District 9465 – Rotary International, Western Australia
The Program
Eligibility and Participatory Club obligations2.
Participatory Parent obligations3.
Rotary Youth Exchange Committee Program’s Administrative Structure
District Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
The District Governor4.
The District Youth Exchange Chair4.
The District Youth Exchange Committee5-6.
Club Level Participation
Club Responsibilities7.
Club Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
The Club President8.
The Club Youth Exchange Chair8.
The Club Youth Exchange Committee8.
The Rotarian Counsellor8.
RI Youth Exchange Program Certification
Youth protection and best practices minimums9.
Important Dates
ForOutbound Students9.
For Inbound Students9.
For Clubs9.
The Rotary Youth Exchange program in Rotary District 9465 is administered by the Rotary District Youth Exchange Committee under the supervision of the District Governor. Rotary clubs interested in sending or hosting students may only participate as part of the RI certified district-level program*.
In Rotary District 9465, the Rotary Youth Exchange Program provides for the selection and sponsorship of students in the 15 – 18 year age group to travel to another country to spend twelve months attending a secondary school and living with families in that country.
To be eligible for participation as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student in the District 9465 program:
Students must not have turned 18 at time of departure from their sponsoring districts.
Students must be able to adjust to new and different situations.
Students must commit to abide by all the rules of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program as outlined by both the hosting and sponsoring Rotary Districts.
Students should have above average academic skills and an outgoing and pleasant personality to fit them for the role as an Ambassador for Australia and Rotary.
Note: All applicants are selected solely on merit and while children of Rotarians ARE eligible for Youth Exchange, they will receive no preference in selection.
Participatory Club Obligations
Expectation is to accept one in-bound student for every participating sponsored out-bound student. Variations from this requirement may with approval of the District Governor be negotiated with the Youth Exchange Committee Chair.
Ensure the student, club members and host families understand and follow the rules set down by Rotary International and District 9465.
Ensure the in-bound student attends at least one club meeting per month and that they are welcomed and acknowledged.
Ensure the student attends District Conference and all Briefings organized through the Rotary Youth Exchange Committee.
Ensure the student is given every opportunity to experience our culture by involving them in home/family activities, recreational and cultural activities, as well as taking them to locations of vocational and general sightseeing interest.
Provide the student with pocket money to cover minor expenses at the Rotary International recommended amount.
Provide home hosting for the student for the whole period of the exchange.
Participatory Parent Obligations
Cover the cost established and invoiced by the District 9465 Rotary Youth Exchange Committee, which will cover the travel to and from the host country, Rotary Uniform, business cards, Rotary badges, insurance, briefings, associated postage and printing and (only when compulsory) a language school. Note. The District Youth Exchange Committee organises all of the above including temporary life policy and adequate medical insurances to cover the student for the period of their stay abroad.
Provide clothing for the student while overseas.
Provide an emergency fund of $500 which can only be drawn upon with the consent of the student’s counsellor or host parents.
District level Personnel
District supervision and program control:District Governor, by delegation to the Projects Director, New Generations Chair
and Youth Exchange Committee chair
District Risk Management supervision:District Protection Officer
Youth Programs supervision:New Generations Chair
District Youth Exchange co-ordination
and promotion:District Youth Exchange Committee Chair
District Youth Exchange operations:District Youth Exchange Committee Student
Counsellors and Placement Officers
Club Level Personnel
Club supervision and program control:Club President
Club Risk Management supervision:Club Protection Officer
Club Youth Exchange co-ordination
and management:Club Youth Exchange Counsellor
Club Youth Exchange support:Host Families
District Governor
The District Governor is responsible for the supervision and control of the Youth Exchange program and the implementation of program guidelines and District certification requirements.
Specifically the District Governor:
- Appoints a District Youth Exchange Committee Chair.
- Oversees the appointment of a District Youth Exchange Committee.
- Supports and monitors club and district programs to ensure Youth Exchange activities are conducted appropriately.
- Addresses problems when they arise and corresponds with counterparts in other districts on behalf of a club, or district chair.
- Appoints an appeal committee, as required
District Youth Exchange Chair
The District Youth Exchange Committee Chair co-ordinates and promotes Youth Exchange activities within the district and communicates with Rotary International, the District Governor and clubs.
- Specifically, in consultation with the District Governor, the District Youth Exchange Committee chair:
- Appoints the District Youth Exchange Committee.
- Defines specific responsibilities for each Youth Exchange Committee member.
