Ágúst Kvaran et. al.
Fagtímaritsgreinar í erlendum fagtímaritum/ Publications in foreign, nonicelandic scientific journals
(See also conference abstracts, oral presentations and posters)Updated 3rd May, 2012

ISI Publications (Kvaran A)
(Web of science, 08.12.11):

Total number of ISI publications: 67 / Citations (Kvaran A)
(Web of science,03.05.12):

Total number of citations : 866


  • Ágúst Kvaran, Hafdís Inga Ingvarsdóttir, Jingming Long and Huasheng Wang, "Two Dimensional (2+n) REMPI of CH2Br2: Rydberg States and Photofragmentation Channels"
  • Erlendur Jónsson, Ágúst Kvaran; "Ab initio REMPI spectra" (in preparation).
  • Jingming Long,Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, Rydberg and Ion-pair states of HBr: New REMPI observations and analysis.(in preparation).
  • Jingming Long,Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, "Photofragmentations, State Interactions and Energetics of Rydberg and Ion-pair states: REMPI via the E, g and V states for HCl (in preparation).
  • Jingming Long, Helgi Rafn Hróðmarsson, Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, "Photofragmentations, State Interactions and Energetics of Rydberg and Ion-pair states: Two Dimensional Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of HBr via singlet-, triplet-, = 0 and 2 states. (submitted for publication).
  • Andras Bodi, Ágúst Kvaran and Bálint Sztáray, "Thermochemistry of Halomethanes CFnBr4-n(n = 0-3) Based on iPEPICO Experiments and Quantum Chemical Computations" (Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. A , 115, p:13443-13451, (2011), doi:10.1021/jp208018r(article;
  • Ágúst Kvaran, Kári Sveinbjörnsson, Jingming Long and Huasheng Wang, "Two Dimensional REMPI of CF3Br: Rydberg States and Photofragmentation Channels"Chemical Physics Letters, 516, 12-16, (2011). (article:
  • Kristján Matthíasson, Jingming Long, Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, "Two Dimensional Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of HiCl; i = 35,37: State Interactions, Photofragmentations and Energetics of High Energy Rydberg States",J. Chem. Phys.134, 164302 (2011), doi: 10.1063/1.3580876. (article; Copyright (2011) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The article may be found at


  • Ágúst Kvaran, Huasheng Wang, Kristján Matthíasson and Andras Bodi, "Two Dimensional (2+n) REMPI of CH3Br: Photodissociation channels via Rydberg states", J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, p:9991-9998,(2010); Web publication: (article).
  • Sunna Ó. Wallevik, Ragnar Bjornsson, Ágúst Kvaran, Sigridur Jonsdottir, Georgiy V. Girichev, Nina I. Giricheva, Karl Hassler, and Ingvar Árnason*",Conformational Properties of 1-Fluoro-1-Methyl-Silacyclohexane and 1-Methyl-1-Trifluoromethyl-1-Silacyclohexane: Gas Electron Diffraction, Low Temperature NMR, Temperature Dependent Raman Spectroscopy, and Quantum Chemical Calculations",J. Molecular Structure, 978(1-3), p:209-219, (2010) (article).
  • Sunna Ó. Wallevik, Ragnar Bjornsson, Ágúst Kvaran,Sigridur Jonsdottir, Ingvar Árnason,* Alexander, V. Belyakov,Alexander A. Baskakov, Karl Hassler and Heinz Oberhammer, "Conformational Properties of 1-Silyl-1-Silacyclohexane, C5H10SiHSiH3: Gas Electron Diffraction, Low Temperature NMR, Temperature Dependent Raman Spectroscopy, and Quantum Chemical Calculations", J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 2127,(2010)(article).


  • Ágúst Kvaran, Kristján Matthíasson and Huasheng Wang, " Two-Dimensional (2+n) Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of HCl: State Interactions and Photorupture Channels via Low-Energy Triplet Rydberg States ",J. Chem. Phys., 131(4), 044324, (2009) ( article).
  • Kristján Matthíasson, Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, " Two Dimensional (2+n) REMPI of HCl: Observation of a new electronic state", J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 255(1), p: 1-5, (2009) (article).


