Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement Project
Project update – September 2014
Project Completed
The Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement Project in Geebung was completed in August, three months ahead of schedule.
The project’s final major milestone was reached on Sunday 31 August 2014, when the pedestrian overpass bridge opened to pedestrians and cyclists. All aspects of the project are now open and operational.
An intensive weekend of works was carried out in the lead-up to the opening of the pedestrian overpass bridge. These works coincided with Queensland Rail track closures, allowing the alliance to carry out vital works for the pedestrian overpass bridge while trains were not running.
With both the road and pedestrian overpass bridges now open, the open level crossing on Newman Road is closed permanently to traffic, pedestrians and cyclists.
The Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance project team thanks the Geebung community for their support and patience during the delivery of this vital project.
New pedestrian overpass bridge
The GO Alliance and Queensland Rail worked closely together to complete the new pedestrian overpass bridge, which includes stairs and lifts.
Access across the rail corridor and to Geebung Station via the new pedestrian overpass bridge is in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Qld).
Morrisby Street reopening
Morrisby Street reopened to one-way traffic from Newman Road in late August. The GO Alliance has developed a travel route map for Morrisby Street, attached to this update and available to view on the project website.
Zillman Waterholes Bikeway Extension
The Zillman Waterholes bikeway extension is also now open, connecting Geebong Park to Robinson Road West. This bikeway is a three metre wide shared pathway enhancing connectivity, linking into new pedestrian and cycle routes across the road overpass bridge and on the Railway Parade extension.
Post-completion activities
While all aspects of the project are now open and operational, minor rectification and landscaping works will be undertaken during standard day work hours throughout September. Works notices will continue to be provided to the community as required.
The $199 million Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement Project delivers an important east-west connection by providing a new road-over-rail overpass, connecting Robinson Road East and Robinson Road West. Jointly funded by Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government, the project will improve safety, connectivity and travel times and reduce road congestion in the area.
Brisbane City Council has partnered with BMD Constructions and SMEC Australia to form the Geebung Overpass (GO) Alliance to design and construct the project by late 2014.
To find out more:
Write to: Robinson Road Open Level Crossing Replacement Project, GPO Box 1434, Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: 1800 884 681 Email:
Visit: and search for ‘Robinson Road’