A Member of Bowls England.
G.B.A Women’s Division Delegate Meeting (Annual Meeting)
Whitminster Village Hall
Wednesday 7 October 2015, 1.30 p.m.
- President Gill Hodder opened the meeting at 1.35pm by welcoming delegates.
- Apologies 33 clubs sent representatives and 7 clubs sent apologies. 16 officers and officials were in attendance. Details in files.
- Amendments to minutes of meeting 25.7.15. None
- Ratification of minutes dated 25.7.15. Ratified.
- Matters arising None not on the main agenda.
- Correspondence None.
- President’s Statement
The President indicated how much she had enjoyed her year of office. She wished to record her thanks to various groups of colleagues and individuals for their tremendous efforts throughout the year :
- To the members of the Management Committee including the WD Officers
- To the WD Selectors
- To the WD Competition Organisers
- To all other WD officials and individuals contributing to the success of our county
- In particular to IPP Anne Beaven, who shared so much of the year with Gill, notably also two weeks inLeamington
She had particularly enjoyed the National Championships in Leamington, but also the good results by our teams in the Middle England League.
- Secretary’s report
8.1 Accounts and Treasurer’s Report supplied today, but most items will in future be sent electronically, so necessary to print them off and bring to meeting – nomination sheet, competition paperwork, club information forms recently. In future the intention is to do everything electronically; all clubs now have at least one available e-mail, Secretary if not WD Delegate.
8.2The Club Affiliation form is shortly due back(from Club Secretaries) and also the WD Club Information form.
8.3 Statistics : Number of affiliated ladies down this year from 1260 last year – probably by about 60. Little more than one per club, so can be covered by each club securing just one new member. Number of ladies on the County List up slightly from 147 last year, to 152 this year. This year runners-up in club singles qualify to go on the County List. Need to be mindful of both the extra work for the Selection Committee and also the inevitably decreased likelihood of everyone on the List getting a game every year.
8.4 Not a year of major administrative changes, but some key ones have been debated in Delegate Meetings. Most notably on bringing competitions into line with BE directives , and on the difficulties that we face in relation to attracting new officers and officials, with particular emphasis on the Presidential Team. With attempting to resolve the latter, we encounter the difficulty that the Men’s Division do not feel that they face the same issues, so we firstly need to solve our own problems for this year.
8.5 WD Handbook and the WD Web sitehopefully still proving useful; the latter is difficult to keep up to date, but teams and results always go up quickly and photos from events like Finals Day and President’s Day also up quite quickly.
8.6 No comment here on either match or competition results in the current season, as others will coverthese more effectively. Ultimately, though, a great disappointment that Gloucestershire won all six MEL games, but failed to come top of the table and be the 2016 Champions.
8.7 County Officers and Officials In relation to these, there will be other tributes in this meeting. Wouldpersonally like to thank all the Officers and Officials of the Women’s Division for their help and support to me in my first year as WD Secretary and Deputy County Administrator. Gloucester has a really great team of hard-workers. Not just the key WD Management Committee members, but the Selectors, Competition Organisers and many others who keep the County running efficiently. Heartfelt thanks to all Officers and Officials for the time and effort that they devote to the County.
Personal thanks in particular to Gill and Anne, the always-present members of our Presidential Team. Always encouraging, enthusing, exorting, with a smile, and always there. Not least for the two weeks they both spent at Leamington, at their own cost. Gill has had a very effective year as President and has been a great support to myself. Anne has clearly demonstrated over the full four years of her appointments, her devotion to her County. It is to be hoped that the County can retain access to the enthusiasm and common-sense that she encapsulates.
