Troop 96 Committee Positions

Committee Chairman - Have all committee positions filled, call and preside at regular monthly meetings ofcommittee and supervise committee operations. Maintain a close working relationship with leaders keeping them informed of activities, advancement, camping andtraining. Seek needed help from unit commissioner, district committee and other Packs, Troops, Teams and Crews.See that charter application is completed and turned in to council office before the expiration month. Support thepolicies of BSA.

Advancement Coordinator - Maintain all Scout advancement records. Obtain list of awards earned each month, prepare advancement report, and turn this into the council office when ordering necessary awards and supplies. Give monthly advancement reports at committee meetings. Help plan and conduct induction, advancement recognition and court of honor ceremonies. Strengthen the troop/team by helping totrain parents and leaders in methods of advancement and develop a merit badge counselor list. Work with troop/team librarian to build and maintain a troop/team library of merit badge pamphlets and advancement literature. Arrange quarterly troop/team boards of review and courts of honor.

Merit Badge Counselor Recorder - Maintain a list of active merit badge counselors for the troop.

Fundraising Chairman - Work with all the individual coordinators (speg dinner, popcorn, wreaths etc.) to decide a goal for fundraising for the year. Work with Treasurer and Finance Coordinator to track this goal in the finance report. Work with Scoutmaster to decide if there are specific items that we should raise funds for on the program side (ie. have the boys hold a trivia night to support buying new tents). This person would also help make sure each fundraising coordinator (ie popcorn kernel, spaghetti dinner coordinator) has the help that they need from the committee to support the event.

Popcorn Kernel - Conduct annual popcorn campaign and ensure that every Boy Scout sells popcorn. Work with treasurer and finance coordinator to report final sales and money for scout accounts.

Wreath Fundraiser Coordinator -Conduct annual wreath sales. Work with treasurer and finance coordinator to report final sales and money for scout accounts.

Spaghetti Dinner Coordinator - Head up committee to hold annual Troop Spaghetti dinner. Work with treasurer and finance coordinator to report final sales and money for scout accounts.

Service Coordinator - Organize and work with OA representative to promote and stimulate service projects for the Troop. Examples of current service projects: PADS, Almond Road Clean Up, St Gilbert Blood drive

Service Hour Recorder - record hours for each boy scout in Troop 96 in the counsel wide data base

Memorial Day Program Coordinator - Plan the annual Memorial Day service project and program which includes placing American Flags at US veteran gravesites in local Grayslake cemeteries. Coordinate getting the flags ready and put together a memorial service to honor the US Veterans

Training Coordinator - The goal of the troop/team training chair is to have 100 percent of the troop/teamleadership BSA trained in their position responsibilities. New leaders and adult family members should receive orientation and Fast Start training within one week of joining the troop/team, and leaders should receive position specific within 30 days. Encourage troop/team leaders to attend ongoing training, such as roundtable, University of Scouting, outdoor training, Youth Protection training, and Wood Badge. Remain current with training material and program updates. Keep track of troop/team training records and submit updated trained leader reports to the district and council. Have knowledge of where to find additional funding for training if needed, i.e. troop budget council trainingships, chartered org sources.

Uniform Exchange Coordinator - Promote and keep an inventory posted for the Troop's uniform exchange

Secretary -Record minutes for committee meetings.

Medical Records Coordinator - Maintain medial records (physicals) for all Boy Scouts and leaders participating in outdoor events. Assure that the adult leadership has a copy of the records during campouts. Maintain privacy of all medical information.

Treasurer - Responsible for the Troop's bank account and youth accounts held by the Troop. Give monthly reports on the Troop's bank account at committee meetings.

Finance Coordinator - Responsible for maintaining a yearly budget for the Troop. Give monthly reports on the yearly budget at committee meetings

MaKaJaWan Summer Camp Coordinator - Organize all youth and adult leadership going to summer camp. This includes organizing payments with council and collecting the money and medical records from the attendees. The coordinator also organizes transportation to and from camp.

Public Relations Chairman - Provide Troop news and announcements for newspapers, bulletins of sponsor, websites, etc. Help the service coordinator promote and stimulate service projects, and other scouting functions for the Troop. Promote new membership and let people in the neighborhood know that Scouting is available.

Camping Coordinator - Plan, promote and coordinate attendance at Troop, district and council camps and events. Arrange transportation, tour permits, campsite reservations and first-aid for all Troop outings. Ensure a monthly outdoor program, promote the National Camping Award, participate in Scouting for Food and take advantage of district and council events/activities. Work with the Training Coordinator to have all adult leaders review the Guide to Safe Scouting and SM and ASMs complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.

Transportation Coordinator - Arrange transportation and tour permits for monthly campouts. Maintain a list of drivers and the necessary information needed for the tour permits. Work with the Training Coordinator to have all adult leaders review the Guide to Safe Scouting and SM and ASMs complete Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.

Chaplain- Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his choice. Encourage Boy Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems. Make sure list of religious achievements are available for each boy in case they are participating in Scout Sunday.

Membership Coordinator - Maintain all Troop membership records. Work with the Troop leadership to recharter the Troop by the council deadline. Maintain a working list of all active scouts and leaders for the troop with contact information.

Friends of Scouting (FOS) Coordinator - Conduct annual Friends of Scouting campaign to enroll family members and Boy Scout leaders in FOS. Give recognition to contributors and enrollees.

Scouting for Food Chairman - Coordinates Food Drive for the Troop and reports results to the district.

New Parent Coordinator - Work with all new parents to ensure a smooth transition of each

family into the Troop.

Meeting Site Coordinator -Responsible for securing all Committee and requested Program meeting sites.

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