Further Submission on the Proposed Plan Change 114Landscape to the Whangarei District Plan

(Closing date: 20 December 2016 4pm)

To:Whangarei District Council

Private Bag 9023

Whangarei 0148

Attn: Policy and Monitoring Dept.


Full Name of Further Submitter:

Insert name

Full Postal Address:

Insert address

Telephone Number:




I am a person who has an interest in the proposal that is greater than the interest the general public has as I own land in the area affected by PC 114 (or other reason to be included)

Ido/do notwish to be heard in support of my submission

If others make a similar submission, I would be prepared to consider preparing a joint case with them at any hearing.

Name and position



Submitter / Sub no / Plan
provision / Support or Oppose / Decision submitter sought / Reason for support or oppose / Decision sought from Council
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/1 / LAN.1.2.2
Objective 2 / Support / Include characteristicsandqualitiesforONF’sinLAN8.4andre-notifyPlan Changesopeople can submitonthe identifiedcharacteristicsand qualities.
Include theexisting landuse and developmentas partofthecharacteristicsandqualities oftheONF’s. / The Plan is unclear what characteristics and qualities are important for each area. It is important that these are clear so the plan is focussed on specific issues. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/2 / LAN.1.25.
Objective 5 / Support / Identify the existing landuse and developmentaspartofthecharacteristicsandqualities ofthe ONF’s.IntheWhatatiri Shield Volcano the existingland use includes significant areasofavocado orchard and ancillaryinfrastructure andactivities.
Ensurethatexistinglanduse anddevelopment can continueas apermitted activity. / It is important that existing land uses and development can continue to occur within an ONF. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/3 / LAN.1.3.1
Policy1 / Support / Ensurethatthemappedareas only include areaswhich are sensitive tothe effectsofsubdivision use and development. / The WhatatiriShield Volcano takes in a significant area but there is no discussion as to why the whole area is sensitive to the effects of subdivision use and development. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/4 / LAN.1.3.2
Policy2 / Support / Include characteristicsandqualitiesforONF’sin LAN8.4andre-notifyPlan Changesopeople cansubmitonthe identifiedcharacteristicsand qualities.
Include theexisting landuse and developmentaspartofthecharacteristicsandqualities ofthe ONF’s. / The Plan is unclear what characteristics and qualities are important for each area. It is important that these are clear so the plan is focussed on specific issues. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/5 / LAN.1.3.4
Policy4 / Support / Include characteristicsandqualitiesforONF’sin LAN8.4andre-notifyPlan Changesopeople can submitonthe identifiedcharacteristicsandqualities.
Include theexisting landuse and developmentas partofthecharacteristicsandqualities oftheONF’s. / The Plan is unclear what characteristics and qualities are important for each area. It is important that these are clear so the plan is focussed on specific issues. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/6 / LAN 1.3.6
Policy6 / Support / Include an additionalpointin LAN1.3.6:
vii)theexistinguseofthe area / The existing landuse should be considered to be a contributing factor to the current state of the ONL or ONF. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/7 / LAN 1.3.7
Policy / Support / AmendLAN 1.3.7byadding‘andtheexistinguse ofthe area’. / The existing landuse should be considered to be a contributing factor to the current state of the ONL or ONF. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/8 / LAN 1.3.8
Policy8 and
LAN 1.3.9
Policy9 / Support / Retain LAN1.3Policies 8and 9as notified. / Providing for buildings and structures within and ONF is important. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/9 / LAN 1.3.10
Policy10 / Support / Retain LAN1.3.10 butamendthresholdsfor‘large scale’ earthworksinthe rules. / The threshold for large scale earthworks should also vary to
reflect the range of landscapes and features. It is not a ‘one size fits all’. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/10 / LAN 1.3.11
Policy11 / Support / Amend LAN1.3.11asfollows:
Toavoid,tothegreatestextentpracticable,the adversevisual effectsofearthworksincludingaccesswayand buildingplatformcreation withinONF andONLrelevantto theparticularONF or ONLwhen visible from a public place andtheabilityto absorb development:
a) Consideration of the vulnerabilityoftheONF orONL / The potential visual effects will vary across the range of landscapes and features as some are able to absorb development to a greaterextent or the visual effects are of lesser importance. It is not a ‘one size fits all’. In addition the focus should be on visibility from a public place. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/11 / LAN 1.3.16 / Support / Ensurethatthepolicyframeworkin thePlan doesnotpenalise orunfairlycompromise landowners so thattheyareprepared toco-operatewith active management. / Co-operation of landowners is essential forthe policy to be effective. To obtain such co-operation there needs to be a regulatory framework which encourages landowners to participate in non- regulatory approaches. Ensuring that landowners are not unfairly compromised through the regulatory framework is essential for the policy to be effective. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/12 / LAN 1.3.17
Policy17 / Support / Amend PolicyLAN1.3.7asfollows:
