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Type: - Green House - (Tunnel Greenhouse - GI pipe Structure 2 mm thick)
Width: - 8.0 m
Length: - 4 m x 3 no. = 12 m
Total Area: - 96 Sq. mtr.
S.N. / Items / Description1. / Structure / Pre- Galvanized Tubular Structure. Consists of GI tubular Structure of 2 mm thickness, Foundation 48mm OD, Column/ Arch 60mm OD, Purlins 42mm OD/ 33mm OD, Clamps, Nut Bolts, Fittings, PVC Door (1mx2m- 1no.)
2. / Grid Size / 8m x 4m
3. / Area / 96 Sq. Mt.
4. / Height / 3.1 m
5. / Gutter Slope / 1-2% to be provided in civil structural work
6. / Arche / 60 mm OD/2 mm thick G.I. Pipe
7. / Purlins / 42 mm OD/ 2 mm thick G. I. Pipe/ 33 mm OD/ 2 mm thick G. I. Pipe
8. / Fastener / M6 to M10 bolts &nuts, bolts from 15 to 110 mm length, plain washers as per requirement and with the best quality plating to have good anti- corrosiveness.
9. / Foundation / Columns are fitted over ground ‘’ Inserts’’ and bolted to insert (Foundation) pipe of 60 mm/ 48mm/ 42mm OD/ 2 mm thick G. I. Pipe. Length of insert 800 to 1000 mm. Construction of foundation with ratio 1:2:4 PCC of size 0.40 m x 0.40 m x 0.9 m
10. / Cooling Pad / It consists of cellulose cooling pad of size height 1.0m and 0.1 m thick size along with Galvanized water collecting gutter, profiles to fix pads, PVC water distribution system and pump complete.
11. / Exhaust fan / It’s set Exhaust fan 18" with galvanized body, 1.5 Hp motor Single phase, belt drive with louvers.
12. / Control Panel - Electrical / It’s consist of MCB, relay, Contractors, Three way switch, Volt meter, indicators with temperature and humidity sensor to operate Fogging System and Cooling System in Auto mode.
13. / Poly Film
(Covering material) / 200 micron thick, U. V. stabilized, Diffused, IR, Anti fog/ drip multilayer polyethylene film
14. / Locking profiles / Aluminium Locking profiles with G. I. wire spring with smooth finish for fixing of Polyfilm.
15. / Doors / Door, 1 m x 2 m size hinged type. Galvanized steel frame & PVC sheet.
16. / Fogging Systems / It Consist of 4 way Anti Leak foggers 28 lph. with PVC pipe, plastic screen filter, control valve, flush valve fittings and accessories etc.
17 / Electrical power/control cable / It’s consists of 1.5 Sq. mm X 3 core copper multi core cable about 50 mtrs. & 4.0 Sq. mm X 3 core copper multi core rubber cable about 75 mtrs. to wired entire equipments in greenhouse.
18. / Anti insects Net / It’s has provided 40 mesh anti insects to the back of cooling pads & two sides of greenhouse.
19. / Civil & concrete works / To fix the entire column with ratio 1:2:4 PCC grade A of size 0.40 m X 0.40 m X 0.9 m, Cooling pad base of brick of 0.5 m height & brick wall around greenhouse of 0.25 m height.
20. / Polyethylene Tanks / To be provided 500 Litres. Of 2 nos. Tank for cooling pads water circulation & water supply for fogging system.
21. / Delivery / The entire construction materials to be supplied to the construction site by the service provider only.
22. / Installation / Installation should be completed by the same supplier.
Prequalification criteria for Tender applicants for construction of Green house
- The company should have prior experience in constructing in house system of Green Houses, Drip System, PVC Pipes, Filters to ensure high efficiency and quality.
- The company should have good experience in constructing poly houses for corporate, Government of Nepal, public sector and farmers.
Authorized agents criteria
- Copy of registration certificate, Copy of PAN/VAT registration and must submit tax clearance certificate up to 072/073
- The bid must be as per the actual specifications given.
- Company should be fulfilling the quality materials and specification.
- The greenhouse will be constructed in three different districts – Kailali, Dang &Surkhet.
- If the company fails to fulfill any one of criteria mentioned above, it can be rejected or the qualification of the company will be subjected to decision of Jadibuti Association of Nepal (JABAN) and partner organization.
- JABAN reserves the right to accept or reject any or whole bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
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