  • Ágúst Kvaran, Huasheng Wang, Kristján Matthíasson, Andras Bodi and Erlendur Jónsson, " Two Dimensional (2+n) Resonance Enhanced MultiPhoton Ionization of HCl: Photorupture Channels via the F12 Rydberg State and ab initio Spectra", J. Chem. Phys.129(16), 164313, (2008). ( ; article)
  • Kristján Matthíasson, Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, "(2+n) REMPI of Acetylene; Gerade Rydberg States and Photorupture Channels",.Chemical Physics Letters,458 (1-3), 58-63, (2008) (article)


  • Andras Bodi, Ágúst Kvaran, Sigríður Jónsdóttir, Egill Antonsson, Sunna Wallevik, Ingvar Árnason, Alexander V. Belyakov, Alexander A. Basakov, Margit Hölbling and Heinz Oberhammer, Conformational Properties of 1-Fluoro-1-Silacyclohexane, C5H10SiHF: Gas Electron Diffraction, Low Temperature NMR, Temperature Dependent Raman Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations, Organometallics, 26(26), 6544-6550, (2007). (article)
  • Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran, "REMPI spectra of the hydrogen halides", Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 23(10), 1553-1559, (2007); Web release date: Aug. 23, 2007:
  • Georgiy V.Giricheva, Nina I. Giricheva, Andras Bodi, Pálmar I. Guðnason, Sigríður Jónsdóttir,Ágúst Kvaran,Ingvar Árnason and Heinz Oberhammer, "Unexpected Conformational Properties of 1-Trifluormethyl-1-Silacyclohexane, C5H10SiHCF3: Gas Electron Diffraction, Low Temperature NMR Spectroscopic Studies and Quantum Chemical Calculations." (Chemistry - A European Journal, 13(6), 1776-1783, (2007)) (article).


  • Laura Favero, Biagio Velino, Walther Caminati, Ingvar Árnason and Ágúst Kvaran, "The rotational spectrum of 1-fluoro silacyclohexane",J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, p: 9995-9999, (2006) (article).
  • Laura Favero, Biagio Velino, Walther Caminati, Ingvar Árnason and Ágúst Kvaran, "Structures and Energetics of Axial and Equatorial 1-Methyl-1- silacyclohexane" ,Organometallics,25, 3813-3816, (2006) (article).
  • Ingvar Árnason, Ágúst Kvaran and Andras Bodi, "Comment on “Relative Energies, Stereoelectronic Interactions, and Conformational Interconversion in Silacycloalkanes” [Int. J. Quantum Chem. (100) 720–732 (2004)]: Minimum Energy Path of Conformational Interconversion in Silacyclohexane", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 106(8), p 1975-1978, (2006) (abstract; article
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Kristján Matthíasson and Huasheng Wang; "Three-photon absorption of open shell structured molecules: (3+1)REMPI of NO as a case study", Physical Chemistry; An Indian Journal, 1(1), p 11-25, (2006) (abstract, article).
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Ómar Freyr Sigurbjörnsson and Huasheng Wang; "REMPI-TOF studies of the HF dimer" J. Molecular Structure,790, p: 27-30, (2006) (abstract; article).


  • Laura Favero, Walther Caminati, Ingvar Árnason and Ágúst Kvaran, "The rotational spectrum of silacyclohexane" J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 229, p: 188-192, (2005) (article).
  • Ágúst Kvaran and Huasheng Wang , "Three- and two- photon absorption in HCl and DCl: Identification of  = 3 states and state interaction analysis",J. Molecular Spectroscopy, 228(1), 143-151, (2004) (article).


  • Ingvar Árnason , Ágúst Kvaran , Sigríður Jónsdóttir, Pálmar I. Guðnason and Heinz Oberhammer, "Conformations of Silicon-Containing Rings. 5. Conformational Properties of 1-Methyl-1-silacyclohexane: Gas Electron Diffraction, Low-Temperature NMR, and Quantum Chemical Calculations",J. Org. Chem., 67, pp 3827-3831, (2002).( abstract ; article)
  • Ágúst Kvaran and Huasheng Wang , "Three photon absorption spectroscopy: The L(13) and m(3 1) states of HCl and DCl",Molecular Physics, 100(22), 3513-3519, (2002). ( abstract ; article).


  • Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang and Benedikt G. Waage,"Three and two photon absorption spectroscopy: REMPI of HCl and HBr", Can. J. Physics, 79(2-3), 197-210, (2001) (G. Herzberg special issue).( abstract; article )
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Benedikt I. Ásgeirsson and Jón K. F. Geirsson, "1 H NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy of fluorine and chlorine substituted stilbenes; Conformational studies", J. Molec. Struct.,563-564, 513-516, (May 2001) (abstract ; article)
  • Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran , "Three photon absorption spectroscopy: (3+1)REMPI of HCl (I12 - X1+ )",J. Molec. Struct., 563-564, 235-239, (May 2001) ( abstract ; article)
  • Jón K.F. Geirsson and Ágúst Kvaran , "Photochemical Conversion of 2,6-Dihalo Substituted Methyl -Phenylcinnamates.", J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 144 (2-3), pp 175-177, (2001) ( abstract )


  • Ágúst Kvaran , Árni Hr. Haraldsson and Thorsteinn I. Sigfússon, "Spectroscopy of Flames: Luminescence spectra of reactive intermediates / Lab Summary", J. Chem. Education (print Journal), 77(10), 1345 - 1347, (2000).( abstract; article )
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Árni Hr. Haraldsson and Thorsteinn I. Sigfússon, "Spectroscopy of Flames: Luminescence spectra of reactive intermediates / Lab Documentation", J. Chem. Education (online publication), 77(10), (2000).(abstract )
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Ásgeir E. Konráðsson, Christopher Evans and Jón K.F. Geirsson, "1H NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy of chlorine substituted stilbenes; Conformational studies",J. Molec. Struct., 553, 79-90, (2000). ( abstract )
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang and Áshildur Logadóttir, "REMPI of the hydrogen halides; Rotational structure and anomalies in Rydberg and ion-pair states of HCl and HBr", J. Chem. Phys., 112(24), 10811-10820, (2000) ( abstract ; article)
  • Ágúst Kvaran , Benedikt G. Waage and Huasheng Wang , "What to see and what not to see in 3 photon absorption: (3+1) REMPI of HBr",J. Chem. Phys., 113(5), 1755-1761, (2000) ( abstract; article ).

