2019Registration Form

Full School Local Pastor Students:

June 15th through June 23rd

Oklahoma United Methodist Annual Conference

Local Pastor Licensing School

Oklahoma City University

James Graham, LPLS Dean: 918-607-9384

Name: ______Birth Date: ______M: ______F: ______

Home Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip ______

Home Telephone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Work Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip ______

Work Telephone: ______E-Mail Address: ______

To What Church Do You Relate? ______District: ______

Are You A Certified Candidate for Ministry? ______If No, When ______

Have You Been Contacted About an Appointment? ______If yes, Where ______

Do You Have Any Special Health Or Diet Concerns? ______


The Oklahoma United Methodist Annual Conference, the Oklahoma Board of Ordained Ministry and the

8 Oklahoma Districts subsidize this school for Oklahoma students who will be serving Oklahoma United Methodist Churches

The following are your costs. Payment must accompany this application for it to be processed

Please make checks payable to Oklahoma Conference and designate 2018 LPLS in the memo

____ Full Local Pastor Licensing School for Oklahoma Students June 15th through June 23rd : $250.

____ Full LPLSchool for persons of other Conferences not serving Oklahoma UM Churches: $700.

the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has a list of required textbooks for Local Pastor Schools. You may order the set from Cokesbury for $44 (ISBN # 9780687654826). If you already have some of the books, just buy what you need. The OK Conference Board of Ministry will reimburse (Okla. Conference Attendees only) the cost to you. Bring your receipt to the school.

You are required to stay at the university during the School.

Registration Deadline is May19, 2018

Mail Registration and Your Portion of the Cost to:

Chuck Nordean

Director of Clergy and Congregational Development

United Methodist Ministry Center

1501 N. W. 24th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Signature of Your District Superintendent: ______Date ______