Torecognisethatidentified Outstanding Natural FeaturesandOutstanding NaturalLandscapes maycontain existing and/orauthorised subdivision,use anddevelopment,including infrastructureandrural production activitysuch as farming,forestryand horticulture,and providefor the continuation ofsuchactivities.asfaras isconsistentwith the overallprotectionofOutstandingNatural FeaturesorOutstandingNaturalLandscapes. / The policy seeks to limit the existing use rights in a manner not anticipated in the RMA and is not appropriate and is unreasonable for landowners. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/13 / LAN 1.3.18
Policy18 / Support / Amend LAN1.3.18byadding:
Toallowadverseeffectsarising fromthe maintenanceandminorupgrading ofexistingauthorised landuseanddevelopmentin oron OutstandingNatural FeaturesorOutstandingNaturalLandscapes,whereveritis located,takingintoaccountthe abilitytoabsorbdevelopment: / The policy seeks to limit maintenance and does not take account of the wide range of ONF’s and ONL’s and the ability to absorb development. This is unreasonable on landowners. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/14 / LAN 3.1
Permitted activities / Support / Amend LAN3.1 byadding anewrule: Farmingandruralproduction activities are permitted. / There needs to be explicit recognition of farming and rural production activitieswithin ONF’s and ONL’s as a permitted activity. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/15 / LAN 5.1Status
ofactivities in ONF’s
LAN 5.Table 1
Line 3 / Support / Amend LAN.5Table 1Line 3
Newbuildingsandstructuresincl.networkutilitiesforregionallysignificantinfrastructure / Therefore there is no policy framework to support the limitation of buildings
greater than 5.5m in height in ONF’s so the rule is inappropriate. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/16 / LAN 5.1Status
ofactivities in ONF’s
LAN 5.Table 1
Lines4 and5 Large
landforms / Support / DeleteP and RDforbuildingsinLarge landformsand relyon the underlying zoningprovisions / The relevant zoning provisions should apply (10 m in Rural Production Environment and 8m in the Rural Living Environment) so land owners are not unfairly penalised. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/17 / LAN 5.1Status
ofactivities in ONF’s
LAN 5.Table 1
Lines7,8and 9 / Support / Add a newline to LAN.5Table 1
Farmingandruralproduction activities. Large landforms–P / It needs to be clear that farming and rural productionactivities can continue in these ONF’s. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/18 / LAN 5.1Status ofactivities in ONF’s
LAN 5.Table 1
Lines14 and
15 Earthworks / Support / Amend LAN.5.1Table1by:
DeletingPand D inrows14 and15forlarge landforms.
Add a newrow:
Cutfacesvisiblefrompublicplaceslessthan1.5 metresinheight - P
Cutfaces visiblefrompublicplacesgreaterthan
1.5min height -C / ONF’s are able to absorb moderate scale of developmentwith large land form concerns relating to maintaining the profile and distant view. A threshold of 500m3 does not reflect a moderate scale of development. It also needs to be clear how the thresholds will apply. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/19 / LAN 5.1Status ofactivities in ONF’s
LAN 5.Table 1
Lines16 Land preparation / Support / Amendthe definition ofland preparation by deleting‘butdoesnotinclude sod sowing,ripping with moundingordirectdrilling.’
Land preparation:
Means the disturbance ofsoil bymachinery in preparationforplanting orreplanting cropsor
pasturegrasses ortrees,and includes blading,
contourploughing andripping, butdoesnotinclude sod sowing,ripping with mounding or
directdrilling. / The proposed definition of land preparation does not adequately provide for the normal land preparation that is undertaken on horticultural properties. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/20 / LAN 5.2 RDA
Mattersof discretion / Support / Amend LAN5.2 byadding:
f)theabilityoftheONF to absorbdevelopment and visibility from public places. / The focus of the matters of discretion should include the ability of the ONF to absorb thedevelopment or use and visibility from public places. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/21 / LAN
7.1Assessment Criteria / Support / Amend LAN.7.1togroupaccording to:
-BothONF andONL
-ONF / The plan needs to be clear which criteria will apply. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/22 / LAN
7.1Assessment Criteria / Support / Add an additionalcriteria: Existingland use activities / It is important that existing land use is identified as a specific assessment criteria. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/23 / LAN 8.4
Identified ONF’sby
category / Support / Amend LAN8.4to include specificcharacteristics andqualitiesforeach ONF and re-notifythePlanChangeso submitterscan commentonthe proposed changes.
Amendthe descriptions to ensurethattheyare up-todateandreflectcurrentland uses, particularlyWhatatiri shield volcano. / The table of the Identified ONF’s should clearly include the specific characteristics and qualities that make the feature outstanding. / That the submission be allowed
Horticulture New Zealand / 425/24 / Consequential
amendments Ch 4Meaning ofwords Definition land preparation / Support / Amendthe definition ofland preparation bydeleting‘butdoesnotinclude sod sowing,ripping with moundingordirectdrilling.’
Land preparation:
Means the disturbance ofsoil bymachinery in preparationforplanting orreplanting cropsor pasturegrasses ortrees,and includes blading, contourploughing andripping, butdoesnotinclude sod sowing,ripping with mounding ordirectdrilling. / The definition of land preparation does not adequately provide for the normal land preparation that is undertaken on horticultural properties, including
mounding. / That the submission be allowed