Temperate Forest

Main characteristicsin a temperate forest include wide leaves, scrubs and bushes, large and tall trees, and non-seasonal vegetation. Winters are mild and rainfall is moderate in the temperate region. The trees in the Temperate Forest biome include Deciduous, Coniferous, Evergreens, and Broad-leaved Evergreens.
What do I wear?
If you would like to visit this biome you will need to pack layers. Temperatures seem to vary throughout the day. Make sure you bring a rain jacket and a pair of boots just in caseof rain and mud.

What Else Should I Know?
In the spring and summer, the food is plentiful. This is the time that most animals decide to have babies. One of the most important parts of the Temperate Forests is the leaf litter. This is when most of the nutrients are recycled in the forest. Underneath all the leaf litter are tiny invertebrates like beetles, ants, centipedes, and millipedes.

In the last 30 years, scientists have discovered that air pollution caused by factories and other sources mixes with rain and causes acid rain. Over time this acid rain kills the trees and other types of plants. Conservation is very important in the Temperate Forest but it is hard to carry out. People often demand that our needs come before the needs of wildlife. This could mean that in the future, the only Temperate Forests will be the ones that are protected in the national parks and sanctuaries.
Another type of destruction is logging. Trees are cut down in the Temperate Forests along with other forests to make lumber for houses and such; also for paper.
Mining is also a reason of destruction in forests. It calls for all the trees to be disposed of in order to dig into the ground to search for gold and other types of minerals.

how to customize this brochure

You’ll probably want to customize all your templates when you discover how editing and saving your templates makes creating future documents easier. To customize this brochure template:

  1. Insert your company information in place of the sample text.
  1. Click Save As on the File menu. Click Document Template in the Save as Type box (the file name extension should change from .doc to .dot).
  2. Next time you want to use it, click New on the File menu, and then double-click your template.

about the “picture” Fonts

The “picture” fonts in this brochure are Wingdings typeface symbols. To insert a new symbol, select the symbol character and click Symbol on the Insert menu. Select a new symbol from the map, click Insert, and then click Close.

workING with breaks

Breaks in a Microsoft Word document appear as labeled dotted lines on the screen. Usingthe Break command, you can insert manual page breaks, column breaks, and section breaks.

To insert a break, clickBreakon the Insertmenu. Select an option. Click OK to accept your choice.

WorkING with Spacing

To reduce the spacing between, for example, body text paragraphs, click in thisparagraph, and click Paragraph on the Format menu. Reduce Spacing After to 6 points, and make additional adjustments as needed.

To save your style changes (with the insertion point in the changed paragraph), click the style in the Style list on the Formatting toolbar. Press ENTER to save the changes and update all similar styles.

To adjust character spacing, select the text to be modified and click Font on the Format menu. Click CharacterSpacing and then enter a new value.

Other Brochure Tips

To change a font size, click Font on the Format menu. Adjust the size as needed, and then click OK or Cancel.

To change the shading of shaded paragraphs, click BordersandShading on the Format menu. Select a new shade or pattern, and then click OK. Experiment to achieve the best shade for your printer.

To remove a character style, select the text and press CTRL+SPACEBAR. You can also click Default Paragraph Font on the Style list.

Brochure Ideas

“Picture” fonts, like Wingdings, are gaining popularity. Consider using other symbol fonts to create highly customized icons.

Consider printing your brochure on colorful, preprinted brochure paper—available from many paper suppliers.