FY17 Private school packet
For School Year 2017-2018
Electronically Submit to OSDE
December 6, 2016
Dear Superintendent:
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA),districts are required toannually contact officials from allprivate schoolswithin the district attendance area.In addition, if there are students who reside within the district but attend a private school outside the district attendance area, the district is required to contact those private school officials.If either of these scenarios apply, the district must submit to the Office of Federal Programs aDistrict Affirmation of Consultation with Private School Officials form (page 5) for each private school consulted. If, after consultation, the private school wishes for their students, teachers, and other educational staff to participate,the following forms must be completed for each participating private school and submitted to the Office of Federal Programs:
- Declaration of Intent to Participate in Federal Programs for Private Schools (page 6)
- Statement of Assurances for Private Schools (page 7)
- Family Income Eligibility Form from Private School Officials (page 8)
- Private School Low-Income Student Count for Title I, Part A Services (page 10)
The district is responsible for implementing equitable services for private school students, teachers, and other educational staff eligible to participate in federal programs. After consultation with each private school, please submit the completed documentselectronicallyto the Office of Federal Programs to with the following subject line: Private School Packet,typed exactly as shown, no later than Monday, February 6, 2017.
If no private schools exist in the district, or the district has no resident students attending private schools in another district, complete the form below and submitit electronically to ith the following subject line: Private School Packet, typed exactly as shown, no later than Monday, February 6, 2017.No further action is required in regards to private school(s) equitable services.
For more information concerning the provision of equitable services to private school students, teachers, and other educational personnel, please refer to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) website at If you have any questions, please contact the OSDE’sOmbudsman for technical assistance: Jazmin Madrigal, (405) 522-6249.Thank you.
Gloria Bayouth
Gloria Bayouth
Executive Director
Office of Federal Programs
Submit this form electronically to by Monday, February 6, 2017,ifno private schools exist in the district andnone of your resident students attend a private school in another district.
District & County Name / County & District Number
Superintendent Signature / Date
State and Federal Requirements for the Participation of Private Schools
in Federal Programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Each year the Oklahoma State Department of Education Office of Federal Programsdistributes the Declaration ofIntent to Participate in Federal Programs for Private Schools form to district superintendents for consultation and completion with eligible private school administrators within each district. The administrator of each eligible private school with 501(c)(3) nonprofit certification who requests thathis or her students, teachers, and other educational staff participate in any of the eligible federal programs (see page 6)must complete and return the form to the districts by the indicated deadline to participate in federal programs in the 2017-2018 school year.
- Federal guidelines require districts to annually conduct timely, meaningful, and ongoing consultation with private school officials of participating private school students, teachers, and other educational staff. The district must inform private school administrators of the benefits and limitations of the ESSAand provide the opportunity for private school students, teachers, and other educational staff to participate in district programs.
- Each district will receive a federal program allocation which includes counts of both public and private school students to implement programs under ESSA. The Office of Federal Programs will contact private school officials regarding their equitable share amount.
- Each district must consult with the private school officials about proposed uses of federal funds. All equitable services information must be submitted to the district and included as part of the district application. Participation by private school students, teachers, and other educational staff is limited to the extent allowable under specific ESSA programs.
- Allocations for participating private school students, teachers, and other educational staff are included in the district's Preliminary Allocation Notification for each federal program. After the district calculates an amount for use in serving the private school students, teachers, and other educational staff, projected expenditures for these equitable services must be entered in the summary budget of the district application under function code 5500. Control of the federal funds legally remains with the district. The district shall make final decisions with respect to the services to be implemented for private school students, teachers, and other educational staff. Neither the OSDE nor a district may make direct payments to a private school or expend funds for any purpose that would benefit a private school or the general needs of the private school students.
- Districts are allowed to transfer up to 100 percent of Title IIA funds into Title IA. Sufficient funds must remain in Title IIA to provide for equitable services for participating private schools.Prior to the transfer of any funds and as a part of program planning, private schools and other public school staff must be informed that the district intends to transfer funds.
- Expenditures for educational services and other benefits to eligible private school children shall be equal to the proportion of funds allocated to participating school attendance areas based on the number of children from low-income families who attend private schools. The proportional share of funds shall be determined based on the total amount of funds received by the district under Title IA prior to any allowable expenditures or transfers by the district.
- A discreteaudit trail for the expenditure of allocations for equitable services to private school students, their teachers, and other educational personnel must be established by the district business office to avoid commingling these federal funds with public school federal funds.