38. Ágúst Kvaran , Áshildur Logadóttir and Huasheng Wang , "(2+1) REMPI spectra of =0 states of the hydrogen halides; Spectroscopy, Perturbations and excitation mechanisms.", J. Chem. Phys., vol.109, pp 5856-5867 (1998). ( abstract; article )
37. Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang and Áshildur Logadóttir, "Rotational REMPI Spectroscopy; Halogen containing Compounds", Recent Research Developments in Physical Chemistry, vol. 2, pp 233-244, (1998); Transworld Research Network. ( abstract )
36. Ingvar Árnason and Ágúst Kvaran , "1H NMR Investigation of Si-alkylsubstituted 1,3,5-Trisilacyclohexanes", Zeitscript für anorganishe und allgemeine Chemie, vol.624, 65-73, (1998).(abstract )
35. Christopher Evans, Jóhannes Reynisson, Jón K.F. Geirsson, Ágúst Kvaran and W.G. McGimpsey, "Photochemistry of Substituted Methyl -Arylcinnamates: Ortho vs. Para-Substitution. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., vol. 115 (1), 57-61, (1998).( abstract ; article).
34.Gísli Hólmar Jóhannesson, Huasheng Wang and Ágúst Kvaran , "REMPI Spectrum of Cl2: Vibrational and Rotational Analysis of the 21g Rydberg States of 35Cl2, 35Cl37Cl and 37 Cl2.", J. Molecular Spectroscopy, vol. 179,334-341, (1996). (abstract ; article)
33. M.J. Shaw, E.J. Divall, G.J. Hirst, C.J. Hooker, J.M.D. Lister, I.N. Ross, Ágúst Kvaran and K. Osvay, "On the origin of the dip in the KrF laser gain spectrum", J. Chem. Phys., vol. 105, 1815-1824, (1996) ( abstract ).
32. Ágúst Kvaran , Gísli Hólmar Jóhannesson and Huasheng Wang , "Rotational perturbations in the (2+1) REMPI spectrum of the Rydberg state [23/2]c5d;1g of I2", Chem.Phys. vol. 204, 65-75, (1996). ( abstract; article).
31. Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang and Gísli Hólmar Jóhannesson, "REMPI Spectra of IBr: Vibrational and Rotational Analysis of the b[21/2]c6s;1 Rydberg State of I79Br and I81Br" J. Phys. Chem.,vol. 99, 4451-4457, (1995). (article)
30. A.J.Yencha, A. Hopkirk, A. Hiraya, R.J. Donovan, J.G. Goode, R.R. Maier, G.C. King, G. Dawber, A.G. McConkey, R.I. Hall and Ágúst Kvaran , "Threshold Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Cl2 and Br2 up to 36 eV", J. Phys. Chem., vol. 99, 7231-7241, (1995).
29. Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang , Gísli Hólmar Jóhannesson and Andrew J. Yencha, "REMPI spectra of I2. The [2 3/2]c5d;1g Rydberg state and interactions with ion pair states", Chem. Phys. Letters, vol. 222, 436 - 442, (1994)(article).
28. Ágúst Kvaran , Huasheng Wang and Jón Ásgeirsson, "The Dalby System of Iodine Revisited: Rotationally Resolved (2+1) REMPI Spectra of the Rydberg State [21/2]c6s;1g of I2", J. Molecular Spectroscopy, vol. 163, 541 - 558, (1994) (article).
27. A.J. Yencha, A. Hopkirk, A. Hiraya, G. Dujardin, Á.Kvaran , L. Hellner, M.J. Besnard-Ramage, R.J. Donovan, J.G. Goode, R.R.J. Maier, G.C. King and S. Spyrou,"Threshold Photoelectron Spectroscopy of CF4 up to 60.5 eV", Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 70, 29-37, (1994)(article).
26.Laser Photoisomerization of Substituted Methyl - Phenylcinnamates under Oxidadative Conditions,J. Photochem. Photobiol.A: Chem. 73, 179-185, (1993), Christopher Evans, Ragnheiður Sigurðardóttir, Jón K.F. Geirsson and Ágúst Kvaran. (article)
25. Rotationally Resolved (2+1) REMPI Spectra of Gerade Rydberg States of Molecular Iodine; The (v´=0,v´´=1) band of the Dalby system. J Molec. Structure 293, 217-222, (1993) Wang Huasheng, Jón Ásgeirsson, Ágúst Kvaran, R.J. Donovan, R.V. Flood, K.P. Lawley, T. Ridley and A.J. Yencha.
24.Ion-pair (X+ + Y-) formation from Photoabsorption of the Interhalogen Molecules BrCl, ICl and IBr,Organic Mass Spectrometry, 28, 327-334, (1993), D. K. Kela, A.J. Yencha, R.J. Donovan, Ágúst Kvaran and A. Hopkirk.(article)
23.Ion-pair formation in the Photodissociation of HCl and DCl , J. Chem. Phys., 99, 4986-4992 (1993) A.J. Yencha, D.K. Kela, Robert J. Donovan, Ágúst Kvaran and A. Hopkirk.
