MOTION (L. Morgan/C. Booker): move to accept August 31, 2015 Financial Statement. Motion passed.
MOTION8 (Executive Committee): move approval of the proposed 2016-2017 GAE Budget. Motion passed unanimously. (RCV #2, 23-0)
Management Reportscontinued to be presented and discussed.
MOTION 9 (Executive Committee): move a six-month extension from February 6, 2016 be approved to implement the e-mail deletion policy 09.600. Motion passed.
Break: 11:15
Reconvened: 11:30
MOTION 10(M. Lindner/ H. Zappia): move that GAE accept the Discover card as a means of payment to GAE. Motion failed.
MOTION 11 (Executive Committee/): move GAE uphold the recommendation of the GAE FPE to confirm the NEA endorsement of Hillary Clinton in the 2016Democratic Primary. Motion passed. (RCV #3, 15-4-4)
There being no further topics of discussion, without objection, President Chapman adjourned the meeting at 12:31 p.m., Saturday,February 6, 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Morgan