Oklahoma State Department of Education 1 Revised November 2016
Office of Federal Programs
District Use Only
- Invoices for expenditures for equitable services must be coded under function code5500 by district program staff to alert business office staff that such expenditures are to be charged to the equitable servicesaccount. Purchases made on behalf of equitable services may not be paid from the public school portion of the district allocation, nor may purchases for the public school program be paid from funds generated by private school students.Payment by the district for purchases of equitable services must be deducted from individual accounts established for equitable services for each private school with participants under function code 5500 in the appropriate program’s budget page.
- The district is responsible for ordering materials or equipment needed to implement the program for equitable services in the approved district application. The district is also responsible for arranging for all training programs and services to be implemented for private school students, teachers, and other educational staff. Services and materials purchased or provided by the district for private school students and teachers must be secular, neutral, and nonideological. The district must maintain an inventory of materials and equipment purchased with federal funds on behalf of each participating private school.
- The district is legally required to retain title to all purchases made with federal funds for equitable services. All purchases must be appropriately labeled or otherwise identified by the district to indicate the year and source of federal funds with which they were purchased.When materials and equipment purchased with federal funds for temporary use in the program located at the private school are no longer needed to meet program purposes, the district must ensure their return to the district and equitable distribution among other private schools.
- Federal funds allocated for private school students, teachers, and other educational staff areto be used for expenditures approved in the current year’s district application.
- If a private school closes or withdraws from participation in a federal program, the district must immediately notify the Office of Federal Programs.
- When calculating reasonable and necessary administrative costs, the district should include the costs of administering the programs for both public and private school participants.
- A district must consult with appropriate officials from private schools during the design and development of the district’s Title IAprogram for eligible private school students. After consultation with appropriate private school officials, the district must design a Title IA program that meets the needs of eligible private school students. The district is responsible for planning, designing, and implementing the Title IA program and may not delegate that responsibility to the private schools or their officials.
- Title IA regulations require that any Title IA-funded equipment or supplies placed in the private school are used for Title IA purposes only.
- Title IA regulations require that, to be eligible for Title IA services, a private school student must reside in a participating public school attendance area [ESSA, Section 1113] and meet the accordance which requires the district to use multiple, educationally related, objective criteria in selecting children to participate in the Title IA program[ESSA, Section 1117].
- Title IA services are to be provided to participating private school students by a district or third- party contractor employee who is independent of the private school in the provision of Title IA services. A private school teacher can only be employed for Title IA purposes outside of the time he or she is employed by the private school, and the private school teacher must be under the direct supervision of the district with respect to all Title IA activities.
District Use Only
- A private school official shall have the right to file a complaint with the State educational agency asserting that the district did not engage in consultation that was meaningful and timely, did not give due consideration to the views of the private school official, or did not make a decision that treats the private school students equitably as required [ESSA, Section 1117 (6)].
- Private school principals may not sign time and effort records.
- Title IA regulations require a district to consult with appropriate officials from private schools during the design and development of the district’s program for eligible private school students. The consultation should include how the district will evaluate academic services provided to eligible private school students and how the district will use the results of that evaluation to improve Title IA services.
Electronically Submit to OSDE
District Affirmation of Consultation with Private School Officials
Duplicate form (as needed)
Electronically submit to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE)by Monday, February 6, 2017.
Federal regulations require that timely and meaningful consultation occur between districtand private school officials prior to any decision that affects the opportunities of eligible private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel to participate in federal programs. Consultation shall continue throughout the implementation and evaluation of activities. The following topics must be discussed during the ongoing consultation process:
☐How the district will identify the needs of eligible private school children and teachers;
☐What services the district will provide to teachers and families of participating private school children;
☐How the decision of services delivered will be made;
☐How the district will provide services (directly or through a separate government agency, consortium, entity, or third-party contractor);
☐When, where, and by whom services will be provided (including approximate time of day services will be provided);
☐How the district will assess services to eligible private school students;
☐Size and scope of equitable services;
☐Method or sources of data that will be used to determine the number of private school children from low-income families residing in participating public school attendance area.
If the district disagrees with the views of the private school officials on the provisions of services, the district must provide to the private school, in writing,the reason the reason for their disagreement.
The following multiple, educationally related, objective criteria will be used to determine private school student eligibility for the Title I, Part A program:
☐We agree that timely and meaningful consultation occurred before the district made any decision that affected the participation of eligible private school children under ESSA.
☐We agree that we have participated in meaningful and timely discussion on each federal program and have chosen to participate in the program(s) marked on the Declaration of Intent to Participate in Federal Programs form.