Two others, in particular, have shouldered a huge load, yet again, including the integral demands of the GBA Joint Executive Committee. Myra is so omnipresent and so widely involved, but does her considerable work load both efficiently and unobtrusively, so she does not always get the credit which she is undoubtedly due. Maddie retires this year after 6 years as our WD Treasurer (plus associated GBA responsibilities). She knows only one way to do her job, and that is thoroughly and professionally. I shall miss her almost daily prompts and she has helped me enormously in my initial year as Secretary. But we have an excellent replacement and will also continue to benefit from Maddie’s experience within the County team. Much luck to her as incoming President.
8.8 Will cover Bowls England points in that report, but can refer here to various points in relation to the GBA Joint Executive Committee. Just one aside here - full detail of both the GBA Joint Executive Committee and the WD Management Committee are available on the Web site, where their minutes appear.
Matters that have consumed much Joint Executive Committee attention in the last year include :
- Financial matters. One of the absolute key responsibilities
- The issues with our Presidential Teams. Also linked to moving unification forwards
- Changes in the GBA Constitution and the Rules & Regulations. We are undertaking a complete rewrite under the title ‘GBA Constitution & Rules’, of which more detail at the Joint Council Meeting in November. An agenda for that meeting will be circulated shortly
- The Annual Presentation Luncheon (a week and a half from now)
- The GBA Bereavement Protocol
- WD Treasurer’s report
[ Accounts supplied as separate EXCEL document ] Note that the accounts are subject to the Examiner’s scrutiny; in his hands currently. Points to be drawn to your attention :
9.1Another financially successful year, with a surplus of just under £800. The detailed figures vary quite a bit, one way or another, from last year.
9.2On income, £100 advertising fees in the handbook are awaited, which will have to go into next year’s accounts. Affiliations down by £68 & competition income down by £355. Match income also down £780, so overall income was down by £1919 on last year.
9.3But, expenditure was also down on last year by £1302, resulting in a decrease in overall surplus from last year from £1414 to £767.
9.4Competition money paid to Bowls England down by £122, due to reduced entry numbers. Competition expenses down by £123, partly because £300 was brought forward from last year’s surplus to pay for repairs or upgrading of trophies. On the final page, you will see that competitions made a surplus of £254.12 for 2015, of which £200 will be carried forward to next year as a contingency. However, without the Bowls England contribution of £255, competitions would have only broken even.
9.5The cost of printing the handbooks was £75 cheaper than last year, with the new printers.
9.6Match costs were down by £445 but expenses increased slightly. If you look on the last page again, matches which lost money (away venues) are shown in brackets in bold, and we made a loss of £226.50. When you add the other expenses, MEL meetings & insurance, postage, stationery, stickers, score cards, selector’s expenses & some new card holders amounting to a total of £630, this makes an overall loss on matches of £856, against £502 in 2014. This was mainly due to the match income against expenditure downward trend difference of £335 (£445 less £780), and the fact that due to the non-event versus Glamorgan because of the awful weather, £120 was refunded to the players.
9.7However, as promised, match fees will not rise in 2016, but will have to be reviewed in 2017 by the new Treasurer.
9.8Allowances increased in 2015 as agreed last year by the Delegates, to bring them more in line with the Men’s Division. Hence the increase in the Officer’s allowances from £500 to £800 & the President’s allowance from £600 to £650 & this increases with inflation each year, or as agreed by the Management Committee. Lindsay, however, did not claim her full allowance; so £300 has been added to income as a donation & shown as unclaimed expenses in the expenditure.
9.9It should also be born in mind that some Committee members did not make any claims for expenses.
9.10Financially things are very healthy, with £21312.48 in hand in the three accounts listed at the top of page two, as at 30th September 2015. We also have stock valued at £1170, and have paid hall hire deposits to Whitminster Village Hall for four meetings, including this one, for 2015-16.
9.11Current liabilities show the £200 surplus from competitions carried forward to next year, plus £855 competition prize money to be paid out at the October County Luncheon.
9.12Brought forward from last year was £20669.77 plus this year’s surplus of £797.69 leaving a balance sheet total of £21467.46 carried forward to the 2015-16 financial year.