22.Mechanism of the two-photon laser assisted reaction of Xe and Cl2to form XeCl,Journal of Molecular Structure, 267, 13-19, (1992), Ágúst Kvaran, Wang Huasheng and Jón Pétursson.
21.Analyses of the 290 - 400 nm oscillatory continua due to transitions from the E(O+) ion-pair state of BrCl , Molecular Physics, 75(1), 197-207, (1992),Ágúst Kvaran, Andrew J. Yencha, K.P. Lawley and R.J. Donovan.
20. Mechanism of vibrational relaxation and intersystem crossing within excited ion-pair states of I2, studied by ArF / 193 nm excimer laser induced fluorescence, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.), 103, 417 - 428, (1991), Ágúst Kvaran, Svava Ósk Jónsdóttir and Þorgeir Þorgeirsson.
19.Excitation Functions for Ion-Pair (I++ I-) Formation from Photodissociation of I2in the threshold region, Chem. Phys. Lett., 179, 263-367, (1991), Ágúst Kvaran, Andrew J. Yencha, Devinder K. Kela, R.J. Donovan and Andrew Hopkirk.(article)
18. Ion-pair (Br++ Br-) formation from photodissociation of Br2 near the First Ionization Limit, Chem. Phys. Lett., 165(4), 283-288 (1990), A.J. Yencha, D. K. Kela, R.J. Donovan, A. Hopkirk and Ágúst Kvaran. (article)
17.Spectroscopic Characterization of the Lowest Singlet States of CdNe, CdAr and CdKr,J. Chem. Phys., 90, 2915-2926, (1989), D.J. Funk, Ágúst Kvaran and W.H. Breckenridge.
16.Spectroscopic characterization of the X(10+) and A(30+) state of CdNe, CdAr, CdKr and CdXe, J. Chem. Phys., 89(10), 6069 - 6080, (1988), Ágúst Kvaran, David J. Funk, Andrzej Kowalski and W.H. Breckenridge.
15.Vibrational Relaxation of KrF* and XeCl* by Rare Gases, Appl. Phys. B, 46, 95 - 102, (1988), Ágúst Kvaran, M.J. Shaw and J.P. Simons.
12. The Dynamics of Electronically Excited States in the Rare Gas-Halogen Systems, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc., 84, 221-238, (1987), R.J. Donovan, P. Greenhill, M.A. MacDonald, A.J. Yencha, W.S. Hartree, K. Johnson, C. Jouvet, Ágúst Kvaran and J.P. Simons.
11.Chemiluminescent Reactions of Rare Gas Atoms, Rg(ns, 3P2, 3P1, 1P1) with N2O, SCO and SeCO: Spectroscopy and Energy Disposal in Rare Gas Oxide, Sulfide and Selenide Excimers, Chemical Physics Letters, 137,(3), 209-218, (1987), Ágúst Kvaran, Auðunn Lúðvíksson, W.S. Hartree and J.P. Simons.
10.Energy and Angular Momentum Disposal in Chemiluminescent Reactions of Xe(3PJ), Journal de Chimie Physique, 84,(3), 371 - 379, (1987), K. Johnson, J.P. Simons, P.A. Smith and Ágúst Kvaran.
9. Competitive Channels in the Interaction of Xe(3PJ) with Cl2, Br2and I2, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday II, 82, 1281-1295, (1986), K. Johnson, R. Pease, J.P. Simons , P. Smith and Ágúst Kvaran.
8. Reactions of Xe(3P2) and Xe(3P1) with HCl, HBr and HI, Energy Utilization, Energy Disposal, Product Rotational Polarization and Reaction Dynamics, Molec. Phys., 57, 255-273, (1986), K. Johnson, J.P. Simons, P.A. Smith, C. Washington and Ágúst Kvaran.
7.Vibrational relaxation of XeBr(B) by Ar, J. Phys. Chem., 88, 6383-6388, (1984),Ágúst Kvaran, I.D. Sigurðardóttir and J.P. Simons.
6.Vibrational Population Distributions from Rare Gas halide Spectra; An Inversion Technique, Molec. Phys. 50, 981- 992, (1983), K. Johnson, Ágúst Kvaran and J.P. Simons.
5.Bromine Emission Spectra of discharged Mixtures of Argon + Bromine - containing Compounds, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. II,78, 2131-2138, (1982), Ágúst Kvaran and H. Bragason.
4.Analysis of the 350 - 400 nm Oscillatory Continuum from I2(D), Chem. Phys. Lett., 92, 322-326, (1982), K.P. Lawley, M.a. McDonald and R.J. Donovan and Ágúst Kvaran.
3.Chemiluminescence of Argon Bromide II. Potential Curves of ArBr and Population Doistributions in the B and C states, J. Chem. Phys., 72, 442-452, (1980),M.F. Golde and Ágúst Kvaran.
2.Chemiluminescence of Argon Bromide I. The Emission Spectrum of ArBr, J. Chem. Phys., 72, 434 - 441, (1980); M.F. Golde and Ágúst Kvaran.
1.Emission Spectra of the Noble-Gas Halides: The B - A system, Chem. Phys. Lett., 59, 51 - 56, (1978), M.P. Casassa, M.F. Golde and Ágúst Kvaran.