21st CCLC

Final Carryover Report FY18

Due Date: October 12, 2017

FY18 21st CCLC Carryover Report

This document was developed for grantees to report to the Maryland State Department of Education the amount of 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) funds that they will carryover from their total FY17allocation. Each grantee is required to complete this report with details to describe how the carried over funds will be used during the 2017-2018 school year.

Maryland State Department of Education’s 21st CCLC Program allows a grantee to carryover not more than 10% of 21st CCLC funds not used in the current grant budget year for approved activities that would most benefit from additional funding. The amount of carryover is calculated based on the initial 13-month expenditure period (e.g., September 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017). Carryover funding must be obligated before expiration of funds. The carryover policy does not apply to grants terminated or expired.

  1. Designate carryover funds for particular activities that could best benefit from additional funding.
  2. Remedial education activities and academic enrichment learning programs, including providing additional assistance to students to allow the students to improve their academic achievement;
  3. Mathematics and science education activities;
  4. Arts and music education activities;
  5. Entrepreneurial education programs;
  6. Tutoring services (including those provided by senior citizen volunteers) and mentoring programs;
  7. Programs that provide after-school activities for limited English proficient students that emphasize language skills and academic achievement;
  8. Recreational activities;
  9. Telecommunications and technology education programs;
  10. Expanded library service hours;
  11. Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy;
  12. Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled, to allow the students to improve their academic achievement; and
  13. Drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, and character education programs.
  1. Additional uses include:
  1. Supplies
  2. Professional development (e.g., conference registration)
  3. Transportation
  4. Equipment (submit Exhibit A)
  5. Additional activities for students (i.e., field trips require field trip approval form)
  6. Background checks
  7. Indirect costs (no more than 5% for CBO/FBO; LSS must use negotiated rate)
  1. In-kind is not required.
  2. Carryover funds cannot be used for salaries and wages.
  3. Submit a Budget Narrative, Budget Itemized Worksheet, and a signed C-1-25 in the amount of the funds to be carried over.
  4. Submit anelectronic copy to . Include your grantee name and specialist’s name in the subject line.

21st CCLC carryover funds are equal to no more than 10% of your 2016 - 2017 grant award.

Table I FY18 21st CCLC CARRYOVER (as of October 12, 2017)
  1. Total amount of the grantee’s 21st CCLC FY17 allocation: $ ______
  2. Total amount of unspent funds: $ ______
  3. Thefinal amount (as of October 12, 2017) of 21st CCLC funds the grantee will carryover: $______
  4. Thefinalpercentage of carryover 21st CCLC funds as of October 12, 2017:______. (Amount cannot exceed more than 10% of total funding)

  • Be sure to include a signed C-1-25, budget narrative, and itemized budget worksheet for the requested carryover amount
  • Be sure to sign below


21st CCLC Equipment/Technology Request Form

FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018



21st CCLC Grantees are required to explain reasoning for purchase of equipment/technology. Equipment/technology purchases must adhere to the cost principles of the OMB Circular. Purchases must be linked to academic improvement.

Electronic items include but are not limited to: computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, smartboards, keyboards, printers, licenses, cameras, video equipment, charging carts, drones etc.

Type of Equipment / Quantity / Reason for Request / Explanation of Programmatic Use / Cost