GAC013 AE#1Hye Bin Joo Student ID
GAC013 Assessment Event 1 : Scientific Investigation and Report (First Draft)
Does our sense of touch differ on different parts of the body?
Student’s Name: Hye Bin Joo
Student ID:
Teacher: Daniel Choi
Due Date: 2012 -07- 12
Word Count: 819 words
GAC013 AE#1Hye Bin Joo Student ID
Table of Contents
2.0Research Methodology……………………………………………………………………….
3.0Research Results………………………………………………………………………………
5.0Conclusion and Recommendation
7.0 Reference
GAC013 AE#1Hye Bin Joo Student ID
Topic: Does our sense of touch on different parts of the body?
I introducewould be discussing [bugs1]we feelabout[bugs2] different sensitivity levels [bugs3]when touched[bugs4] on different parts of the body. I performed[bugs5] two different ways for the experiments so I prepared class friends and a sharp object. First, I pierced 23 personsproximal nail folds as using mechanical[bugs6]. Second, I porkpoked again their proximal nail folds as use my nail of finger. [bugs7]After each experiment, I asked each subject [bugs8]answer the question how you feel painthey[bugs9] felt in each your finger. And then I typingtyped[bugs10] the result [bugs11]on eExcel and savedthem[bugs12]value. In the results, most people sense pain on their little finger proximal nail fold. On the other hand, they didn’t feel pain on their thumb proximal nail fold. Cause of person can feel the sense is pain spots are exist in our body so the pain spots are deliver stimulus from our brain.[bugs13]If ITo make prefect[bugs14] this experiment perfect, I have to perform it wellexactingly[bugs15].
1.0 Introduction
Hit your arms in your body,;[bugs16] do you feel something? And then hit your thigh, can you feel something? Do you feel the same pain when hitting[bugs17] arms and thigh? Another cause is, many people are ticklish because the structure of nerve cells that feel the pain spot is sense tickle. Cause of feel the pain or ticklish is maybe all people sense different pain because pain spots are exists in our skin everywhere[bugs18]. This experiment explains different involuntary reactions [bugs19]of body parts to of touch on parts of body. The hypotheses were that people feel muchmore[bugs20] pain when I pierce their fingers asuseusingthe edge of a mechanical pencil than when I pierce as use edge ofusing a finger nail. I researched other persons[bugs21] experiments. They found the same results that people feel the sense on their different parts of the body in experiment. [bugs22]
2.0 Methods
I used my nail of fingers nails[bugs23]and mechanical pencil.
First, I prepared 23 class friends for the experiment. Second, I pierced[bugs24]class fiendthen with a proximal nail fold by using nails and pencil. I performed the method[bugs25]twice,as firstly,with the [bugs26]use of a mechanical pencil, and nex[bugs27]t, secondlywith the use edge of a finger nail. I pierce class friend thumb proximal nail fold at the first onset in order. Third, I answered the questions whichusing the [bugs28]scale of pain in orderfrom 1 to 5. Fourth, I prepare laptop for write results of this experiment.
3.0 Results
The results presented difference[bugs29]t between my hypothesis and experiment. I performed the experiment with these 2 ways [bugs30]experiment. I poked by using mechanical pencil and poked again as useusing the edge of a finger nail. Many class friends feel pain at the little nail fold. In contrast, they couldn’t feel pain at thumb proximal nail fold. In first experiment that pierces by[bugs31]using a mechanical pencil, two experiment results averages are 3.01. And theySubjects[bugs32] can feel pain when I pierced them as[bugs33]useusing a mechanical pencil than when I piercedpoked [bugs34]asuseusing the edge of a [bugs35]nail.
4.0 Discussion
I was able to perform the experiment inwith two different ways [bugs36]that by using sharp and nail of finger. First I fierce[bugs37] proximal nail folds of class friends as use mechanical pencil and then fierce again as use my edge of nail of finger[bugs38]. When I poked by using a sharp object[bugs39], most class friends feelsfelt[bugs40] pain at little finger proximal nail fold than thumb proximal nail fold. On the other hands[bugs41], 4 people doesn’t do[bugs42] not sense pain at the little finger proximal nail fold. Rather thanthey[bugs43] feels felt pain at other finger proximal nail folds. In the[bugs44] first experiment, averages scale of pain are each 2.45, 2.95, 3.09, 3.27 and 4.09. Most people feel similarl[bugs45]y pain at the index, and middle and ring finger proximal nail fold. Second, I was porkpoked 23 personsthatwh[bugs46]o are class friends at their proximal nail folds. In this experiment, they don’t feel pain thanas compared to the first experiment. However, in the same with the first experiment, a lot of class friends feel pain at little finger proximal nail fold. When I fierce[bugs47] piercedthe tThumb, index, middle and ring fingers, averagesthe scale of pain are similarly as 2.77. One person doesn’t feel pain as average as 1.2. While another person sense pain on all parts of proximal nail fold as 5. I comparedwith[bugs48] other person results of the experiment thatwith[bugs49] the same purpose. Other persons confirmsthe hypothesis that[bugs50] yourthe fingers canare[bugs51] more sensitive than your arms. The differencet between memy experiment and that of the other persons’ is the location in body[bugs52]. Other persons performsedthe experiment [bugs53]inon[bugs54] the arms and fingers. The result is according to different parts of body, different scale of sensitivesensitivity[bugs55]. Another person discoverydiscovered that the edge of our body like the edges of the fingers and footsfeet[bugs56] are most sensitive.
