FUTABA 8UHPS (Super) Setup
Courtesy of Rob Stump
Setting up the Throttle Jockey with the 8UHPS (Super)
- The following instructions take into consideration that you already have the knowledge and/or skills necessary to set up your throttle linkages and curves correctly and have already done so.
Make sure that during all phases of TJ setup that the receiver battery has sufficient voltage. On the bench, lower than 3.56 volts will compromise TJ setup.
Before installing the TJ set up your heli normally with the pitch and throttle curves you would use under normal circumstances. (A -10, 0, +10 pitch setting was used in this scenario with a throttle curve set to hold fairly constant RPM throughout the pitch range). This will ensure that should the sensor fail and the TJ reverts to transmitter throttle curves that the heli still behaves normally until a landing can be accomplished. Also ensure that this setup allows the heli to hover at your desired stick position (1/2 or ¾ as preferred). The engine should be run in and correct mixtures set.
For the above setup, ensure that the throttle linkage is set up so that throttle ATV’s are equal (low and high stick position) and as close to 100/100 as possible. This ensures maximum number of steps for the TJ to use within the throttle’s range to give the most accurate control possible.
Set the idle in the throttle hold menu as desired so that the engine idles appropriately and disengages the clutch when doing autos.
For a PCM setup, set throttle fail safe as desired (recommended position is idle).
Install the TJ and ensure that all the plugs are installed as per the printed card on the TJ or the instructions.
During installation, rotate the fan and check the red LED on the TJ. At each pass of the magnet (magnetic sensor) or reflective surface (optical sensor) the red LED should glow. If using the optical sensor and using the black tape on silver CNC fans the LED will remain lit until it senses the black tape. If it does not, adjust sensor position to achieve a reliable reading at every rotation.
NOTE: When using the optional optical sensor black and silver tape is provided. Cut the tape to an approximately 3/8” wide and deep enough sothat it goes all the way out to the edge of the fan. Now attach to underside of the fan and seal the edges with CA to prevent it from coming off. Ensure that the sensor pick-up is placed the appropriate distance from the center of the fan hub. (Approximately23 mm for 30/50 sized machines and approximately 28mm for 60/70/80/90 sized machines. This is critical!) The silver tape is for use with black or plastic fans while the black tape is for use with silver CNC fans.
In this scenario the TJ will be set up on the 8U’s Gov function on aux channel 7 usinga 3-position switch on the transmitter. (Switch “C”) I prefer this over the Idle-up switch because it gives me a way to isolate the TJ from the system if needed.
The following steps will take you through the menus in the 8UHPS step by step:
1.)Switch on the TX.
2.)Move the throttle stick all the way down.
3.)Move the throttle trim to its lowest position.
4.)Ensure that the ch 7 ATV’s are set to 100/100 (Basic menu).
5.)Inhibit the “Govrpm” function (Advanced menu). NOTE: before you fly you will re-enable the “Govrpm” function
6.)Set “UP” to 55 to start. This is what you will use for RPM setting 1.
7.)Set“CENTER” to 50. This disables TJ at center switch “C” position. You will not change this value again.
8.)Set “DOWN” to 55 to start. This is what you will use for RPM setting 2.
9.)Set “HOLD CH” to CH7.
10.)Set “HOLD lmt” to +.
11.)Set “SW” to SW-C. This enables separate switch control of TJ.
Now it is time to calibrate your TJ.
12.)With your Transmitter still on, turn on your receiver and within the first two seconds(even before gyro initialization!) toggle switch “C” from center to “UP” and then all the way to “DOWN” and then all the way back to “UP”. The green LED on TJ should illuminate. If it does not illuminate turn off the Rx and try again. (Not too fast)
Once the light is on you are in “Calibration” mode.
13.)Advance the throttle stick all the way up and then all the way down again a couple of times. This loads the range of motion into the TJ.
14.)You may now toggle switch “C” again until the green LED extinguishes.
15.)Place switch “C” to “CENTER”.
16.)Now it is time to go back and re-enable the “Govrpm” function in the 8UHPS.
17.)Return your throttle trim to where it normally resides.
Perform the following system check before starting the engine:
1. Set switch “C” to the center position and move the throttle from idle to full. The green LED should stay off the whole way. This is because the middle position of switch “C”disables the TJ and in this position you are therefore flying the heli in the ungoverned mode.
2.Move the throttle back to idle and flip switch “C” to the lower position. Advance the throttle and at the point where the throttle curve hits 20% the green LED should come on indicating that the TJ is in governing mode from that throttle position and up.
3.Repeat step 2 with switch “C” in the upper position.
4.While you are either in switch “C” position “UP” or “DOWN” switch your Idle-up from “Norm” to “Idle-up 1” or “Idle-up 2” and advance the throttle all the way up and down. The green LED should remain illuminated at all times indicating the TJ has control over throttle.
5.After verifying that TJ activates on the appropriate switch commands try switching the “Throttle Hold” to perform a simulated auto. The green LED should extinguish in all situations tested previously indicating that TJ disengages for auto-rotations or emergency situations.
6.Return to normal mode and advance the throttle again. Switch off the TX and the throttle should move to the fail-safe position set up earlier.
Starting the engine:
- Move the heli to a safe location for TJ RPM setup.
Start the heli and adjust throttle trim to achieve a satisfactory idle.
Open the 8UHPS “Govrpm” function and go to “UP” or “DOWN”. (Advanced menu)
Move switch “C” to the “UP” or “DOWN”.(Bothpositionspreviously set at 55)
Stand clear of the heli and slowly spool it up in “Normal” mode. You will notice a point where the heli’s RPM increases quickly and plateaus. This is occurring because the RPM has reached the governing threshold and the TJ is bringing up RPM to the target level. Using the values in this scenario mine kicked in just below half stick.
Bring the throttle up a little more to ensure that the unit is truly in governing range, the RPM should remain constant.
- Using the ATV/EPA calculator take a simulated ATV number i.e.; 36 (to get an approximate 1650 head speed on the calculator using an 8.18 ratio) and divide by 2 and then add 50 to get approx. 68. This will be the EPA value you use in your “Govrpm” function for one of your “UP or “DOWN” RPM’s. You can also just slowly advance the EPA value from 55 until you get your desired head speed. I set mine while at 0 pitch still sitting on the ground. I set the low RPM first!
- Once you have set your RPM 1 simply throttle down below 20% so that TJ disengages. Now go into your “Govrpm” function and set your other value to 68. (or whatever value you arrived at to get your lower RPM setting) This will ensure no surprises when you switch from your initial RPM setting to your secondary RPM setting)
- Throttle back up until TJ engages again. Now you may switch past “CENTER” to the other RPM which should be the same as RPM 1 which was previously set to 68(or your value) as well. Now simply increase the “Govrpm” value to get the desired head speed.
Aftercompleting set up you may now go to “Idle-up 1” or “2” and proceed with flying. The TJ should maintain the head speed you set in the desired position of switch “C” and should not drop at any time unless there is a malfunction.
The values and set up procedures used in this scenario yielded the following results:
Low switch position79 EPA in “Govrpm” function gave 1850 RPM
Center switch position 50 EPA in “Govrpm” function turns off TJ
Top switch position68 EPA in “Govrpm” function gave 1650 RPM
- Individual setups and numbers may vary, so it is best to start with a low channel 7 ATV and work UP. This ensures that the RPM is not too high when engaging the switch settings initially.
I know it’s long but you can’t go wrong if you follow these steps closely.