Eighth Meeting of the Public Health Wales Board
Date of meeting: 4 October 2010
Time of meeting: 10.00 – 16.00
Venue for meeting: Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University LHB Headquarters, 1 Talbot Gateway, Baglan, Port Talbot, SA12 7BR
Version: v1
Professor Sir Mansel Aylward CB / Chair, Public Health WalesMr Keith Cox / Board Secretary, Public Health Wales
Mr Mark Dickinson / Executive Director of Planning and Performance, Public Health Wales
Dr Jo Farrar / Board Member, Public Health Wales
Dr Hilary Fielder / Executive Director of Public Health Services
Mr Huw George / Executive Director of Finance, Public Health Wales
Ms Eleanor Higgins / Executive Administrative Manager, Public Health Wales (Secretariat)
Mr Bob Hudson / Chief Executive, Public Health Wales
Mr Nathan Jones / Planning and Performance Manager, Public Health Wales (Secretariat)
Mr Chris Lines / Director of Communications, Public Health Wales
Mr John Spence / Board Member, Public Health Wales
Professor Simon Smail CBE / Board Member, Public Health Wales
Ms Karen Wright / Associate Director Workforce and Organisational Development, Public Health Wales
Dr Carl Clowes / Board Member, Public Health WalesAttended in part:
Professor Gareth Williams / Board Member, Public Health WalesDr Stephen Monaghan / Executive Director of Public Health, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust
Dr Annie Delahunty / Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Nina Williams / Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Wales NHS Trust
1. / Welcome & Apologies for Absence
1.1. The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the eighth Public Health Wales Board meeting, which was held in ABM Trust Headquarters, Port Talbot.
1.2. Apologies were received from Dr Carl Clowes.
1.3. The Chair reminded the Board that 1 October was the first anniversary of Public Health Wales becoming fully operational.
1.4. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, congratulated staff for their continued hard work and also thanked the Board for their support.
1.5. The Board welcomed Chris Lines to his first formal Board meeting, following his appointment as Director of Communications.
2. / Declarations of Interest
2.1. No declarations of interest were received.
3. / Minutes from Public Health Wales Board meeting held on 9 August 2010 (PHW 7:1)
3.1. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as an accurate account of the meeting.
Matters arising from previous minutes:
3.2. The matters were discussed:
PHW 7:6 Chief Executive to report back to next Board meeting on status of Directors of Public Health contracts.
The Chief Executive informed the Board that the issue was still unresolved. He will provide an update to the Board once progress has been made.
ACTION 1: Chief Executive to report back to the Board on status of Directors of Public Health contracts and establish current level of Public Health Wales engagement.
PHW 7:11 Arrange discussions with Welsh Council for Voluntary Action to ensure full engagement with Third Sector.
The Chief Executive informed the Board that he would be discussing third sector engagement internally with the Interim Senior Management Team and will report back to the Board.
ACTION 2: Chief Executive to discuss third sector engagement with the Interim Senior Management Team.
PHW 7:14 Chair to write to Niall Dickinson at GMC about revalidation.
The Board agreed to correct the previous minutes to read ‘Niall Dickson’.
PHW 7:18 Chief Executive to discuss development of IM & T strategy with Executive Director of Planning and Performance.
The Board were informed that the strategy was in the process of being developed and was being treated as a priority.
PHW 7:24 Once Director of Public Health Development has been appointed discuss status of R&D Committee.
The Board were informed that the action was pending the appointment of the Director of Public Health Development.
ACTION 3: Once Director of Public Health Development has been appointed discuss status of R&D Committee.
ACTION to be carried forward
PHW 7.26 Provide update on TU NED to Board at next meeting
The Welsh Assembly Government have developed a number of proposed options for consideration by the Minister for Health and Social Services. The Board would be briefed on development at future Board meetings.
Action 4: Provide update on TU NED to Board at next meeting.
4. / Chair Update
The Chair provided an update on the following items:
a) Supporting People Review
4.1. The Chair provided an update on the Supporting People Review. The review team were drafting the final report and recommendations for the Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration.