- In co-ordination with the district youth protection officer is responsible for maintaining youth protection policies and procedures for the Youth Exchange program.
- Ensures maintenance of accurate financial records of the activities of the Programme and reports to the District Governor through the New Generations Chair, Projects Director and District Treasurer in accordance with the District Rules and By-Laws
- Makes reports to the District Governor and RI on the following:
- All serious incidents involving a student, such as accidents, deaths, early returns, crimes etc., and in co-ordination with the District Youth Protection Officer any allegations of abuse or harassment within 72 hours.
- Makes reports to the District Governor through the Projects Director and where required to RI on the following:
- Success stories, interesting exchange ideas, positive alumni experiences, and other activities of note for inclusion in Rotary publications and on the RI Web site.
- An annual program evaluation form
- Data for each student at least one month prior to their arrival, using the guarantee form included in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program Application. New host family information must be sent to RI when students change host families.
District Youth Exchange Committee
The District Youth Exchange Committee will:
- Work with Rotary clubs to:
- Train club Youth Exchange officers.
- Establish expectations for inbound and outbound students.
- Provide information on Rotary resources to help strengthen clubs’ Youth Exchange activities.
- Encourage clubs to involve alumni in all aspects of the program.
- Co-ordinate the following youth protection processes within the Youth Exchange Program in accordance with RI’s Youth Abuse and Harassment Protection Policy:
- Train host families, students and adult volunteers.
- Screen all adult volunteers, including, but not limited to, committee members, host families and Rotarian counsellors, ensuring they have valid current Working With Children clearances.
- Ensure that any volunteer who has admitted to, been convicted of, or otherwise found to have engaged in sexual abuse or harassment is prohibited from working with youth in a Rotary context.
- Develop a support system that meets all requirements for district certification.
- Establish procedures for supporting students after an allegation of abuse or harassment, including removing alleged offenders from contact with youth in Rotary programs, determining criteria for moving a student, finding temporary housing and providing support services.
- Manage the following outbound activities:
- Establish international contacts and communicate with them to place students.
- Help clubs nominate students and ensure that nominees meet eligibility requirement.
- Establish a selection committee to select Out Bound students from Club nominees.
- Invite clubs to send one delegate to attend the selection interview of their nominee.
- Forwarding of all selection complaints to the District Appeals Committee.
- Provide student and parent orientation.
- Co-ordinate ALL travel and visa arrangements for students.
- Serve as liaison between students, parents and travel agency to ensure that itineraries for exchange are established.
- Review reports received from students abroad and take action to respond to any irregularities reported.
- Establish and implement a re-bound debriefing and re-entry support process.
- Manage the following inbound activities:
- Serve as liaison between the district’s host Rotary clubs and the students’ home districts.
- ValidateALL travel and visa arrangements for inboundstudents.
- Co-ordinate orientation for students on arrival.
- Assist clubs in selection and orientation of host families.
- Meet arriving students at local airports and co-ordinate departure flights.
- Implement risk management policies and put a crisis management plan in place:
- Develop procedures for reporting and handling incidents, such as early returns and allegations of abuse or harassment, and inform all adult volunteers about the district’s allegation response reporting guidelines.
- Establish guidelines for the removal of students, adult volunteers, and any other participants who do not comply with program requirements. Any adult involved in a Rotary youth program against whom an allegation of sexual abuse or harassment is made must be removed from all contact with youth in Rotary programs until the matter is resolved with the accused absolved from any wrong doing.
- Develop crisis management procedures for emergencies such as natural disasters and civil, or political, unrest.
- Make sure back-up host families are available for emergency situations.
- Set required insurance levels for inbound students and necessary liability insurance for the district program and co-ordinate coverage and carriers with hosting district.
- Assist outbound students in securing insurance.
- Develop district program guidelines and rules that comply with RI policy.
- Promote the program throughout the district through district and club Web sites, advertisements and news stories.
- Maintain effective lines of communication between all program participants, including students, host families, counsellors and club and district officers.
- Report to the District Board, participating Clubs and the parents of Outbound Students on the students return, the cost breakdown of the Exchange.
- Manage the implementation of the District’s Youth Exchange Student Financial Support Scheme.
Club Responsibilities
While co-ordinated at the district level under the supervision of the District Governor, the Youth Exchange program depends on the participation of Rotary clubs, Rotarians and their families, and others in the community to build an effective support system for sending and hosting students. All members should make an effort to participate in Youth Exchange activities, either as a member of the club Youth Exchange committee, a host parent, or a Rotarian counsellor.
