Whitefish Bay Little League Meeting
June 19, 2013
Called to order 8:10.
Present: Miller, Wronski, Seaman, Schaetzke, Burroughs, O’Connor, Fleck, Levy, Wasserman, Szumski, Wienke, Heller, Anderson
Absent: Mort
Minutes: O’Connor will amend May minutes to accurately reflect Miller‘s absence and Wasserman‘s presence.
Treasurer’s Report -Burroughs: snack shack concessions averaging out ok, Brewer‘s night above budget, new banners sponsors, field expenses, ump expenses.
Fields-Miller vi a e-mail: new sod on minors field and majors field, needs daily watering, sprinkler goes on 1am til 4 am, needs to be kept on - don’t turn off; problem spot in major’s field; some comments that mounds are too small; big lip on other mound is a problem,; Earthcare application was done on Saturday; Miller and Otero will coordinate on numbers signs for fences. New drain seems to be helping.
Equipment & Uniforms-Szumski: Jonah and Matthew should take inventory on ice packs, game balls, etc. and report where replacement items are needed so that Szumski can order. Wants to go ahead with lights for flag and grill. Szumski will get another quote - will coordinate with Wasserman on contact info for electrician who participates in the league.
Sponsorship - Otero: Signs on scoreboards changed.
Brewer Night/All Stars/Photo Day - Seaman: Photo day went well. Pictures are in. Brewer night still has orders trickling in - approx. 80 left. Will continue to push out offer again to league. All star teams have been selected. Discussion about inclusion of players who cannot attend all games. Miller makes a motion that kids who have a conflict with any part of the tournament for a non-baseball related reason take a pass on the season and allow another person to play in their stead. The player should receive recognition. No second. Discussion continues. All star selection process was explained again and 2013 history of communications reviewed by Seaman and Wasserman. Shirt sizes and numbers to be sent to Szumski.
Website - Heller: no report
Snack shack-Anderson: New grill is in, old one can be refurbished by north shore fire department. Rec dept requested use of snack shack for Baseball for the Fun of It, but after discussion board decided that liability seems to exceed the benefits. Red valve next to the building needs to be turned off by the BMOD each night. Drip tray under pizza oven needs to be cleaned. Burroughs expressed dissatisfaction with cleanliness of snack shack and surrounding area. Recommended more sweeping, cleaning, and trash pick-up.
Umpire-Wienke: What is process for umps for playoffs? Last year coaches solicited coaches for recommendations. Hands on training will occur with Nate Friday on Saturday and a written report is submitted. Difficulties with printing the schedules. Wienke will provide a list to League Athletics of improvements to the system. Heller recommends that when umps are paid BMOD should ask if there are any problems. Paying umps should be BMOD responsibility and not snack shack employees.
Scoreboard discussion - minors scoreboard needs to be reset. Seaman will consult with Szumski if necessary while on duty next to get minors scoreboard functioning.
Scheduling-Schaetzke: Coaches need to play when scheduled and not rearrange games on their own. Season needs to be finished now - some teams have a lot of games to squeeze in. Playoffs set to start Monday July 1. Games will be 4:30 and 6:30. League is off Sat. Sun prior to playoffs. Slaughter rule applies to playoffs. California rule for innings? Rules will be sent to coaches. Declared pitcher for All Star cannot pitch in playoffs? Won’t affect minors. Burroughs will e-mail Mort. Mort will forward to coaches.
All: 50/70 discussion - try to facilitate play at CCP another year for seventh graders. 50/70 could help achieve that and rectify some challenges with juniors program. General sentiment is that 50/70 should proceed for next spring season. Fall was also discussed but generally too many conflicts with fall ball and football preclude an autumn start to 50/70.
Levy: liaison, lights - no response from proposed liaison.
Tom Rice memorial -Dave W: plaque is in but still no way to install it. TLC had no solutions when approached. Wasserman will check with plaque maker regarding display technique.
Challenger –Levy: Bats play at Helfaer on Monday. Very strong buddy system in place. Good help from John O’Connor. Burroughs has received feedback from families wanting their 6th graders to buddy and they have expressed confusion over not being allowed to participate this year. Levy said families could still get in touch with him regarding still being a buddy this season.
July 4th parade- Levy: Approx. 9 families have responded to the e-mail request for help with float, including one professional builder. Levy will meet with families at the trailer location at Dominican to develop construction ideas.
Championship Saturday: license secured. Schedule to be as follows: 10:00 field dedication ceremony with Admirals Roscoe appearance; games at 11:00, 12:00, and 1:00; 1:30 Pee Wee home run derby; 3:00 over the fence home run derby, 4:00 mom’s game; 4:30 - 6:30 band. Other activities to include dunk tank and radar gun, etc. Wienke will talk with Sendik’s about providing grilling and food service.
Recycling-Wasserman: Levy will contact village regarding delivery of 3 recycling specific containers.
Second graders tournament - Burroughs & Wronski: open park and snack shack on a Sunday, form 6 teams to play on all three fields.
Chinooks-Otero: will publicize after Brewer’s night. Date set for August 2nd.
Next meeting: July 17th 7:00 pm. Please note return to 7:00 meeting time.
Pitch Hit & Run- Burroughs: Memorial Day weekend? Jason checking for info.
Spirit Wear Sale: Burghardt’s offers a better procedure for distribution. O’Connor will help with second wave of sales this year.
11:00 meeting over.
Respectfully submitted by Anne O’Connor League Secretary
June 20, 2013