1. Aim of this UIC focus

It is the aim of this UIC Focus to describe the ERTMS REGIONAL concept, the present status of the UIC project, the status of the Swedish development and the UIC activities the next 2 – 3 years for finalising the ERTMS REGIONAL specification and test phase in co-operation with the European railways. The possibilities for world wide applications should as well be addressed in the following years.

2. Basic description of ERTMS REGIONAL concept

The basic aim for the ERTMS REGIONAL concept is to enable cost saving solutions for signalling on regional and local lines when renewing or introducing signalling equipment on such lines. The ERTMS REGIONAL concept and idea is a trackside development of specifications and systems based on the interoperable and standardised communication with the rolling stock over the air gap specified and referred to in the CCS TSI specifications. Interoperability and Intraoperability with the ERTMS onboard equipment is thereby ensured and countries who e.g. would like to use the rolling stock on TEN lines as well as on Regional lines can operate this way. The basic principle of such different kind of lines is schematically shown below.

The need for train operation with mixed rolling stock on the TEN lines as well as on the national conventional main- and secondary lines as shown in figure 1 has been underlined by the rail administrations in their answers on a questionnaire issued by the originally UIC ETCS-LC now ERTMS REGIONAL project.

Below the blue colour indicates that specifications applicable for the high speed and the TEN networks are covered by the EU directives & the TSI CCS specifications.

The more traction units are equipped with ERTMS on board systems, the more the railways will wish to use same concept on all their lines. However, the trackside equipment standard of the main lines (especially train detection systems) will be too expensive and even economically not feasible for the secondary lines. Using the same on board system as on main lines, ERTMS REGIONAL provides a solution which allows a significant reduction of trackside investments for those lines.

Over and above, this approach also allows a smooth changeover from secondary lines to main lines as it is only a level change within the same system (for example secondary lines connected to main line stations)

The different type of rail operation

The possible new EU application area for the TSI applications (Green fields)

Figure 1

Vehicles equipped with onboard ERTMS system (ETCS and GSM-R) shall be operable according to figure 1 on TEN-lines (blue area)- as well as on national conventional lines (green area). Therefore the ERTMS REGIONAL is basically a trackside development by means of a centralised control, using the GSM-R system to operate the relevant objects (points, level crossings, key locks, shunting areas etc) in the infrastructure. In the centre itself called TCC (Traffic Control Centre) the RBC (Radio Block Centre), CTC (Centralised Traffic Control) and the interlocking functions are integrated. A calculation has shown that ERTMS REGIONAL could allow cost savings in the range of 20 – 35 % for the operation of regional lines compared to the existing signalling equipment.

A typical application scenario for an introduction of the ERTMS REGIONAL concept could e.g. be the need to exchange old fashioned, even mechanical interlockings where local dispatching is required in the today’s operation at each station, to an ERTMS REGIONAL concept which facilitates the introduction of remote controlled functionality based on one or two dispatchers per line.

3. EU, ERA & member states voting on an extended scope for the geographical scope of the TSI’s

The attentions shall be drawn to the fact that ERA is at present investigating if the geographical scope of the TSI specifications shall be extended to the whole network, below indicated with the green colour in figure 1.

The EU Member states have in 2007 via EU given ERA the following mandate quoted the chapter 2.3.5 below from the EU document 01/16-MA 05, Decision 4th mand, 15.01.07

2.3.5 Extension of field of application (2004/50/EC)

The Agency shall analyse the feasibility of extending the geographical scope of the TSIs listed in § 2.1, as provided for in Article 1(3) of directive 2001/16 as modified by Directive 2004/50.

Within one year after the notification of the present mandate, the Agency shall submit to the Commission a recommendation on a work programme to extend the scope of the TSIs, for discussion in the Committee.”

It is at present expected that the member states shall vote in this future scope during 2008.

