
Children’s Center

816 NE 190th St.

Shoreline, WA 98155



4No School – Staff Work Day

SCC open for care

6Picture retake day

22-26 Winter Break – SCC Closed

20, 21, Care available at SCC

& 27-29

January Calendar

1-2 Winter Break – SCC Closed

3 School resumes

15 No School – Martin Luther King,

Jr. Day

27 Kinderfest at Shoreline Center

29 No School – Staff Work Day

SCC open for care

Hello Early Learning Families,

At the Shoreline Children’s Center, we value the many benefits of outdoor play. It allows children to explore their environment, develop muscle strength and coordination, and gain self-confidence. Playing actively outdoors also increases their flexibility, fine and gross motor skills, and is related to the development of a wide variety of other physical and social emotional skills. Getting outside in the fresh air and having the opportunity to run, explore and play is a valuable part of our day. Students enrolled in full day classes are scheduled for at least two - 30 minute sessions of active play each day. While we are fortunate to have a number of gross motor play spaces, both indoor and outdoor, we strive to give our students the opportunity to play outside, whenever possible. With the arrival of the rainy weather, please encourage your students to dress for outdoor play, including a warm jacket and rain boots. An extra change of clothes is also helpful, in the event that clothing becomes wet or muddy.

Stephanie Gregorich

Children’s Center Coordinator

December, 2017 Newsletter

Dear Children’s Center Families,

Depending on how new your family is to the Children’s Center, you may or may not be following along with the progress of the construction of our new facility. While the design process isnearing completion, the site is being prepared to build our new early learning facility, including removing the site’s original building which was constructed in 1956. The district’s three early learning programs, Children’s Center, Head Start and Early Childhood are scheduled to move in to the new center in September 2018.

The design priorities were developed by a Design AdvisoryCommittee composed of parents and staff from all three programs, as well as representatives from the district.One of their priorities was outdoor experiences for children, due to the positive effects outdoor play has on every area ofchild development.

Their vision was that everyclassroom have direct access to an outdoor play area. The architects listened and their design shows every two classrooms sharing what we are calling a“backyard”. There will also be two largerinterior courtyards that all classrooms will share, and which will also be used for larger family events.

In addition, surrounding the building there are several preschool-sized“field trip destinations" as well - for example, the treasured beach area has been saved, there is a space being developed as a music meadow, and a new orchard and forest area.

A welcoming plaza and green space as you arrive at the building is a design priority too.There is a low hill with three paths for children to explore, and also a generous covered area at the front of the building to linger, protected from the weather, These wereincluded for children and families to gatherand greet each other, a tradition that has been an important ritual for many years.

I hope to be able to share more about the new building, including images soon! In the meantime, I encourage you to consider stopping by the old site every once in a while, to share the progress with your child. It is a wonderful learning experience - for all of us!


Kelly Davidson

Director, Children’s Center

Hello Extended Learning Families,

With so many festive celebrations coming up (Advent, Bodhi Day, Christmas, Eid Milad Un Nabi, Hanukkah, Las Posadas, Kwanzaa, etc.), we would be honored to learn about the holidays that are recognized and celebrated within your family! Please email o share, so that everyone at our before & after-school program sites can learn, grow, and celebrate the diversity within our Shoreline communities!

Charles A. Brown

Extended Learning Coordinator

816 NE 190th St, Shoreline, WA 98155

Office: 206-393-1416

Registration for Staff Work/Break Days

Registration and payment is required for all Staff Work Days and Break Days. Forms are available online, in our office and at the Extended Care Sites three weeks prior. We offer care for age 3 through 6th grade at our North City Elementary location at 816 NE 190th St., Shoreline. Please sign up early if you need care as we may reach capacity before the deadline. The following are upcoming dates when we will provide care:

December 4 – Staff Work Day

Forms were due by Tuesday, November 21.

December 20, 21, 27, 28 29 – Winter Break

Forms are available and due by Tuesday, December 12. Again, sign up early if you need care as we may reach capacity before the deadline. You will be guaranteed a spot if you register by December 5!

News from our Nurse

During the winter months, when colds and illness can occur more often, please make sure your child is well enough to attend school. If your child is exhibiting the following symptoms, they may be contagious and need to remain at home:

  • Fever above 100 degrees (must be fever-free for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication before returning to school)
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea (must be symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Sore throat, especially with a fever and swollen neck glands
  • Heavy nasal congestion or green nasal drainage
  • Constant cough
  • Skin rash, especially with fever and itching (must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school) A note from the doctor, clearing the child to return to school may be required with some types of skin symptoms
  • Drainage from the eye(s) or redness of the eyelids and surrounding tissue (need to remain at home until symptoms resolve, have received 24 hours of treatment or have a has a note from the doctor that documents that the child may return to school)

It is also important to consider additional factors, such as energy level, appetite and comfort level when determining if your child is well enough for school.

If you have specific questions about whether your child is well enough for school, please contact the Early Learning Center Nurse at 206-393-4355.

Holiday Food Drive

The 2017 Shoreline PTA Council Holiday Baskets Drive will run from November 27 to December 8, 2017. Together, we will provide quality food to Shoreline School District families needing assistance this holiday season. Collection boxes will be placed in your student’s classroom for donations of non-perishable foods.

Shoreline Children’s Center’s assigned item: CANNED MEAT

Goal: 500 items