9.13Finally, on the last page you will note the breakdown of gifts given during the year - retiring President Anne in 2014, Margaret Tully retiring as your Secretary, and Joy Sheward retiring as the WD GBA2010 Representative & Chairman. As Gill did not have a charity for her year as President, she will be using her ‘gift’ to purchase some better scorecards for use in WD next year.
9.14I have been your Treasurer since Joyce Keating retired at the end of 2009, when someone volunteered me to replace her ! I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge & it virtually became a vocation for me, although I have been very frustrated at times with the hassle of the dropouts & replacements in matches, & the chasing up of late match payments, but I am sure Avril will also enjoy that challenge with the same enthusiasm & dedication. Please give her as much help and encouragement as you have given me.
9.15I took the decision to retire as your Treasurer for two reasons; Avril came along as a willing replacement, & we were lacking a President for 2016. As next year will see me completing 50 years on the bowling green, I felt it was a good time to step in & mark the occasion, & I look forward to that different challenge in 2016.
- Match Secretary’s report
10.1 Next year’s fixtures are in the process of being arranged, so here is the summary so far : .
Wed 11th May GBA v Somerset at Henleaze B.C.
Thurs 26th May GBA v Worcestershire at Barnwood B.C.
Tues 7th June GBA v Berkshire at Cheltenham B.C.
Sun 19th June GBA Ladies v Men at Dowty B.C.
Wed 22nd June GBA v Herefordshire at Churchdown B.C.
Sat 25th June GBA v Warwickshire JT at Pineholt B.C.
Sat 9th July GBA v Somerset JT at Arrow B.C.
Mon 25th July GBA v Nottinghamshire at Entaco B.C.
Wed 24th August GBA v Glamorgan at Royal Forest of Dean B.C.
Frid 2nd Sept Wiltshire v GBA at Westlecot BC.
Tues 6th Sept GBA v Hampshire at Fairford B.C.
Tues 13th Sept GBA v Somerset (Mixed) at Yate B.C.
10.2 Maddie will be having a Presidential match against her own club which will take place on Sunday 31st July.
10.3 We have Bedfordshire Ladies President’s tour coming to Gloucestershire on 17 – 20th June and there will be a Presidential game on Sunday 19th at Glos City/Spa, with other games at Falcon, Painswick, Tewkesbury, Cheltenham Spa and Cirencester.
10.4 I would like to thank all the clubs who have made their facilities available for hosting county matches and for trying to keep costs down as much as possible.
10.5 Unfortunately we did not win the Middle England League as we thought. As has been reported already, Leicestershire pipped us to the post by winning 4 matches by 15 points to 2, which was enough to cover the fact that we had beaten them.
- Competition Secretaries’ report
11.1Reminder on changes in County competition organisation discussed and agreed previously, but being implemented in the 2016 season
11.2The Competition Organisers would be meeting shortly to consider whether any competition rule changes might be necessary
11.3Entries for 2016 County competitions close today and the draws are to be made in about two weeks time
- B.E Delegate’s report
12.1Possible need for enhanced Public Liability levels (if required of clubs with local authority greens) within BE insurance could be obtained by circa £25 extra premium. Will circulate clubs, or the GBA Administrator will do so
12.2Change in competition fees (for those leading to Nationals) for 2016, +20p (to £2.50)
12.3Change in national competition fees for 2016, +30p (to £4.50). Top Club +£5 (to £30)
12.4BE 2016 national club competition entries now available on-line
12.5Possible creation of a new bowling county of Bristol again surfacing (some history to this noted). Would not proceed without the support of both Somerset and Gloucestershire, which would be unlikely
12.6Dates of the 2016 National Championships will be Saturday 6 August to Sunday 4 September (but same standard weeks)
12.7BE National Presentation Dinner is Saturday 21stNovember 2015 in Solihill. Can provide details and will co-ordinate applications from Gloucestershire
12.8Counties Meeting at Solihull on Saturday 21st November 2015 [ before the dinner ]. One of the themes will be the requirement placed upon counties in relation to unification
12.9Please note the Coach Bowls courses coming out regularly now. BDA involved. David Rolls the local co-ordinator. The Level 1 course due this month has been put back until 7 November at Bristol Indoor; please publicise. Booking through Sport Structures or BDA. Also note in your clubs the EBUA Markers courses on 30 January and 27 February at Cotswold BC
- Benevolent Secretary’s report
- Please let me know when visits, cards or gifts are appropriate at the time that they are relevant, rather than months later !