4. ERTMS REGIONAL concept and benefits

4.1 The ERTMS Regional concept

The basic structure of the ERTMS REGIONAL is shown in figure 2

Figure 2

The key features for ERTMS REGIONAL are as follows:

· / Onboard standard Eurocab and air gap Eurobalse Balise and GSM-R
· / On board permanent check of train completeness by operational rules or by a technical device
· / Trackside train detection devices as an option
· / No lineside signals

Regional ERTMS is aimed to be an ETCS level 3 concept whereby the main characteristic aspect of level 3 is to use the onboard odometry for the train localisation. The check of train completeness can be solved more easily on regional lines than on main lines. Level 3 allows significant cost reductions because traditional means for train localisation in the track are no more necessary. The introduction of the GSM-R communication with object controllers in the infrastructure (points, level crossing etc) can reduce the amount of cables. Power supply to point machines is still needed.

4.2 ERTMS Regional benefits

The key points for the cost savings are as follows:

· / Staff reduction in stations
· / Less trackside equipment (e.g. no complete radio coverage)
· / No lineside signals
· / No traditional interlocking, integrated Interlocking/RBC/TMS with one data model
· / Minimising cables by controlling elements via radio
· / Track circuits and axle counters only for special locations
· / Fall-back by Rules and Regulations
· / Safety approach by considering a tolerable hazard rate

GSM-R Track side and ERTMS on boards are not contained in the calculation as it is considered to be a prerequisite.

Each interested Infrastructure manager should elaborate a dedicate business case for such a Regional application and compare it with the traditional signalling concept.

5. Description of the UIC ERTMS REGIONAL activities.

The UIC ERTMS REGIONAL project is dealing with the elaboration of the relevant user requirement specifications for the track side application of the ERTMS system for regional lines, e.g. describing the functions of the track side communication with the track side objects by using the GSM-R for cost saving reasons, integrating the RBC and interlocking functionality, removing the train detection systems, making available interface specifications to object controllers, etc.

5.1 Functional Requirements specification for ERTMS REGIONAL

A complete version of the track side FRS for ERTMS REGIONAL including several operational scenarios has been available since 2004. This FRS is as well supported by an operational scenario document which shall demonstrate the main functions of ERTMS REGIONAL from an operational point of view. The basic idea of the ERTMS REGIONAL FRS is to have a more detailed and functional specification available for the Train Control Centre (TCC) including the present already specified part for the interoperable RBC, which today contains the minimum set of requirements needed for interoperability. The interoperable telegrams in the air gap already specified in the TSI documents (annex A) are used for the communication between the train and the trackside.

5.2 Selection of pilot applications

In 2004 it was discussed in the UIC ETCS steering group if several railways together under e.g. a MOU should establish some national pilot applications. It turned finally out that BV, Sweden, was the only administration who made a call for offer for building the system track side.

It was agreed that UIC should support Banverket in the development of the call for offer documents.

These documents were among others

·  BV FRS as a review process of the UIC FRS specification

·  ARS (Architectural Requirement Specification)

·  RAMS requirement (Phase 2)

Banverket's tendering documentation was distributed to suppliers on 23rd June 2004.

The contract with the selected supplier consists of options beyond the development of the System requirements specification, SRS, namely:

·  Development of the system based on the SRS.

-  The installation on the pilot line Vesterdalsbanan,

-  The installation on the rest of the selected lines,

-  Service and support for the complete system life time.

The basic strategy of the BV ERTMS REGIONAL is based on the class 1 specifications and foresees that the onboard ERTMS class 1 system is used without any changes. The new developments for ERTMS REGIONAL concern exclusively the track side installation.

It has been agreed between UIC and BV that all specifications including the technical specifications SRS and the interface specs. to the object controllers will be available for use by the UIC administrations free of charge as BV owns the ERTMS REGIONAL Swedish specifications developed by the selected supplier.

The BV pilot project is now under development and installation and the first pilot runs will begin spring 2009

6. Review and update of the UIC specifications following the ongoing developments in Sweden, workshops held with interested administrations etc.

