Proposal for Continuation of CASDE Beyond March 2004

An Executive Summary

Centre for Aerospace Systems Design and Engineering (CASDE)

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Mumbai 400 076

Prepared for the Meeting of the Technical Committee of

Aeronautics Research & Development Board



Operational Features of CASDE

Total Cost of CASDE in Phase-II

Concluding Remarks

Glossary of Abbreviations


The Centre for Aerospace Systems Design & Engineering (CASDE) was setup within the Department of Aerospace Engineering at IIT Bombay in the year 1998. The Centre was fully funded by ARDB and was aimed at creating a centre for excellence in Systems Design & Engineering. It should be noted that CASDE came into existence at a time when Design as a discipline was at its lowest ebb. Design content in curriculum of most aerospace educational institutions had substantially reduced by 1990s. No educational institution had faculty engaged in research in design methodologies. IIT Bombay knew that the task of setting up a centre like CASDE was complex. But substantial hand holding by DRDO laboratories and careful nurturing by all has turned this experiment into a notable success.

Objectives of CASDE in Phase-I were; (a) To initiate educational programme in Systems Design & Engineering, (b) To set up Integrated Modelling & Simulation Laboratory & (c) To carry out specific system level studies. Table 1 below shows a summary of the various activities taken up, and contributions made thereof, by CASDE during the past 5 years.

Objective / Activities Completed
Educational Programme /
  1. Initiating M. Tech. specialization in Aerospace Systems Design & Engineering (9 past & 4 current students).

Integrated Modelling &
Simulation Laboratory /
  1. Setting up multi-faceted Integrated Modeling & Simulation Laboratory (IMSL), consisting of (a) Software based modelling & simulation tools, (b) Hardware-in-Loop Realtime simulators, (c) Educational laboratory setups and (d) A vast collection of sensors, actuators, controllers etc.

System Level
Studies (Design, Development, Integration) /
  1. Facility development for MAV related activities and specific MAV studies (Hardware-in-Loop Simulator, MAV Wind Tunnel, System Integration Studies)
  2. Design and development of an autonomous MAV (Instrumented Flying Platform, Videography Platform).
  3. Initiating research in the area of design methodologies, especially MDO (MDO Framework, WingOPt, 3-D Duct, Surrogate Modelling).

Awareness Creation /
  1. Conducting workshops and professional development courses in specialized topics of interest to Design Methodologies (7 Workshops and CEPs in MDO, IMSL & MAV).
  2. Setting up of a Special Interest Group (SIG) for aerospace designers and offering national and international platforms to meet and exchange of ideas (4 Brainstorming Sessions in SE Education, MDO and IMSL).
  3. Promoting design among educational institutions through a variety of measures (9 Deliveries of Courses on Design, Modelling & Design, Build and Fly).

Publications /
  1. 6 B. Tech. projects, 17 M. Tech. dissertations, 5 Ph. D. seminars, 9 papers in National conferences and 9 papers in international conferences.

Table 1 Objectives & Accomplishments of CASDE in Phase-I

It is clear from above tabular summary that CASDE has been able to achieve the objectives for which it was set up in 1998 by ARDB, to the satisfaction of ARDB, DRDO/other user agencies and also to its own satisfaction. In particular, CASDE has revitalized the design as an educational and training discipline and has rekindled interest among student about hardware related projects. CASDE has also got together scientist, designers and researchers within DRDO, and outside of it, to brainstorm and initiate new scientific disciplines in this important area of systems design and engineering.

The initial ARDB funding for CASDE was of Rs 180 Lakhs (excluding Rs. 12 Lakhs as IITB overheads) and was for a period of 3 years. But the funds have lasted for more than 5 years. However, the total sanctioned funds would be fully utilized by March 2004.

Since June 2002 CASDE is working on the evolution of a viable model for its sustenance on a long-term basis. The 3rd and 4th Meetings of Joint Policy Committee (JPC), CASDE have deliberated on this issue and have provided important inputs in this direction.

The current executive summary gives an overview of the detailed Phase-II proposal, being submitted to the Technical Committee of ARDB. The proposal has taken into account the various views and recommendations of the JPC (see minutes of the JPC subcommittee), including the sentiments of the CASDE core and associate faculty.

Operational Features of CASDE

CASDE has operated over the last 5 years through three key elements, called Centre Element, Project Elements and Awareness Creation Element, as described and discussed below.

  1. Firstly, CASDE consists of a distinct entity called a Centre within the IIT Bombay Academic and Administrative Framework, whose components and tasks are as follows.
  • An up-to-date, centralized, shared infrastructure in the form of office equipment, communications facilities, library facilities, trained manpower etc.
  • Ability to coordinate visitors for increased interaction.
  • Support to (1) creation of short-term courses and their deliveries; (2) brainstorming sessions, (3) workshops and conferences, etc.

These aspects together form the “Centre Element” of CASDE. It is this Centre Element, which has acted as a common platform and a binding agent to bring together CASDE core faculty. This has also enabled a framework to coordinate interactions with other associated faculty from the departments of Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science from within IITB and wide ranging institutions outside of IITB. CASDE has derived great strength from the Centre Element and the 4th meeting of JPC of CASDE has also appreciated this aspect.