Specifically each participating club assumes the following responsibilities:
- In general for:
- Co-ordinating club Youth Exchange activities with the district program and ensuring compliance with RI and District policies.
- Having participants attend District Youth Exchange meetings
- Establishing club expectations for students
- Ensuring that students attend mandatory functions such as orientations, or district conferences.
- Receiving feedback from students for program modification.
- Notifying District Youth Exchange chair of any student issues, or concerns.
- To outbound students for:
- Promoting the program to students in the community, distributing applications, and co-ordinating selection of students at club level.
- Interviewing and selecting candidates to be nominated to the District Selection Panel for the exchange.
- Assigning a Rotarian counsellor for each student.
- Ensuring candidates are prepared and attend district level selection and district briefing meetings.
- To inbound students for:
- Establishing and maintaining contact with inbound students before they arrive.
- Meeting students at the airport.
- Serving as liaison between Rotary clubs and schools that students attend.
- Assigning a Rotarian counsellor for each student.
- Interviewing and screening potential host families.
- Maintaining contact with district inbound co-ordinator[s].
- Arranging disbursement of monthly allowance.
- Co-ordinating selection and orientation of host families and maintaining contact with host families throughout the student’s exchange.
Club President
The club president:
- appoints the club Youth Exchange chair
- In co-ordination with the club Youth Exchange chair, appoints a Rotarian Counsellor
- oversees the selection of the club Youth Exchange committee
- ensures someone with previous Youth Exchange experience is appointed as the chair, or to the committee
- supports the club’s Youth Exchange activities
Club Youth Exchange chair
The club Youth Exchange chair plans, implements and supports all activities involving sending and hosting exchange students.
Club Youth Exchange committee
The club Youth Exchange committee provides support, as directed by its chair.
Rotarian Counsellor
The Rotarian Counsellor plays a crucial role in the success of the Youth Exchange program, serving as liaison between the student, Rotary club, host family and community at large. The counsellor is the student’s primary Rotary contact, easing their transition into the country and the community through regular personal contact during the year. The counsellor is the student’s advocate should any issues arise during the exchange. Therefore, members of a student’s host family are not eligible to be a counsellor.
The Rotarian Counsellor is responsible for:
- Establishing contact with the student before departure or arrival, explaining the expectations of the club and the district and maintaining and documenting regular contact (at least once a month)
- Counselling the student in matters such as choosing classes, making friends and participating in activities.
- Helping the student adapt to the culture and language
- Working with the community and the student’s school to ensure that the student is involved in positive activities and community life.
- Informing the student about abuse and harassment prevention and creating a supportive atmosphere in which the student feels comfortable discussing any concerns.
- Serving as an advocate for the student in any matter
Rotary International Youth Exchange Program Certification
In order to participate in the Youth Exchange program, District 9465 has had to be certified by Rotary International. District 9465 has met RI certification requirements which include the following minimums for youth protection and best practices in exchange program operation:
- Adoption of the statement of conduct for working with youth and the development of a youth protection policy and its published distribution to all clubs.
- The establishment of the district Youth Exchange program as part of the incorporated district entity
- District purchase of adequate general liability insurance with district appropriate coverage and limits
- Prohibition on club-to-club exchanges outside of the district program
Rotary International Youth Exchange Program Important Dates
Outbound Students
- September / October: Club contacts school Principal/ School Careers Officer for in-school promotion of YEP to year 10 and 11 groups for applications in the following March.
- First week in February: Club follows up September / October contact calling for applications, application forms on Rotary Web site.
- 31st March: Initial application on the Web site form closes with the local Rotary Club, in the year prior to the student’s departure.
- April: Club interviews students and their parents for recommendation of suitable students for further consideration by the District Selection Committee.
- Mid- April: Completed applications, accompanied by the club nomination fee, for Rotary International Youth Exchange closes with the District Committee.
- Mid-May: District Interviews, will be completed by June 30 th, at the latest.
- September/October: First Outbound Briefing
- November/December: Second Outbound Briefing
- January: Outbound Students depart and previous year’s return.
- February: Rebound Students De-briefing
Inbound Students
- January: Southern Hemisphere students arrive.
- March: Inbound Student Briefing.
- May: North West Safari.
- July: Northern Hemisphere students arrive.
- August: Inbound Student Briefing.
- January: Counsellor Briefing.
- July: Counsellor Briefing.