PERCA Program Review Criteria and Process - 2018

The Program Review Panel uses these criteria from Minnesota Administrative Rule, Chapter 8705, Teacher Preparation Programs ( to make recommendations to the Board. This document contains tables that cite the specific criteria and identifies the part of the rule where it is located.

Program Design

Minnesota Rule 8705 / Criteria / If flagged /
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.4 / A.  Key assessments clearly align to identified SEP and content standards. / Goes to PRP
8705.1000 Subpart 6.B / B.  Key assessments are used to ensure progress toward standard attainment throughout the program. / Goes to PRP
8705.2100 Subpart 2.D.2 / C.  All standards are introduced and developed throughout relevant curriculum. / For courses changing or standards moving, will get an external review.
8705.1000 Subpart 2.B / D.  Students are provided opportunity to attain mastery through program design. / i.  For the credit count, field experience hours, or student teaching dropping below threshold, PERCA application will be sent back to be resubmitted as non-conventional.
ii.  For a changed reading course, there will be an external review.
iii.  For lacking a content-specific methods course, it will be sent back.
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.7 / E.  A program advisory body is identified and includes representatives from partner schools and practicing public school teachers licensed in the content area, program faculty, and unit faculty to collaborate in regular and systematic evaluation. / Goes to PRP
8705.1000 Subpart 8.D / F.  Program leader is qualified by academic preparation in the content. / Goes to PRP

Program Assessment

Minnesota Rule 8705 / Criteria / If flagged /
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C / A.  Internal:
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.4 / i.  Results from key assessments have been collected and analyzed. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.1 / ii.  One-year alumni surveys aligned to SEPs have been administered and response rates reported. Plan to address low response rates, if applicable. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.2 / iii.  Surveys aligned to SEPs have been administered and response rates reported for school administrators employing candidate completers at the end of their first year of teaching. Plan to address low response rates, if applicable. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.B / B.  External:
8705.2200 Subpart 2.B.2 / i.  edTPA: Program narrative addresses issues relating to percentage of candidates scoring below the identified threshold.
ii.  edTPA meets threshold for each task.
iii.  MTLE: Program narrative addresses issues relating to percentage of candidates scoring below the identified threshold.
iv.  MTLE pedagogy and content data meets threshold in each area. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.6 / C.  Data Analysis:
i.  The program’s identified strengths and areas of improvement reflect analysis of internal and external data.
ii.  Specific aggregated data points are included to illustrate strengths and areas of improvement. / Goes to PRP

Continuous Improvement (CI)

Minnesota Rule 8705 / Criteria / If flagged /
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.7 / A.  Program Advisory Body
i.  Narrative includes evidence that data are reviewed with program advisory body.
ii.  Narrative provides evidence that feedback received from program advisory body informs program improvement. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.5 / B.  Progress toward prior goals
i.  Narrative identifies actions taken to address previously identified goals.
ii.  Narrative explicitly addresses levels of progress toward previously identified goals. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 3.C.3 / a.  If the program has a status of Approved with a Continuous Improvement Focus the summary must explicitly address progress within the identified area(s).
b.  If the program status of Probationary, the summary must provide evidence of improvement within the identified area(s). / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.5 / iii.  Narrative identifies improvement plan monitoring processes and responsive adjustments and additions made to achieve goals. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.6 / C.  Continuous Improvement Goals
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C / i.  Program narrative includes measurable goals for continuous improvement over the next two years. / Goes to PRP
8705.2200 Subpart 2.C.6 / a.  The program’s identified continuous improvement goals reflect analysis of internal and external program assessment data.
b.  If survey data, program assessment data, advisory body feedback, and/or progress on prior goals identify concerns or areas of improvement, this is reflected in the program’s identified continuous improvement goals. / Goes to PRP