FYIs and FAQs
Who gets glasses?(Can only be ordered annually.)
- Everybody gets an Rx.
- Active Duty get 1 FOC, 1 BC or 1 half eye, 1GMI
- Retired get 1 BC or 1 half eye
- Fliers get 2 tinted AFF, 2 clear AFF, 1 FOC, 1 BC, 1GMI
- Tints can only be put in BCGs if the patient works in bright conditions (ie;outdoors)
- Please refer to cheat sheets in SRTS room
What is the contact lens policy?
Tricare (all of our patients have this insurance) does not cover contact lens care…
If patient is on FLY status, then the patient needs to be on the contact lens program! (see ACCLP)
As a courtesy, we will update contact lens prescriptions if the patient is wearing the contact lenses into the appointment and the contact lens parameters are known / provided.
How do I know if someone is a FLYER?
Wears flight suit. Medical Record has a bold FLY stamped on top. SF600 has Outpatient Record Rm: DGMC FSO Record Room on bottom right.
Routine eye exams are scheduled through central appointments x3000 from a white phone or can give 800#. Appointments do not go out further than 1 month. Provide the patient with the front desk # (707)423-7171 option 5, if for some reason they need to call and re-schedule. Walk patients up to the front and let the technician know what is needed if at all possible!
CORNEAL REFRACTIVE SURGERY: Center is located on the 3 West. PRK and LASIK for active duty, only no dependants or retirees. Must be @ least 21 and have @ least 1 year of retain ability after surgery. Pt will need to provide a current DoD routine eye exam (within 6 months) and a second eye exam with @ least 1 year in between that proves refractive stability (no more than 0.50 D). Flyers inquiring CRS work-up must be seen with an active duty optometrist.
FLY status:
- Need to be 20/20 OD, OS distance and near with spectacles and contact lenses.
- IOPs 22 or greater, C/Ds greater than 0.4, or ONH asymmetry need further testing (ie; HVF)
- Retinal degenerations need to be referred to OMD.
- ACCLP (Aircrew Soft Contact Lens Program): Prefer pt to wear contact lenses into the appt. Should bring CLs and must bring spectacles to all eye appointments!! CL complications need to be reported as incidents in PIMR. VAs must be taken with spectacles after removal of SCLs.
- DNIF = Does Not Include Flight Duties
- DNIC (deny) = Duties not to include controlling (for air traffic controllers)
LASER Exams: for people who work with LASERs include:
Routine eye exam. Amsler Grid. Color Vision
Testing includes: Unaided and Aided VA, distance and near. Amsler Grid. Routine eye exam.
BC / BCG birth control glasses
DNIF does not include flight duties
PCS permanent change of station (coming or going)
TDY temporary duty (I went somewhere)
RTFS return to flight status
PHA physical health assessment
FOC frame of choice
GMI gas mask inserts