The Lowcountry Regional Water System Commission (herein referred to as “LRWS” of the “Commission”) held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 200 Jackson Avenue East, Hampton South Carolina. The meeting was advertised as prescribed by law.

Commission Present: John Rhoden, Hampton

Henry Tuten, Varnville

Horney Mitchell, Gifford

Dr. Roy Hollingsworth, Hampton County

Officers Present: Brian Burgess, General Manager

Marlene Marchyshyn, Treasurer

Kari Foy, Engineer

Sara Craven, Secretary

Visitors Present: Fay Gooding (LeCreuset)

Angelo Wright (LeCreuset)

Trent Grant (LeCreuset)

Brantley Strickland (Economic Development)

Lawrence & Rebecca Biggie

Quorum Met: Yes

1. Call to Order

Chairman John Rhoden called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm

2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation was given by Roy Hollingsworth

Pledge of Allegiance - Conducted by all.

3. FOIA Compliance Report

As required by Code of Laws of South Carolina, notice of this LRWS Commission meeting was posted prominently in the offices of the Commission at least twenty-four hours in advance. In addition, the local news media and all persons requesting notifications of meetings of the LRWS Commission were notified of the time, date, and place of such meeting, and were provided with a copy of the agenda at least twenty-four hours prior to this meeting.

4. Adoption of the Agenda

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Roy Hollingsworth to adopt the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Approval of Minutes: February 28, 2017 Special Called Meeting and February 28, 2017 Regular Meeting.

Moved by Horney Mitchell, seconded by Henry Tuten to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2017 Special Called Meeting and February 28, 2017 Regular Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Financial Report

The financial report for the month of February 2017 was presented by Marlene Marchyshyn and is summarized below.

February 2017:

Total Actual Monthly Revenue: $ 218,751.59 (Under $3,227.72)

Total Actual Monthly Expenditures: $218,156.27 (Under $3,823.04)

Cash Account Balances (Unrestricted funds)

Gross Revenue cash account balance: $276,630.36

Operating cash account balance: $17,530.30.

Operating Reserves

Capital Replacements, Cushion Reserves, and Loan Payment Reserves: $741,433.32

Contingency Depreciation

Contingency & Depreciation $149,093.64.

LRWS received its second Debt Setoff check in the amount of $2,500.

Expenses included DHEC drinking water fees ($7,700) and a pump/motor from Xylem Water Solutions for the Hampton Waste Water Treatment Plant ($11,500).

LRWS received its first report from DSS for the Roundup program. Which showed that they paid $53.53 more than we sent them. 12 People applied for assistance, 11 were elligble but only 7 were assisted due to lack of funds. Marlene noted that DSS had paid or assisted $53 more through the program than what had actually been sent to them.

Moved by Horney Mitchell, seconded by Roy Hollingsworth to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Operations Report

The Operations Report for February 2017 was presented by Brian Burgess and is summarized below:

The water system total gallons produced for the month was 26,512,377 with total gallons sold at 11,475,508. Total percentage inefficiency was 57%. The wastewater system total gallons received was 49,036,000 with a total gallons treated at 11,225,026. Total percentage inefficiency was 77%. Total active water services was 3,035 with total active sewer services at 2,747. Total work hours were 2,577.36 with 58.75 hours overtime in Distribution and Collection and 25 hours overtime in Treatment. There were no Workers Comp incidents or loss time reported.

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Horney Mitchell to approve the Operations Report. Motion carried unanimously.

8. Manager’s Report

The Manager’s report for February 2017 was presented by Brian Burgess and included the following.

Ms. Sara Craven accepted the offer to fill the Administration and Customer Service Billing Lead position.

Kari Foy and Brian attended the SC Environmental Conference at Myrtle Beach. Brian reported that he had gained some valuable knowledge and networked with a few old and some new colleagues.

Brian has left messages for SCDOT Commissioner Glover to contact him regarding the Hwy 68 widening project.

LRWS is awaiting the initial installation of the beginnings of its Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that is part of the SCIC Sewer Pump Station Project. This system will give LRWS real time control and data including alarms. The goal is to eventually have all pump stations, tanks, wastewater treatment facilities and other critical infrastructure connected to the system. LRWS will be able to identify issues before they become critical which will allow LRWS to minimize impacts to its customers and/or the environment. Man hours, fuel and equipment utilization will be saved by allowing LRWS to reduce some of our site inspections from daily to weekly once approved SCDHEC.

Brian was unable to attend the Yemassee Town Council Meeting however, Chairman Rhoden did attend and requested that the items confiscated by the Yemassee Police Department be removed.

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Horney Mitchell to approve the Manager’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.

8. (A) Engineer’s Report

The Engineers report was presented by Kari Foy and included the following.