4.2. The Chair thanked Dr Kerry Bailey, Keith Cox and the review team for their contributions to a challenging review.
b) Safeguarding Children Review
4.3. The Board were informed that the review team were drafting the final report for the Minister for Health and Social Services and Deputy Minister for Social Services. The team are aiming to complete the report by the end of October 2010, so that it could inform the Safeguarding Children Forum, which is being held on 17 November 2010.
c) Bevan Commission Article
4.4. The Chair brought the Board’s attention to an article, which appeared in the Western Mail on 4 October. The article asked whether Bevan’s founding principles of the NHS are still relevant today.
4.5. The Chair also informed the Board that an interview with him had been published in Public Health Today, in which the Chair discussed the establishment of Public Health Wales and a unified public health service in Wales.
d) Co-Chair, Health, Work and Wellbeing International Committee.
4.6. The Chair informed the Board that he had been asked to co-chair the Health, Work and Wellbeing International Committee, which would look at health, work and wellbeing in Europe and how to weather the recession. The intention to bring together all European countries to examine these issues.
e) Professor Gregor Coster Dinner and Seminar
4.7. The Chair briefed the Board on the recent visit by Professor Gregor Coster. Professor Coster was Chair of Counties Manakau District Health Board in New Zealand and also Professor at University of Auckland. The Chair hosted a Cardiff University funded dinner and seminar, in his role as Director of the Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research at Cardiff University.
f) Community Pharmacies
4.8. The Chair informed the Board that the Minister for Health and Social Services and Public Health Wales had been approached over concerns, in relation to proposals being made about community pharmacies.
g) Public Health Paper to Ministerial Advisory Board
4.9. The Chair informed the Board that the CMO’s office had prepared a paper on public health for the Ministerial Advisory Board. The Chair will be meeting with the CMO to discuss the paper and how it related to Public Health Wales’ five year strategy.
h) 1000 Lives Plus
4.10. The Board were informed that the Chair had been asked to co-chair the 1000 Lives Plus Programme Board with Dr Chris Jones, Medical Director, Welsh Assembly Government. Further updates will be provided by the Chair at future Board meetings.
ACTION 5: Chair to provide updates on 1000 Lives Plus at future Board meetings.
i) Board Appraisals
4.11. The Chair informed the Board that he had recently been appraised by the Minister for Health and Social Services. The Board were informed that they would soon be receiving their appraisal information.
ACTION 6: Send out NED appraisal information.
5. / Chief Executive Update
The Chief Executive provided an update on the following items:
a) NHS Wales Five Year Plan
5.1. The Chief Executive presented paper PHW 8:2 to the Board, which detailed the outcomes of the work undertaken by the Prevention and Promotion National Programme. The programme aims to identify high impact prevention interventions. The Board agreed this was an important piece of work and could potentially be strengthened by; considering the social determinants of health, drawing on academic expertise, involve Board members, ensure consideration is also given to longer term planning and including existing work in the areas identified.
b) Structures and External Relationships
i) Executive Structure
5.2. The Chief Executive confirmed that the application process for the Director of Public Health Development closed on 4 October.
5.3. The Board were informed the Director of Workforce and Organisational Development post was being advertised externally. The Chief Executive thanked Karen Wright, on behalf of the Board, for continuing to support the Trust.
ii) Tier Three Structure
5.4. The Chief Executive informed the Board that the tier three structure was developing across the organisation.
5.5. The Director of Public Health Services was moving forward with realigning her reporting structures.
5.6. The tier three substructure, which will report to the Director of Public Health Development, will continue to be developed around the existing domain structure.
5.7. In addition, the Director of Finance, Director of Planning and Performance, Director of Communications and Board Secretary are also developing their structures.
5.8. The Board were informed that finance staff have been TUPE transferred from Velindre NHS Trust to Public Health Wales.
iii) External Relationships
5.9. The Chief Executive confirmed that Public Health Wales was continuing to play an active role in developing external relationships with key organisations and stakeholders.
c) Shared Services
5.10. The Chief Executive informed the Board of the work underway in NHS Wales, in relation to shared services. The Board Secretary is acting as the organisations lead and will update the Board on future developments.
