19. Mission Impossible

The Course

Key Verse: Joshua 4:24 – Is my God weak or powerful?

Joshua 3-6

The Goals

As a result of this lesson the children will:

1. Know that all things are possible with God.

2. Desire to see God, through His power, tear down their walls.

3. Live believing that God can do anything.

The Equipment Room

For the following lesson you will need:

1. Three people

a. News Anchor Ned [Is canned, very serious, confident in himself, but sort of goofy. Actually, Ned doesn’t have a clue about much. He thinks that he is a genius but is actually quite stupid. His clothes should not match, but he doesn’t know that; he thinks that he looks great. He will need to be wearing a coat and tie that doesn’t match for this lesson.]

b. Rhoda the Roaming Reporter [Is an energetic, bubbly, expressive person. She will be the one to carry or tell the story. Rhoda should not be seen in this story. Please consider having Rhoda’s image on Power Point.

c. The director will not be seen but does have a few lines.

2. A desk or table

3. A handheld mirror

4. Three copies of the scripts. [Given at least two weeks in advance]

5. Consider using a sound system

6. A telephone

7. Visuals #1-2 [As PowerPoint]

The Warm-up

Snacks: Serve Monkey Bread which can be made [http://allrecipes.com/recipe/6815/monkey-bread-i/] or purchased in the frozen food section of the grocery store. The Olympians will have to tear off chunks of cinnamon bread [Tear Down the Wall] for their snack.

Game: Capture the Flag – Capture the Flag is played with two teams. An area is divided so that each team has an area to defend. They then hide their flag somewhere in their area. When the whistle blows, each team tries to capture their opponent’s flag without being caught on enemy turf. If a player is caught on enemy turf and tagged, they go to jail. The only way to get out of jail is for another teammate to come and tag them to set them free. The game is over when one team successfully captures their opponent’s flag and takes it back to their side.

Scripture Memory Review Game: Relay Races – Divide the children into two teams. Print the verse on paper writing one word on each piece of paper. You will need one copy of the verse for each team. Cut the words of the verse apart. Mix up the papers and place them on the floor. On “Go” have the first person from each team, run to the words and try to find the first word in the verse. Once he finds it, have him position it, run back, and tag the next team member. Continue until the completed verse is in the right order. Then say it together.

Opening Ceremonies

Songs: I will Remember; My All [See Olympian CD Tracks 3 and 7.]; Joshua Fit the Battle Of Jericho; How Great Is Our God

Bible Lesson Review: Divide the children into teams. Mark off a starting line; place a cone for each team an equal distance from the starting line. The children on each team will line up and take turns answering a question. The child at the head of each line goes first. When you read a question, you will say “Now!” That is the signal for the first child from each line to run to their cone and pick it up. The first child to pick up their cone may answer the question. If they do not answer correctly, the child who was second gets an opportunity to answer the same question and so on. Allow the children to get help from their teammates since some of the children may not have been present for the last lesson. Award points for each correct answer. The team with the highest score wins.

The Coach’s Corner

Today in our Bible lesson, we will find out that Joshua and the children of Israel had to believe that their obstacles were not impossible; they had to believe in God’s promises, and they had to obey God.

Olympians, for today’s lesson we have a special presentation for you. Hang on to your hats. Your socks are going to go up and down. Be prepared to be totally amazed and completely under whelmed. Put your hands together and welcome once again, [your church name] very own, News Anchor Ned. [Applause] ( 2) ( 3) ( 1a)

[Ned is seated at the desk straightening his clothes, looking in a mirror, and overly fussing with his hair. There is a telephone on his desk.]

Director: [Not seen] Twenty seconds to air time.

News Anchor Ned: That is just enough time for me to check my hair. [Looks in the mirror] What a handsome fella! [Straightens his clothes] I betcha that [Insert the name of one of the coaches.] wished that he could dress like me. I am sure that he wants to look as good as me. [Chuckles] I’d better check my teeth. [Brushes his teeth with his finger] I sure am glad that I brushed my teeth last month. A news man needs a colorful smile.