All easements have been obtained for the Brunson-Gifford Waterline Project. The bid documents are being finalized for CDBG approval. We are anticipating advertising in April and projecting to receive bids in May of this year. Construction should begin in August of this year.

All easements for the Yemassee residents for the Salkehatchie Sewer upgrade were delivered by Kari.

SCADA design/construction is underway for the SCIC Water & Sewer Phase 2. Installation and Startup will begin in April 2017.

Varnville First Baptist Church has paid their impact fees. They still need to pay the tap fee.

JR Wilson is clearing for the Rail Spur Project. There should not be a cost to LRWS for that project. Update/plan submittal requested from the engineer.

The Love’s Travel Stop in Yemassee is moving forward. Design submittal was received today.

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Horney Mitchell to approve the Engineer’s Report. Motion carried unanimously.

9. Old Business

A) Development of LRWS Member Water and Sewer Rates

Tabled until a later date.

B). Kimberly Solomon (107 Sharon Ave Hampton SC) Sewer Backup During Hurricane Matthew

Brian reported that we are waiting to hear from the attorneys.

10) New Business

Mr. Lawrence Biggie spoke about his home at 417 Lightsey Street in Hampton having 2 meters. He stated that he and his wife were the only ones at that address and that they are paying the base rate for water and sewer twice a month due to the second meter. He explained that converting his home to use one meter would be very pricing due to a slab foundation. He asked that the Board consider giving him a special rate or only charge them the base rate on one meter.

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Roy Hollingsworth to approve Mr. Biggie’s request to remove the water and sewer base rate on one meter. Motion carried unanimously.

A) 2018 Bond Resolution In The Amount Not To Exceed $6,500,000.00

Tabled until a later date.

B) First Reading Fire Service Availabilty Rate/Fees for the SCIC/LRIP Industrial Parks

The first reading for the Fire Service Availability Rate/Fees for the SCIC/LRIP Industrial Park was presented by Brian Burgess. He stated that when LRWS took over the water service, it also acquired the fire protection system in the Industrial Park. He said that LRWS would need to set aside $50,000 for future repair and maintenance costs for the Industrial Park and pointed out that the jockey pump and fire pump control are both passed their life expectancy. He told Board members that LRWS would need to decide on its options for obtaining the needed funds. Two options presented were to split the cost between the businesses based on a straight line approach or, charge based on the meter size.

Mrs. Fay Gooding from LeCreuset spoke on the behalf of Mr. Russ Crowe of Progressive Packaging. She stated that Mr. Crowe has been negotiating for the old Carsonite building and that he plans to bring in 55 new employees in six months’ time. She said that Mr. Crowe thought that the infrastructure would already be there. He is now concerned that he will be charged twice since he will have two buildings and because of that, he is rethinking the expansion.

Mrs. Gooding then spoke for LeCreuset stating that the company has been a good corporate citizen. She stated that the existing businesses should not have to pay for infrastructure that should already be in place. She told Board members that these businesses help to bring in more businesses and that LeCreuset had always promoted Hampton County. She noted that taxes in Hampton County had more than doubled over the years.

Roy Hollingsworth commented that the Council would welcome a discussion on the subject.

Kari Foy told Ms. Gooding that the infrastructure was already there and that these costs were to recoup deferred maintenance that had never happened.

The Board reviewed a letter that was received from Mr. Gene Dellavalle, owner of the old Carsonite Building. In the letter, he states that Hampton County should be participating with these fees and that the users should only be responsible for a proportional share. He agreed to pay an annual fee in the amount of $2400. Chairman John Rhoden then asked Mrs. Gooding if she had a figure that they would agree to pay every year for the fire protection. Mrs. Gooding’s replied that she did not at the moment but that she could come up with an amount.

Mr. Brantley Strickland stated that this would put Hampton County at a disadvantage for new businesses. Brian Burgess suggested that each business do their own fire protection and do away with this program.

Chairman John Rhoden suggested that the issued be tabled for a couple of months so that the business owners and Brian could talk with the County Council. Everyone was in agreeance.

C) Request by Tony Jarrell Concerning Gifford Water Tank Site

Mr. Tony Jarrell made a request to buy or rent the land around the tank site in Gifford for farming. This request was made in a previous meeting and at that time, the Board agreed to rent the property to Mr. Jarrell for $75.00 per year. The Board discussed the issue and agreed to keep the same agreement, terms, and rent as previously agreed.

Moved by Horney Mitchell, seconded by Roy Hollingsworth to keep the same agreement as previously agreed upon with rent being $75 per year. Motion carried unanimously.

11. Comments or Questions

No questions or comments.

12. Executive Session

No Executive Session

13. Adjournment

Moved by Henry Tuten, seconded by Horney Mitchell to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting then adjourned at 5:17 pm.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Sara Craven