The Centre Element is essential to (1) long-term sustenance of CASDE and (2) efforts of CASDE to achieve global recognition in the area of Systems Design & Engineering (SDE). During Phase-II, CASDE plans to define the scope of Centre Element as follows.

Support to educational programme in Systems Design and Engineering (Students)

Support to preparation of various course modules (Projection Material, CDs)

Support for holding various meetings (Review/SIG-MDO/Workshops etc.)

Support for coordinating visitors to CASDE, seminars, invited talks etc.

Maintenance and upgrade of office infrastructure, including library (Procurement)

Procurement & maintenance of software tools for Systems Engineering teaching aids

During Phase-I CASDE has oriented itself heavily towards the various DRDO laboratories. CASDE now plans to broaden its focus, to include other organizations. CASDE seeks funding for Centre Element in Phase-II as shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Funding Pattern for Centre Element in Phase-II

It may be noted that there is an indirect contribution of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs per year from IITB, towards faculty time, space and other support infrastructure for carrying out activities of the Centre Element.

  1. Second key component of CASDE functioning are the various Project Elements, which are the various CASDE activities that were carefully configured through a well-conceived process. All activities are within the overall objectives of CASDE as spelt out in the proposal dated 1998 (

The process of starting a Project Element is as follows.

  • Project mode activities are initially discussed threadbare between core and associated faculty of CASDE and also with Management Committee (MC).
  • If substantial resources are required to be committed for the activity, a brainstorming session is organized with participation of major DRDO laboratories, ARDB representatives and SPC/JPC members.
  • The activity is then reported to JPC/SPC meetings and after their approval an internal allocation is made for the activity.

During Phase-I, a large number of activities were taken up, which were (1) generic in nature, leading to building core competence, and (2) application oriented studies, which were of interest to DRDO laboratories & aerospace industry (see proposal for details).

During Phase-II, it is proposed to seek funds only for GenericProject Elements from ARDB. Further, it is proposed to seek funding for focused studies directly from DRDO laboratories and other work centres and user agencies.

Generic Activities to Build Core Competence (Funds to be Provided by ARDB)

Surrogate Modelling

CFD in optimization loop

Sensitivity analysis, including ADIFOR

Methodology development for system design of a miniature aircraft

Algorithms for autonomous path planning for MAVs

Figure 2 below gives the funding pattern for Generic Activities, requested from ARDB. It should be noted that the above list of Generic Activities will get updated, as work progresses and new research areas are identified and placed before SPC for approval, once existing studies reach their logical conclusion.

Figure 2 Funding Pattern for Generic Project Activities in Phase-II

It should be mentioned that there is an indirect contribution of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs per year from IITB, towards faculty time for carrying out Generic Activities, as given above.

With regard to the focused activities of CASDE, it is planned to prepare a set of specific project proposals immediately, for seeking funding from other agencies. This action is in conformity with the recommendations of the subcommittee meeting of the JPC, held on 18th October 2003. JPC of CASDE and ARDB would be kept informed about such proposals and funding received, as and when these are ready for communication.

  1. Third key component of Awareness Creation Element consists of Short term Courses, Workshops and Discussion Meetings that CASDE has been organizing on a regular basis. During Phase-I, CASDE organized more than 15 awareness creation events, for the benefit of DRDO and other agencies, which were well received. All these events were sponsored by CASDE, through funding received from ARDB.

During Phase-II, it is proposed to conduct these events in the following manner.

  • All events will be held at IIT Bombay during fixed slots.
  • Events will be announced on CASDE web page and also through announcements to various organizations.
  • Each event would cost from Rs. 0.6 to 0.75 Lakhs per day and cater to a maximum of 20 participants. Cost would be same even for lesser numbers.
  • Cost of an event would be recovered either from participants or from organizations sponsoring them.
  • On-site conduct of these events would be possible, subject to availability of course faculty and additional allocation towards TA/DA for the faculty.

Figure 3 below gives the funding pattern for the Awareness Creation Element.

Figure 3 Funding Pattern for the Awareness Creation Element

5 CEPs that are indicated in above figure are;

CEP-1: “Optimization in Engineering Design”, 2-day course, excluding Tutorial Session, which will be on need basis. Next delivery of this course would be held during August-September 2004. (Course Cost: Rs. 1.0 to 1.5 Lakhs)

CEP-2: “Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization”, 2-Day Course, excluding case studies from within IITB and from open literature. Next delivery of this course would be held during April 2004. (Course Cost: Rs. 1.0 to 1.5 Lakhs)

CEP-3: “Integrated Product & Process Development”, 5-day course. Next delivery of this course would be during October 2004. (Course Cost: Rs. 2.5 to 3 Lakhs)

CEP-4: “Applied Mechatronics”, 3-day course, including laboratory sessions. Next delivery of this course would be during November-December 2004. (Course Cost: Rs. 1.5 to 2 Lakhs)

CEP-5: “Modelling & Simulation in Engg. Systems”, 3-day course. Next delivery of this course would be during April-May 2004. (Course Cost: Rs. 1.5 to 2 Lakhs)

Biennial events MSO-DMES and National Conference in MDO are of Aeronautical Society of India and CASDE would play only a supporting role in organizing these events.