Director: Ned, you are on in five, four, three, two, and one.

[Ned is still admiring himself, looking in the mirror fussing with his hair. Ned should make faces, check his teeth]

Director: [In a sing song voice] Ned, we’re on!

News Anchor Ned: Right! [Long pause while looking into the camera or at the Olympians and has a stupid grin on his face shaking his head as if saying yes to someone.] Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in to my show ... ur ... I mean our news show.

Rhoda: [Clears her throat] So, this is the News Anchor Ned Show?

News Anchor Ned: [Looking around wildly, in a scared voice] Who said that?

Rhoda: It’s me, Rhoda, you know, Rhoda the Roaming Reporter.

News Anchor Ned: [Nervous laughter] I knew that!

Rhoda: So, this is the News Anchor Ned Show now?

News Anchor Ned: [Laughter] You heard that?

Rhoda: Yeah, we all did.

News Anchor Ned: [Laughs nervously] Oops!

[Phone rings]

News Anchor Ned: [Ned answers] Hello? . . . You don’t say! . . . You don’t say! . . . You don’t say! . . . You don’t say! [Ned hangs up]

Rhoda: Who was that?

News Anchor Ned: He didn’t say.

Rhoda: Oh brother, Ned. We had better get to the real news.

News Anchor Ned: What real news? Say hi to your brother for me?

Rhoda: What? My brother is not here with me. I was saying, oh brother, at . . . Oh never mind. Ned, I am here with Joshua and the Israelites. Joshua sent two men to spy out the Promised Land. They have reported that a woman named Rahab had hidden them because the king of Jericho was trying to kill them. Because of her actions, the two men made a promise to her that she and her family would be saved when Joshua and the Israelites captured Jericho.

News Anchor Ned: What’s that? Does Joshua use Geri-curl in his hair? I use wonder whip mayonnaise. My hair can withstand wind of up to a hundred miles per hour!

Rhoda: What? Ned, we are not talking about hair! I said Jericho NOT Geri-curl!

News Anchor Ned: Right, I knew that! Good thing too, because I was starting to get hungry thinking about all of that mayonnaise!

Rhoda: Anyway, Ned, Joshua shared God’s instructions with the Israelites. God asked them all to get ready to march, but before they do, they have to consecrate themselves. This means that the people have to take baths and wash themselves and put on clean clothes.

News Anchor Ned: Ah man, that is awful. My mother makes me take a bath once a year! That is the worst day of the whole year! I hate taking baths. I don’t use any soap or water when I take a bath. I call it dry cleaning!

Rhoda: Thanks for sharing that, Ned.

News Anchor Ned: You’re welcome.

Rhoda: Joshua has told the people to follow the priests who would carry the Ark of the Covenant to the Jordan River.

News Anchor Ned: [Excitedly] The ark! How many animals are with you? What does Noah look like? He is really old, isn’t he? [Ned’s face reflects that he just had a puzzling thought.] Hey! How are those priests gonna carry that big boat?

Rhoda: Not Noah’s Ark, Ned! This is the Ark of the Covenant. It is a special chest that holds Aaron’s rod that budded, the golden pot of manna, and the two tablets of stone that the Ten Commandments are written on.

News Anchor Ned: Whew, that’s a relief. I was just thinking that it would take a whole lot of priests to carry that big boat!

Rhoda: That it would, Ned. We have just arrived at the Jordan River. We have to get approximately two million people across the Jordan River. The river is one mile wide, and it is actually flood time.

News Anchor Ned: That sounds like Mission Impossible! ( 1b) How long do you think that it will take to build boats for two million people?

Rhoda: [Excitedly] Ned, Ned, you are not going to believe it. When the priests stepped into the water, God performed a miracle and the waters parted. [Display Visual #1.] We are walking right down the middle of where the water was; only it’s dry!

News Anchor Ned: I don’t believe it!

Rhoda: Crossing that river on dry ground was something that only God could have done. But now, Joshua and the Israelites are at Jericho. I have never seen city walls as high as these walls.

