Futurepast Supplier Questionnaire



Futurepast: Inc. has implemented a quality management system in order to fulfill its quality policy and meet its quality objectives for individual projects. As a supplier to Futurepast, your input is valuable to us, so we ask that you take a few minutes to complete and return this questionnaire.

Futurepast subscribes to the principles of quality management that are outlined in the introduction to ISO 9000:2000. The eighth principle—clause 0.2 (h), “Mutually beneficial supplier relationships,”—states that “An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.”

The data collected in this questionnaire is intended to support Futurepast’s purchasing process and Futurepast’s commitment to continual improvement of its quality management system. Your responses are greatly appreciated.

Reference: Futurepast Quality Policy

Futurepast aims to excel at service delivery and product creation by understanding customer needs, delivering appropriate solutions, and meeting or exceeding customer requirements. Customer satisfaction is our most important measure of quality, and we strive to earn it in every project we undertake. To this end, we are committed to meeting the requirements of our quality management system and to its continual improvement.

Scope of Questionnaire

We ask you for feedback in the five following categories. Please attach additional information and observations as appropriate.

  1. Information Provided by Futurepast
  2. Communication
  3. Working Relationship in Service Provision
  4. Self-Assessment of Supplier-Provided Service
  5. Business, Contracting, and Accounting Relationships

Return Instructions

Please return this questionnaire by electronic mail or by regular post, to:

(c) 2001 Futurepast: Inc. All rights reserved.1

FPF-FP-108 Supplier Questionnaire

Futurepast Supplier Questionnaire

Futurepast: Inc.

2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700

Arlington, VA 22201 USA

Or to:

(c) 2001 Futurepast: Inc. All rights reserved.1

FPF-FP-108 Supplier Questionnaire

Futurepast Supplier Questionnaire

Please respond to part “a” of the following questions by placing an “x” in one of the boxes to the right. Please add any narrative comments in part “b.”

NOTE: The words “you” and “your” refer to the supplier organization.

1. Information Provided By Futurepast

a.Futurepast provided sufficient information

for you to adequately design, develop and
deliver your component of the service provided

to the client (i.e., the end-user of the goods
or service).

  1. Comments and/or suggestions for improvement:


a.Effective communication occurred between
you and your Futurepast contacts in the course
of the development of your component of the
provided goods/service.

  1. Comments and/or suggestions for improvement:

3.Working Relationship in Service Provision

  1. You have a favorable view of your interactions
    with Futurepast personnel during the course of
    developing/delivering/providing your
    goods or service.
  1. Comments and/or suggestions for improvement:

4.Self-Assessment of Supplier-Provided Service

a.You are satisfied with the level of quality of
the goods/service you developed/delivered/
provided to Futurepast.

b.Comments and/or suggestions for improvement:

5.Business, Contracting, and Accounting Relationships

a.You are satisfied with the business,
contracting and accounting aspects of
your relationship withFuturepast.

  1. Comments and/or suggestions for improvement:

(c) 2001 Futurepast: Inc. All rights reserved.1

FPF-FP-108 Supplier Questionnaire