- Thanks to colleagues who have helped deliver gifts and cards
- Balance sheet healthy, with £1834 in bank and cash-in-hand. Expenditure in the last year £309
- Proposals for changes to the GBA Constitution or Rules and Regulations
None submitted by clubs. A few still to be circulated by Joint Executive Committee, prior to GBA Joint Council Meeting
- Nominations and Elections of 2016 WD Officers and Officials
15.1 All the following positions were nominated in advance of the meeting (suitably proposed and seconded). Information previously circulated.
Immediate Past PresidentGill HodderStroud B.C
PresidentMaddie HaleFairford BC
Secretary Lindsay CollinPage Ladies B.
Treasurer Avril HoleCotswold B.
Match Secretary Myra SavageFalcon B.C
Bowls England DelegateLindsay CollinPage Ladies B.C
Bristol SelectorElaine LewisRedland Green B.C
Cheltenham SelectorAnn JonesCirencester B.C
Gloucester SelectorMaryan PyeCaer Glow B.C
Stroud SelectorAngela WildsmithTetbury B.C
Bristol Competition SecretaryJanet Lee CooperYate B.C
Cheltenham Competition SecretaryVal MajorChurchdown B.C
Gloucester Competition SecretaryChristine MageeEDF Barnwood B.C
Stroud Competition Secretary Myra SavagePainswick Falcon B.C
Benevolent Secretary Shirley LewisKingswood & Hanham B.C
Bristol area representative Trish NunnArdagh B.C
Gloucester area representative Christine MageeEDF Barnwood B.C
Stroud area representative Angela WildsmithTetbury B.C
15.2 The following positions were discussed for various reasons and relevant nominations made from the floor [proposed/seconded] :
Vice-President - discussion on this position, with some names suggested, but no nomination at this time
Representative to GBA Joint Executive Committee - Angela Harris Gloucester Spa B.C
[Gloucester Spa/Gloucester City]
Safeguarding Officer - Angela Harris Gloucester Spa B.C [Gloucester Spa/Gloucester City]
Cheltenham area representative - Anne Beaven Dowty B.C [Fairford/Churchdown]
Team Manager - Secretary indicated that she wished to withdraw any nomination for this position and discuss again at a Management Meeting the protocol for the appointment, before putting forward a proposal at the March Delegate Meeting. This was unanimously accepted
15.3 All the positions proposed and seconded in 15.1 (in advance) and 15.2 (from the floor) were carried by a show of hands and near-unanimity
15.4 At this point the Secretary spoke very kindly of the outgoing President, Gill Hodder, and presented her with a number of gifts from the ladies of Gloucestershire and also from the Officers, to warm applause from attendees. She then also made a presentation to retiring Treasurer Maddie Hale, to similar approbation from the gathering
- A.O.B
16.1Brief questions about the missing Benevolent Trophy, from Ann Jones. Sue Dyer (Cirencester) – the original donater of the trophy - to please provide details of the source and cost to the Treasurer, and this silver plate will be replaced and suitably engraved
16.2Uniforms from retired County players. Please send details to Secretary and the sale of these will be publicised on the Web or in e-mails
The meeting closed at 3.35 pm
Note (for the record) dates of 2016 Delegate Meetings :
Wednesdays 16 March, 20 July, 5 October. All 1.30 pm at Whitminster Village Hall
Please put these in your diary