News Anchor Ned: I sure hope they brought a lot of really tall ladders because that sounds like another Mission Impossible.

Rhoda: We don’t need them, Ned. God is going to do what He promised He would do.

News Anchor Ned: Are you telling me that God is just going to bring down the walls of Jericho like a bunch of falling dominoes?

Rhoda: It’s funny that you should say that. Because that is exactly what God said He would do, except for the dominoes part. All He asks of us is to follow His instructions.

News Anchor Ned: Hmm, I wonder if that really works. Hmm, follow His instructions and see really big things happen.

Rhoda: Ned, Ned, you’re not going to believe this! It happened again!

News Anchor Ned: What happened again? Did my mother call and to try to get me to take a bath again? I just took one last year!

Rhoda: No, Ned, nothing like that. God performed another miracle! They marched around the city for seven days just like God said. Then when the priests blew their horns, all the Israelites shouted, and God brought the walls tumbling down! [Display Visual #2.] Hey, I know you can’t see it, but there is the red or scarlet cord hanging out of a window and the soldiers are going into the house and bringing a woman and all her family out. This is the woman, Rahab, who hid the spies.

News Anchor Ned: No way! That’s amazing!

Rhoda: God brought victory because they simply obeyed His Word. God did exactly what He said He would do. As you can imagine, Ned, there is quite a celebration going on here. I am going to sign off for now, Ned.

News Anchor Ned: Thank you, Rhoda. Well, ladies and gentlemen, maybe this obeying God thing and seeing Him do big things really does work! [Mumbling to himself] I wonder if He could get this mayonnaise out of my hair. [Looking at himself in the mirror again while making faces.]

Director: [Whispering loudly] Ned, you forgot to sign off.

News Anchor Ned: [Laughing] Right! Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes another day of news. This is News Anchor Ned signing off.

[The lesson should be taught by a coach who wasn’t in the news presentation.]

Let’s open our Bible to Joshua chapter 6. I am going to read Joshua 6:23 [Read Joshua 6:23.] Rahab was spared because she trusted in the Lord. Now find Joshua chapter 4. I am going to read Joshua 4:23-24. [Read Joshua 4:23-24.] God brought victory to Joshua and the Israelites and spared Rahab because they simply obeyed His Word. God wants the whole world to know how powerful He is. God wants you to know how powerful He is.

Joshua and the Israelites saw God do the impossible for them. They were not powerful enough to cross over the Jordan River without God. They were not powerful enough to bring down the walls of Jericho without God either. Olympians, I want you to know that God is a powerful God. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, then He is your powerful God. God wants to help you cross your rivers that seem impossible to cross. He wants to help you tear down the walls that are in your life.

You see, Olympians, the lesson of Joshua is that God is powerful. God really is powerful enough to split a river at flood stage! He really is powerful enough to tear down the walls of Jericho! God really did those things for Joshua. Joshua had some things that looked impossible but God took care of Joshua’s rivers and walls. God wants to help you cross your rivers and tear down your walls. It doesn’t matter what your rivers or walls might be. God knows what is happening in your life. God is strong enough, powerful enough, and loving enough to take care of it for you. He is still God, and He always wants to help you.

Running the Race

Mostly Unchurched Children / Mostly Churched Children
Maybe you are here today and you have walls and rivers in your life. You may be struggling with fear or maybe loneliness. It could be the fact that you are changing physically, maybe your voice is changing and people laugh at you, or you don’t like how your face or hair looks. Maybe you don’t feel as pretty as others. Your river or wall could be that you are afraid to go to school. Maybe you are afraid to go home today. You could struggle with the fear that no one will like you. Maybe you are afraid that your parents are going to split up. Some of you may struggle with using bad language, telling dirty jokes, or even cursing and swearing. Some of you might be experimenting with garbage: like tobacco products, drugs, alcohol, or nasty stuff online or TV. Some of you might be struggling with violence and anger issues. Whatever it is, God can tear it down! He is powerful enough for you!