☐WE AGREE that timely and meaningful consultation shall continue throughout implementation and evaluation of services provided under ESSA on the following dates:Click here to enter date
Public School Official Signature / Date / Public School District County # District #Public School Address / Public School Phone Number
Private School Representative Signature / Date / Name of Private School Private School #
Private School Address / Private School Phone Number
Private School wishes to participate in Federal Programs: / Yes ☐ No ☐
Electronically Submit to OSDE
Declaration of Intent to Participate in Federal Programs for Private Schools
Duplicate form (as needed)
Electronically submit to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE)by Monday, February 6, 2017.
Public School District Name:County Name:
Public School Contact Person:
Public School Contact Person Phone: Fax:
Private school officials who desire their teachers and students to benefit from federal educational programs through collaboration with the district must be accredited either by the Oklahoma State Board of Education or the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission (OPSAC), which is an accreditation entity approved by OSDE. Registration with OSDE is an alternative to accreditation.Private schoolsthat have students, teachers, and other educational staff who participate must also have 501(c)(3) certification issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
Indicate the status of the private school. Select only one:
☐ Accredited by the State Board of Education (SBE).
☐Accredited by the SBE through the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission.
☐Our school is not accredited, but we wish to register with the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
Provide all information requested below for use by the OSDE in calculating federal program allocations for the district and each participating private school in the 2017-2018 school year.Tax-exempt number must be provided.
- Private School Name:
Mailing Address:
Private School Administrator:
Name email address
- Federal Tax Exempt Number (IRS Code Section 501(c)(3):
- Total enrollment in K-12 on October 1, 2016. Do not include preschool or homebound enrollment.
Total enrollment:
Total number of English Learner (EL) students identified through English language proficiency testing:
Total number of Immigrant students identified through enrollment:
Total number of Migrant students identified through a Certificate of Eligibility:
IV.Indicate each federal program in which the private school teachers, other educational staff, or students will participate during 2017-2018. Federal funds will not be reserved for any private schoolstudents, teachers, and other educational staff if the school fails to indicate a choice.
☐Title I, Part A*: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
☐Title I, Part C: Education of Migratory Children
☐Title II, Part A**: Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, and Other School Leaders
☐Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for English Learner and Immigrant Students
*If Title I, Part A is checked for participation, the private school needs to complete the Family Income Eligibility Form from Private School Officials (p. 8)and return it to the district. The districtalsoneeds to complete the Private School Low-Income Student Count for Title I, Part A Services (p. 10) form and submit both formstoOSDE.
**If Title II, Part A is checked for participation, please verify that the private school is physically located within your district. If the private school is located within another district, please forward this information to the district in which the private school is located and remove the check mark.
Electronically Submit to OSDE
Statement of Assurances for PrivateSchools
For teachers, other educational staff, and students of private schools to be eligible to participate in federal programs, private schools must be organized according to the recognized patterns shown below.
- Private School will be in session for 180 days or 1080 hours.Five (5) days may be professional days.Student seat time is 1030hours. If a private school is in session for fewer than 180 days, the school will be required to submit official documentation verifying the number of days in session to the LEA providing equitable services.
- Private School will be in session six (6) hours per day, exclusive of lunch time.
- Private School will provide adequate and appropriate facilities, supplies, and equipment to carry out the educational program.
- Private School will have a governing board that will develop objectives and oversee program implementation.
- Private School will have safe and sanitary conditions maintained in buildings where children receive instruction.
- Private School will assure that their programs and fundingcomply with the rules and regulations under the governing laws for Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of Public Law 92-318, Public Law 105-17 (IDEA), Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
- Private School officials will meet with local school district administration to provide suggestions, ideas, program options, etc. that meet the needs of their participants to help the local school district in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs, services, and activities supported by federal program allocations.
- Private School services, materials, and equipment provided for the benefit of participating private school students must be secular, neutral, and nonideological. Control of federal funds and the title to any equipment and materials must remain with the public agency, i.e., the district.No federal funds may be paid to any private school, and the title to equipment and materials may not be transferred to any private school.
- If a studentis attending a Private School in one district and residing in the attendance area of another district, the school officials of the district where the private school is located is responsible for notifying the district in which the student resides. The private school may also contact the school district in which the private school student resides.
The Organizational Patterns of Schools as specified by the State of Oklahoma are listed below. Please select all that apply and enter enrollment figures.Do not include preschool or homebound enrollment.