ARDB funding of Rs. 3 Lakhs per year, would is sought for all the 5 years of Phase-II and would be utilized for organizing, up to 2 brainstorming sessions each year.

Total Cost of CASDE in Phase-II (A Period of 5 Years from April 2004)

The previous section has presented in nutshell, the basis on which the phase-II activities of CASDE have been formulated and a financial support of Rs. 132 Lakhs is explicitly sought from ARDB, for (1) fully supporting the Centre Element (2) Fully supporting Generic Activitiesand (3) Seed grant for conducting only the brainstorming sessions of the Awareness Creation Element, for all the 5 years of Phase-II.

Cost Breakup (in Rs. Lakhs)

Head of Account / I Year
IC FC / II Year
IC FC / III Year
IC FC / IV Year
IC FC / V Year
IC FC / Total
(a)Stipend for 1 Student / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 10.0 / -
(b)Salary for 1 Scientist / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 10.0 / -
(ii) 4 RAs / 3.2 / - / 3.2 / - / 3.2 / - / 3.2 / - / 3.2 / - / 16.0 / -
(iii) 1 Tech. Office Staff / 0.8 / - / 0.8 / - / 0.8 / - / 0.8 / - / 0.8 / - / 4.0 / -
(c) Equipment / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 10.0 / -
(d) TA/DA / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 15.0 / -
(e) Repair/Upgrade / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 10.0 / -
(f) Cons. & Cont. / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 10.0 / -
(g) Workshops & Seminars / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 3.0 / - / 15.0 / -
(h) High-end Comp. Power# / 20.0 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / 20.0 / -
Sub Total / 40.0 / - / 20.0 / - / 20.0 / - / 20.0 / - / 20.0 / - / 120.0 / -
(k) Overheads @10% / 4.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 2.0 / - / 12.0 / -
Grand Total / 44.0 / 22.0 / 22.0 / 22.0 / 22.0 / - / 132.0 / -

Under this model, group wise cost breakup to ARDB (for full 5 years) is as given below.

Centre Element-Rs. 60.0 Lakhs

Project Elements-Rs. 25.0 Lakhs

Awareness Creation Element-Rs. 15.0 Lakhs

High End Computing Power-Rs. 20.0 Lakhs

Overheads-Rs. 12.0 Lakhs

# High-end computing power, as a one-time grant, is needed for the following generic activities of CASDE in Phase-II. In case, funds for high-end computing are not available, quality of work in the three areas namely; (a) Surrogate Modelling, (b) CFD in Optimization Loop & (c) Sensitivity Analysis, including ADIFOR, would suffer.

As agreed to in the meeting of subcommittee of JPC CASDE, held on October 18th 2003

Concluding Remarks

Objectives of CASDE in Phase-I were (1) establishment of M. Tech. specialization in Systems Design & Engineering, (2) setting up of IMSL and (3) carrying out of various system level studies. CASDE has been able to achieve these objectives, to the satisfaction of DRDO/user agencies and also to its own satisfaction. In particular, CASDE has revitalized the design as an educational discipline and rekindled interest among student about hardware related projects. CASDE has also got together researchers within DRDO, and outside of it, to brainstorm and initiate new scientific disciplines in this important area.

However, CASDE feels that the last 5 years of Phase-I are just the beginning and many activities are in their infancy within CASDE, as well as in many DRDO laboratories and user agencies. There is a need to nurture and support CASDE by ARDB & other DRDO agencies, for at least a further period of five years, which will provide strength and visibility to CASDE, necessary for its long-term sustenance and steady growth. In addition, Phase-II will see a build-up of core competencies at CASDE and consolidation and maturing of many activities at the various work centres, through the focused projects envisaged by CASDE.

ARDB has been generous with its support during phase-I and it is hoped that ARDB will continue to extend its support to CASDE in its Phase-II, which is considered important for consolidation of gains made during Phase-II and for achieving a position of strength.

Glossary Of Abbreviations


ADAAeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore

ADEAeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore

ADIFORAutomatic Differentiation using FORtran

ARDBAeronautics Research & Development Board

BOGBoard Of Governors

CASDECentre for Aerospace Systems Design and Engineering

CEPContinuing Education Programme

CFDComputational Fluid Dynamics

DOEDesign Of Experiments

DRDLDefence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad

DRDODefence Research and Development Organization

IITBIndian Institute of Technology Bombay

IMSLIntegrated Modelling and Simulation Laboratory

JPCJoint Policy Committee

MAVMiniature Aerial Vehicle

MDOMulti-disciplinary Design Optimization

MSO-DMESModelling, Simulation, Optimization for Design of Multidisciplinary Engineering Systems

RAsResearch Assistants

RLVReusable Launch Vehicle

RSMResponse Surface Methodology

SDESystems Design and Engineering

SIG-MDOSpecial Interest Group for MDO

SPCScientific Programmes Committee

VSSCVikram Sarabhai Space Centre