ACTION 7: Board Secretary to provide update on shared services at future Board meetings.
5.11. The Chief Executive confirmed that Public Health Wales had signed the SLA with Velindre.
5.12. Jo Farrar informed the Board that she is chairing the Efficiencies and Innovation Board.
6. / Public Health Wales’ Strategic Direction
6.1. The Board approved Public Health Wales’ five year strategy, which had been developed following detailed Board discussions and staff and stakeholder engagement.
6.2. The Board were informed that the strategy would be officially launched at the Staff Conference, on Wednesday 6 October.
6.3. The strategy will be used as the foundations for the development of Public Health Wales’ performance management processes.
7. / Public Health Institute
7.1. The Chief Executive gave a presentation on the Public Health Institute to the Board. It was proposed that a formal project was established to take forward the development of the Institute. This would involve the setting up of a project board, which would include NED input.
7.2. The Board discussed the development of the Institute and the potential to explore funding opportunities was identified.
ACTION 8: Circulate Chief Executive’s Presentation on the Institute to Board members.
ACTION 9: Consideration given to role of NEDs on Institute Project Board.
8. / Executive Director of Public Health Services Report:
a) Legionella Outbreak
8.1. The Director for Public Health Services provided an update on the Legionella Outbreak and the Board were presented with Paper 8:4.
8.2. The Board formally thanked all staff for their hard work.
b) Hanson Cement Works Investigation
8.3. The Board received Paper 8:5, which provided a briefing on the investigations being led by Public Health Wales into the health concerns associated with Hanson Cement’s works at Padeswood, Flintshire.
8.4. The Board discussed the investigation and the importance of developing relationships with local communities. It was suggested that the role that WHIASU could play in this should be explored.
8.5. Concern was raised over the disbanding of the Health Protection Agency and the impact this will have in Wales.
ACTION 10: Arrange presentation on the role and work of WHIASU at future Board meeting.
c) Digital Mammography FBC
8.6. The Board received Paper 8:6 which provided an update on progress in the development of the Final Business Case for digital mammography
8.7. The Board agreed that, on completion, the Final Business Case should be submitted to the Chief Executive and Chair for decision out of committee.
ACTION 11: Chair and Chief Executive to approve Business Case outside of Committee.
d) Vascular Risk Reduction Project
8.8. The Board received an verbal update on the vascular risk reduction project, which involved a review into the preventative services to reduce vascular risk.
9. / Executive Director of Finance Report
a) Month 5 Finance Performance Report
9.1. The Director of Finance presented the month 5 finance report (Paper 8.7), which forecast Public Health Wales would break even.
b) Developing a Budget Strategy 2011/12 and Beyond
9.2. The Board received Paper 8:8 which outlined the process for developing a Financial Strategy for 2011/12 and beyond. More detailed information will be presented at future Board meetings.
ACTION 12: Further discussion on Public Health Wales’ budget strategy to be held at next Board meeting.
9.3. The Board agreed the importance of linking the financial strategy to Public Health Wales’ five year strategy.
10. / Executive Director of Planning and Performance Report
a) Briefing on NHS England Reforms
10.1. The Executive Director of Planning and Performance was asked to monitor the NHS England reforms, on behalf of Public Health Wales, and provide regular updates to the Board.
10.2. The Board received Paper 8:9 which summarised the white paper and associated material and considered the implications for Public Health Wales.
b) Performance Management Update
10.3. The Board received a verbal performance management update, which included a briefing on the forthcoming quarterly review with the Welsh Assembly Government.
c) Service Delivery Model Update
10.4. The Board received Paper 8:10 which provided an update on the Service Delivery Model Project.
d) Transition Programme Framework Closure Report
10.5. The Board received Paper 8:11 which provided a final report on the various projects within the Transition Programme Framework and confirmed the formal closure of the programme.
e) Informatics Service Capacity and Capability Review
10.6. The Board received an update on the Informatics Service Capacity and Capability Review.
11. / Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University LHB Director of Public Health