After elaboration of the Functional Requirements, BV has launched a call for offer for the ERTMS-Regional. This call for offer has been tailored to the Swedish requirements which do not comply completely with the requirements in other European countries, but has been a starting point for the European development lead by UIC. During the elaboration phase it has been tried to prepare the specifications in a way that the different operational processes within the European Railways could be mirrored.

Since December 2007 there is an agreed set of specifications for the BV available. However, UIC has to check the consequences on the UIC specifications, including the operational scenarios, during January and February 2008 and agree on the topics with the supplier, who should then integrate the agreed functions in the specifications. The specifications will then be available in public domain. UIC has as well during the BV/Bombardier specification process commented the specifications

7. The BV ERTMS REGIONAL project

(Draft Per Erik BV)

8. Operational rules

Developing a new system requests also new thinking. Railways are normally very reluctant to abandon their approved procedures thinking on safety only.

ERTMS-Regional is a completely new way of running railways, the operational safety is mainly based on radio communication, not on train detection common with the existing technology. Over and above, the system shall be as simple as possible and therefore be adequate for simple traffic conditions. This is the starting point. However, the system can be developed in future to serve as a Level 3 system on main lines.

ERTMS-Regional, based on a complete different technical and operational approach for running a railway, will require new procedures, technically and operationally. The availability and reliability of the system will allow to have less means for fall-back, and due to the traffic situation on secondary lines, fall-back will be based on operational procedures as far as possible.

As proved in Sweden, this approach will result in a significant cost reduction.

Because of the new approach in a technical and operational way, new procedures require a handbook for the operator how to use the system, but especially the operational approach requires new thinking in terms of traffic rules. The target for the development of the traffic rules shall be to achieve the same, or increased, safety as with the existing systems by applying the technical features and possibilities of the system without being forced to keep old rules because of mixed traffic of old and new vehicles. It is one of the advantages of the system that there has to be a “clean” traffic on that line because of the required equipment (ERTMS/ETCS on board equipment).

It is therefore required to develop rules for the traffic on such lines together with the technical specification to allow a seamless transition to the new environment.

UIC presented to ERA in August 2007 the basic idea and the present status of the ERTMS REGIONAL concept. UIC especially addressed the need for operational rules available with the ERTMS REGIONAL application. These rules shall take into account the application possibilities of ERTMS REGIONAL and allow a flexible integration of the system in Europe. ERA agreed to that procedure and will integrate the ERTMS REGIONAL rules into the existing ERTMS rules for ERTMS/ETCS Class 1.

A first draft of the ERTMS REGIONAL rules has been elaborated by UIC. However, the further procedure and form of rules to be elaborated has to be agreed with ERA.

During the ERTMS REGIONAL specification process, the relation between ERTMS REGIONAL and a future ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 system has been considered. Some of the items could be solved in the ERTMS REGIONAL (they will be the same in ERTMS/ETCS Level 3), some of them have to be specified more detailed for the ERTMS/ETCS Level 3. In this case, the ERTMS REGIONAL specification work could also be seen as a preparation of the general ETCS level 3 specification.

9  Future of the ERTMS REGIONAL specification work

UIC has invited to a first ERTMS REGIONAL workshop on March 7, 2008 to give a status for the ongoing activities at UIC and at BV. Further it has always been the aim to invite other industries interested in such a development beyond those who are involved in Sweden. Therefore all relevant specifications have been distributed mid 2007 to interested UNISIG suppliers as a first step. The Workshop is meant to be a milestone for the last phase of the project where interested railways (Infrastructure Managers and Train Operating Companies) as well as UNISIG and industry suppliers beyond UNISIG shall be invited to be involved developing the ERTMS REGIONAL specifications.

UIC is aiming to install an operational FRS Group with participants coming from railways to contribute to the development and at the same time promote the acceptance of ERTMS REGIONAL. These European specifications should be available in mid 2010.