001/16062015 /
Millennium Exchange – New Functional Release 8.7
The purpose of this announcement is to inform customers of upcoming functional enhancements to Millennium Exchange. The functional release will be available in the Customer Development Service (CDS) environment on 08 July 2015. Customers should be aware that the CDS environment will be closed on 06 July 2015 and will be in a maintenance period on 07 July 2015. Further notices will be issued in due course to confirm the dress rehearsal and go-live dates.
1.0New Functionality
Functional enhancements include:
- The following amendments to theauctions on SETSqx:
- Re-introduction of an opening auction call at 07:50 with scheduled uncrossing at 08:00. The remaining auction un-crossings will continue at 09:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 16:35.
- Start of order entry, amendment and cancellation will be brought forward 1 hour to 07:50.
- ATC (At the Close) Time in Force will be removed.
- SETSqx without market makers will be restructured to improve visibility of orders. Orders will now be publicly visible for up to 90 days, rather than being visible in the current 5–10 minute auction calls as is the case on SETSqx with market makers.
More information can be found in the Further improvements to auctions on the SETSqx Trading Service Factsheet which can befound in the Downloads section at:
- Pegged order enhancements:
- Introduction of Minimum Execution Size (MES) for pegged orders.
- Introduction of Immediate or Cancel (IOC) and Fill or Kill (FOK) time in force for pegged orders.
- A pegged order with a hard limit price worse than the mid-price will become inactive instead of expiring. The order will then be reactivated if the mid-price improves to equal the hard limit price.
- Introduction of Minimum Quantity at Touch for selected equity SETS securities outside the FTSE 350 Index. For more information as to how this will function and the trading sectors that will be impacted, please see theMinimum Quantity at Touch Factsheet which can found in the Downloads sectionat:
- Sponsored Access enhancements, including email and portal alerts for Maximum Gross Consideration threshold breaches.
- Removal of Price Differential field from Execution Reports and Trade Capture Reports.
Updated Millennium Exchange Technical Specifications are available on the London Stock Exchange website at the link below:
2.0Certification Requirements
London Stock Exchange will require mandatory software certification for all trading applications in accordance with the London Stock Exchange Group’s certification policy.
Certification guidelines can be found in MIT502 – Guide to Certification. This document can be found on the London Stock Exchange Group website at the following location:
Members should contact their Technical Account Manager or the Technical Account Management team to schedule their certification test.
3.0Further Information
If you have any queries about this announcement please contact your Technical Account Manager directly or the Technical Account Management team on +44 (0) 20 7797 3939 or .
Service Announcement001/16062015 /
Millennium Exchange – New Functional Release 8.7
Relates to
—London Stock Exchange
—Technical Update
—Millennium Exchange
Additional Information
If you have any queries about this announcement please contact your Technical Account Manager on: 020 7797 3939 or .
An archive of previously issued service announcements is available in the technical library section of the Exchange's Internet site
Customers are reminded that London Stock Exchange may broadcast test data from its Production environment at the weekends which should be discarded and not processed.
Customers are reminded that London Stock Exchange may extend or re-enter the Post Close session for instruments or segments in order to perform necessary end of day activities.