Notice of Florida Power and Light’s Annual Local Transmission Network Planning Process for
Public Policy Needs
In accordance with the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Order No. 1000, FPL’s (Florida Power and Light) Appendix 1 to Attachment K has been amended to include consideration of Customer/Stakeholder transmission needs driven by Public Policy.
This Notice is to provide Customers/Stakeholders the opportunity to submit the necessary information in order for their Public Policy Needs to be considered in the 2019Annual Local Transmission Network Planning Process. The information requirements and deadlines are included in FPL’s revised OATT, relevant portions of which are repeated below.
A. Data Submission Requirements (STEP 1 – 3 months)
- Needs driven by public policy requirements, if appropriate:
-Tobeconsideredinthelocaltransmissionnetworkplanningprocess,apublic policyrequirementmustbereflectedinstate,federalorlocallaworregulation(includinganorderofastate,federal,orlocalagency). Ifastakeholderidentifies atransmissionneedthatisdrivenbya publicpolicyrequirement,itmustsubmita written description of the need to the Transmission Provider, for consideration in local planning during that planning cycle.To the extent the information is available to the stakeholder, the description of the need should:
1) Identify the state, federal, or local law or regulation that contains the public policy requirement;
2) Identify the type of entity (ies) in the Transmission Provider's area to which the public policyrequirement applies;
3)Identifythesubsetof entities intheareasubjectto thepublicpolicy requirement that have a transmission need driven by the public policy requirement;
4)Describethetypeandnatureofthetransmissionserviceneededfrom thetransmissionproviderbysuchsubsetofentitiesto meetthat transmission need.
B.Stakeholder Data Submissions (S) (STEP 1 – cont.)
- OnorbeforeJanuary1st ofeachcalendaryear,theCustomers/Stakeholderswill submitawrittendescriptionof atransmissionneedthataStakeholderbelievesis driven by a public policy requirement to the Transmission Provider. Any stakeholder submittinga potentialpublicpolicy transmissionneedtotheTransmissionProvider may,butisnotrequiredto,alsoproposea transmissionproject(s)tomeetsuch aneed along with its description of the need.
-AllsubmissionswillbepostedontheTransmissionProvider'swebsiteforpublic comment and will be reviewed to determine if a public policy requirement is driving a transmission need forwhich a solution is required.
-TheTransmissionProvidermayseek,onavoluntarybasis,additionalinformation from entitiesidentifiedashavingpotentialneedsandthenwillevaluatethe submittalsandanyadditionalinformationtomakeadecisionastowhethera public policy requirement is driving a transmission need for which a solution is requiredand willpostthisdeterminationontheTransmissionProvider'swebsite priorto April1stofthe localtransmissionnetworkplanningcycle,alongwith an explanation and record of thatdetermination(including anegativedetermination). Ifapublicpolicytransmissionneedisidentified forwhichasolutionisrequired local projects shall be proposed to address such a need.
Appendix 1 to Attachment K provides a general overview of the transmission planning process and timeline, and is available on FPL’s OASIS website as part of FPL’s OATT at
Please provide to FPL, by e-mail at on or before January 1,2019, the required information as detailed above, for transmission needs driven by Public Policy.