Eric Carle Class April 17th
I hope you had a lovely Spring break.
Next Thursday 21st April is the Queen’s actual birthday though her official one is not until June 20th. We shall be talking about birthdays and, in particular, the royal one, during this week. We would like you to talk to the children about birthdays and, if you have any photos, please send them in.
On Friday it is Earth Day and we will be planting seeds and talking about how to care for the Earth on that day
This term we shall be learning a myth: the story of Daedalus and Icarus. The children will learn the story and find out about the Minotaur and his Labyrinth. This is a great way to learn about different lands and cultures, develop language and build confidence.
We welcome anyone who would like to come in to share a book or story so if you have a favourite tale, let us know and we can arrange a time for you to come in.
The children are really starting to write more independently and we have had lots of ‘Superhero speech bubbles’ this week.
Reading books will continue to come home twice a week and there will be a small task most weekends.
Many children have completed a number of Caterpillars and some have had a certificate and prize for reading 40 books. One or two have completed 100 books which is a great achievement. One or two children are close to the target so let’s see more of those sheets filling up.
KEEP ON READING with your child. It is so important.
Replacement caterpillar sheets are hanging up on the notice board just inside the classroom door – please ask or just help yourself.
We are now beginning Phase 4 in Letters and Sounds and starting to focus on tricky words. We will be doing more work on writing and practising formation of graphemes.
We will be doing lots of counting and looking at number patterns. There are always lots of opportunities for practical maths since children learn best through practical experience. We are starting to learn how addition means ‘counting on’
Outside Play
The outside area is a continuation of our classroom, and is our main classroom on warm days. Your child is free to move from inside to outside whenever they like provided there is an adult outside. Some children spend long periods outside so, as the weather warms up, could you ensure your child has had sun cream applied before school and has a sun hat. Leave the bottle in their tray or hanging on their peg in a bag for reapplication if necessary. All your children have an individual water bottle to use when they like, which is refilled regularly.
Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee the weather and, even if it is warm and sunny first thing, it can change very quickly, so please make sure your child has a sweater and raincoat every day.
With the warmer weather, sweaters are taken off and left lying around so please, please, please, please, please, please, please put your child’s name in it!
When we went to Pensthorpe, the children took off their coats and, since there was no cloakroom, they were put in a big pile in the play centre. It took us nearly half an hour to return coats to the correct owner as many were not named. This was a terrible waste of everybody’s time and, of course, very frustrating. This was with coats that are individual. Can you imagine how hard it is to return school jumpers to the right child?!
Stay and Play;
If you would like to come into class and spend some time with us, please sign up on the list outside the classroom
Wednesday 20th April 9.00-10.00
Tuesday 26th April 2.00-3.00
Thursday 5th May 9.00-10.00
Friday 13th May 2.00-3.00
Monday 16th May Maths Cafe
There will be more dates after Half term
If you wish to look at your child’s Learning Journey on Tapestry, please ask and we can lend you an ipad at the end of the day.
It’s great to see some parents putting comments and even posting photos and stories on Tapestry. If you would like to do this and you feel unsure, please ask me and I will be happy to show you how.
Many thanks,
The Reception Team;Mrs. Lumb, Ms. Nicholson, Miss Edwards,Mrs. Wahiwala and Mrs. Mapeza