Function keys , which are placed under LCD display, are divided into following sections :

1. The first section includes 6 keys, which control the offer from actual menu on LCD display

2. There are also left, middle and right sections, with 8 keys each.

2.1.Left section includes keys for communication with high pressure pump (options according to used type of HP pump- with communication interface)

2.1.1.“HP pump Start“ key : when the button is pressed, command for HP pump start is initiated

2.1.2.“HP pump Stop“ key : when the button is pressed, command for HP pump stop is initiated

2.1.3.“Press +“ key : when the button is pressed, command for pressure increase is initiated (by 5% from maximum pressure).

2.1.4.“Press -“ key : when the button is pressed, command of pressure decrease is initiated (by 5% from maximum pressure).

2.1.5.“Press 1,Press 2,“Press 3, Press 4“ keys : when the button is pressed, command for movement to adjusted level is initiated ( there are 4 possible levels according to type of PLC)

2.2.Middle section includes keys for regulating of the first Z-axis slide, including its technological relations

2.2.1.“HiSe 1active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of Height Sensor is initiated (options according to configuration of machine - refers to Height Sensor on Z1- axis)

2.2.2.“HiSe 1cycle“ key : when the button is pressed, command for mode change of Height Sensor operation is initiated. There is made a change from permanent mode to interval mode.

The height sensor must be active.

2.2.3.“VaSy 1active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of Vacuum System is initiated (options according to configuration of machine - refers to Vacuum System on Z1- axis)

2.2.4.“Z1active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of all technological functions referring to the first Z-axis slide is initiated ( e.g. start of waterjet, abrasive material, height sensor and vacuum system- as a matter of fact this is a superior change-over switch).

Activation/ deactivation has no impact on Z1-axis movement.

2.2.5.“Water 1 active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of high pressure waterjet switching is initiated.

2.2.6.“Abrasiv 1 active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of abrasive material batching is initiated ( options according to machine configuration- for machines provided with abrasive technology).

2.2.7.“Z1 up“ key : when the button is pressed, command for Z1 uplift is initiated.

2.2.8.“Z1 down“ key : when the button is pressed, command for Z1 go down is initiated.

2.3.Right section includes keys for regulating of the second Z-axis slide, including its technological relations ( options according to machine configuration- for machines with two Z slides only).

2.3.1.“HiSe 2active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of Height Sensor is initiated (options according to configuration of machine - refers to Height Sensor on Z2- axis)

2.3.2.“HiSe 2cycle“ key : when the button is pressed, command for mode change of Height Sensor operation is initiated. There is made a change from permanent mode to interval mode.

The height sensor must be active.

2.3.3.“VaSy 2 active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of Vacuum System is initiated (options according to configuration of machine - refers to Vacuum System on Z2- axis)

2.3.4.“Z2active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of all technological functions referring to the second Z-axis slide is initiated ( e.g. start of waterjet, abrasive material, height sensor and vacuum system- as a matter of fact this is a superior change-over switch).

Activation/ deactivation has no impact on Z2-axis movement.

2.3.5.“Water 2 active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of high pressure waterjet switching is initiated.

2.3.6.“Abrasiv 2 active“ key : when the button is pressed, command for activation/ deactivation of abrasive material batching is initiated ( options according to machine configuration- for machines provided with abrasive technology).

2.3.7.“Z2 up“ key : when the button is pressed, command for Z2 uplift is initiated.

2.3.8.“Z2 down“ key : when the button is pressed, command for Z2 go down is initiated.

Function Keys on the right hand side from LCD display are divided into following sections :

3.Section referring to actuation and setting-up

3.1.“X „ key : when the button is pressed, values for X-axis are set-up.

3.2.“Y „ key : when the button is pressed, values for Y-axis are set-up.

3.3.“X,Y „ key : when the button is pressed, values for XandY-axes are set-up (movement to absolute coordinates X,Y).

3.4. “+Vel-“ key : when the button is pressed, speed of vector movement in XY plane is increased by 5% increments.

3.5. “-Vel-“ key : when the button is pressed, speed of vector movement in XY plane is decreased by 5% increments.

3.6. “Delta X,Y“ key : when the button is pressed, values for XandY-axes are set-up ( movement by relative increment of X,Y coordinates)

3.7. “Central refer“ key : when the button is pressed, the command for searching of reference point of X-axis and Y-axis is activated , that is point X=0, Y=0 ( movement step by step in X-axis at first, Y-axis afterwards).

3.8.“X refer.“ : when the button is pressed, the command for searching of reference point of X-axis is activated , that is point X=0.

3.9.“Y refer.“ : when the button is pressed, the command for searching of reference point of Y-axis is activated , that is point Y=0.

3.10.“Z1 refer.“ : when the button is pressed, the command for searching of reference point of Z1-axis is activated , that is point Z1=0 (options according to machine configuration- for machines with measured Z1-axis).

3.11.“Z2 refer.“ : when the button is pressed, the command for searching of reference point of Z2-axis is activated , that is point Z2=0 (options according to machine configuration- for machines with measured Z2-axis).

3.12.“Quick test“ key : when the button is pressed, command for quick checking of machine functions and condition is initiated.

All other keys of this section are identical to standard system.

4.Section of directional keys of X and Y- axes and Fast move key.

  1. Start and Stop keys referring to programme.