5.0 Conclusion and recommendations.
We can notice stimulus when somebody[bugs57] touches ,and hits and tickles your body. Our body is made up many kinds of sellcells. Throughout one of the nerve cells[bugs58]is an area called pain spot,; we can sense pain, feel, ticklish [bugs59]and other involuntary reactions. And if we are hit [bugs60]somewhere in our body, nerve pass on stimulus from the[bugs61] brain and the brain acceptsthe stimulus in result[bugs62]that is why we can feel pain. In order to make perfect [bugs63]this experiment, I have to push class friend’s proximal nail fold as certain interval. AndIi should use tools, which encircle shapes instead of nail finger for more accurate observation.
“Scientific investigation on body sensitivity.” 123 help me. 123 help, 12 Jul 2012. Web. 12 Jul 2012.
“Sensitivity.” Megaessays., n.d. Web. 12 Jul 2012.
[bugs1]Better use a verb that states what the paper would contain.
[bugs2]Use ‘ABOUT’ to introduce the hypothesis.
[bugs3]The degrees of sensation are the ones to be studied.
[bugs4]A participle is needed here.
[bugs5]The experiment was already done.
[bugs6]Awkward wording. Do you mean that you poked 23 people with the sharp point of a nail?
[bugs7]Again, work on better phrasing of this part.
[bugs8]The subjects are the ones to answer the question.
[bugs9]Use the third person pronouns.
[bugs10]As mentioned earlier, you have completed the experiment and the documentation of results.
[bugs11]The verb requires an object.
[bugs12]Use pronouns to take the place of nouns that have to said repeatedly.
[bugs13]This is a relevant observation and conclusion. Please state the idea more clearly.
[bugs14]A misspelled word can alter the meaning being conveyed. Prefect is different from perfect.
[bugs15]Add an object for the verb and place a better adverb modifying the action.
[bugs16]There are two independent clauses. Use a semi-colon to separate them.
[bugs17]A gerund is needed here to mean [when you heat]
[bugs18]You may mean that: People feel different sensations of pain or reaction to tickling because of nerve cells in the skin.
[bugs19]The reaction to touch is the variable that varies. Also, it is dependent on the body part being touched.
[bugs20]Better use a comparative adjective when comparing degree of sensation felt.
[bugs21]Other means more than one.
[bugs22]Phrase more clearly or simply omit. Saying ‘same results’ refer to the same description discussed earlier.
[bugs23]Awkward wording. Phrase correctly.
[bugs24]The action already took place, so use the past tense of the verb.
[bugs25]The verb used is transitive, so place an object after it.
[bugs26]Use ‘WITH THE indicate the material used.
[bugs27]Use ‘next’ to refer to the second test.
[bugs28]The questions are not being being described by the scale but rather answered by the use of the scale.
[bugs29]You need a noun as the object. 'Different' is an adjective.
[bugs30]The two ways done were the procedures done to do the experiement.
[bugs31]The action done is already implied.
[bugs32]Before using a pronoun, the antecedent it represents should be mentioned first.
[bugs33]This preposition is not suited here.
[bugs34]Vary term used by using synonyms.
[bugs35]Place an indefinite article for countable nouns in their singular form.
[bugs36]The opening sentence can just give an overview and summation of the procedure done.
[bugs37]Misspelled word.
[bugs38]Phrase the procedure more clearly. Wording is awkward.
[bugs39]Sharp is an adjective; the instrument used in doing the action should be a noun.
[bugs40]The reaction was already felt.
[bugs41]For this expression, you only need the singular form of the noun.
[bugs42]Subject used is plural, so use a verb that agrees in number.
[bugs43]The subject should be clearly mentioned here.
[bugs44]Place definite article before ordinals.
[bugs45]Adjectives, not adverbs modify nouns.
[bugs46]Use personal pronouns to start adjective clauses describing people.
[bugs47]Check spelling.
[bugs48]The verb used is transitive, so there is no need for a preposition after it.
[bugs49]Add a preposition here to form a phrase describing the reason for the experiment.
[bugs50]Add a relative pronoun to start the noun clause.
[bugs51]A linking verb is needed here.
[bugs52]It should be clear that the difference lies in the body parts used in the experiment.
[bugs53]The verb used requires an object.
[bugs54]UseON in referring to the body parts used in the experiment.
[bugs55]The noun form of the word should be used here.
[bugs56]This is an irregular noun; the plural form is feet, right?
[bugs57]The subject used is singular, so the verb should be in singular form as well.
[bugs58]Pain spots can be located in the nerve cells.
[bugs59]The first word enumerated is a sensation; the other two should be in their noun form or replaced with a better term.
[bugs60]The subject here is the recipient of the action, not the doer so use the passive voice of the verb.
[bugs61]Add a definite article for certain parts of the body.
[bugs62]Consider a better phrase to mean the result of the process.
[bugs63]‘To perfect’ can already mean ‘do perfectly’.