Institute for Development Studies and Practices
IDSP – Mission Statement
“To nurture and develop individuals and communities that will change the power structure by demystifying the process of education and development and generate value base partnerships and practices at all levels”.
IDSP Organization Profile
7-A, Al-Mashraq Street, Arbab Karam Khan Road Quetta.
Tele#. 0092-81-2471776, 2470243 Fax 0092-81-2447285
Fax 0092-81-2447285 Web Site :- email:-
Full Name of the organization
Institutive for Development Studies and Practices [IDSP-Pakistan]
Legal Status
The institute was registered with the Social Welfare Department, Government of Balochistan as a national human resource development institute in December 1998 under .the Social Welfare Act 1961 (Reg. No. DSW-834).
Type of organization
IDSP is an NGO established in 1998. It is basically a research and development institute working on various aspects of social and human development in the province.
Organization geographical area
It will be based in Balochistan and its geographical coverage is whole of the Pakistan.
“To nurture and develop individuals and communities that will change the power structure by demystifying the process of education and development and generate value base partnerships and practices at all levels”.
§ Continuously develop a critical mass of highly motivated lifelong fellows in different areas of development practices.
§ To construct and develop the research to be applied towards new conceptual frameworks, public discourse and models of action.
§ Collaborating with communities to develop innovative activities which illustrate and further develop the concepts of people oriented development.
§ Collaborating with communities to develop innovative activities which illustrate and develop further the concepts supported by IDSP.
§ Sharing new ideas / information, raising questions through popular culture, media and opening up new avenues of thinking, dialogging and action.
§ To address marginalized groups specially women’s issues through debate, research and ensure gender mainstreaming in all our work
Background of the organization
Institute for Development Studies and Practices is an outcome of more than twenty-five years work in community development. The concept of the institute was initiated by Dr. Quratulain Bakhteari in 1996.
The concept of IDSP stemmed from witnessing various examples of stark dichotomies between the planning/management level and the field/implementation levels, in which usually the implementers [at the field level] are left without inclusion in the thinking/conceptualization of the development process. Since the planning is not locally. grounded, and with the finite life of any development project, a culture of un- 8 sustainability and lack of ownership emerges.
IDSP's idea has been to develop a cadre of effective development thinkers, planners and practitioners at grassroots level (practice) level. This concept paper was shared with different donors and The Asia Foundation agreed to provide the initial funding for testing the concept.
The first phase of implementation was piloted in Quetta and Lahore. These efforts were assessed and evaluated by a third party and strongly recommended that the course in Quetta should go ahead. Based on the recommendations at detailed feasibility across three years was developed for the institute.
The feasibility defined five clear areas programmatic thrusts for IDSP.
1. Certificate and Diploma courses in community development
2. Synthesizing and applying research
3. Initiating process projects
4. Initiating Public Debate and Dialogue
5. Providing transformatory advisory services
The three years feasibility provided the institute to develop its basis learn by practicing : and develop internal systems.
During this period the team was built and intellectually and professionally nurtured through one year of rigorous capacity building. For the first time in the history of Balochistan an indigenous group of young intellectuals and activists initiated a high-level theoretical and research program with outside technical help limited to focused facilitations.
Core Programs
Academic Development Program
The Academic Program is one of the core programs of IDSP. This program has been with IDSP since its inception. The responsibilities of this program are to design and conduct the core contextual course of IDSP. The courses will develop and engage young men and women to understand and identify the issues and challenges of development, education, culture, religions, gender etc through theory and practice. In the next five years academic program will develop 500 hundred human catalysts through out the country. The academic program generates/identifies case studies from communities. These researches directly contribute to the overall institutional growth and refining the thematic areas of the academic course(s).
Designing and conduction of Short contextual courses e.g. teacher, journalists, and political activists, farmers etc will be the portfolio of academic development program. Designing and implementation of thematic programs through establishing radio centers is one the major programmatic area of ADP.
Learners and Community Partnership Program
IDSP graduates about 60 learners in one year of programmatic cycles. Moreover there are numerous beneficiaries of our short courses. Learners are the spearhead of IDSP in many ways, their quality, approach and understanding towards development and the community-based initiative provide the building blocks for long-term people centered development processes.
These learners are carefully selected based on their record of community-based activism, their contributions to local cultures, intellectual caliber etc.
The Learners and Community Partnership program is developed to further cater the needs of these learners, support their community based process projects, community based information centre and continuously engage them in intellectual discourses at or outside IDSP. The critical responsibility of this program is to generate community action based on the philosophical and ideological understanding of issues. Interact with learners and to continuously learn from each others experiences and reflections to develop systems that allow the participation of community at large and to ensure that the processes are flexible and viable to encompass the traditional indigenous energies. This program will provide technical and conceptual assistance to the potential learners and their ideas. In next five years near five Community Information Learning Centers will conceive and established at communities. In CILC’s graduated learners of IDSP will design and conduct issue based community based courses e.g. food security, water, rights, agriculture etc with the conceptual inputs of lead teachers/faculty in their respective districts.
The LCPP will be primarily run in 10 districts of Balochistan and 2 districts each in Punjab, Sindh and NWFP. In total 500 villages will be selected from 16 villages in all four provinces.
Mainstreaming Gender and Development Program
The program is aiming to develop hundred female community workers across Balochistan in two years, who will contribute in development initiatives in Balochistan especially the newly formed local governance system. The program has three major goals:
· Institutional development of IDSP for GEP which is non existent at the moment
· Leadership concept and skills development within young women {majority} and few men in communities of Balochistan
· Revival of compassion, tolerance and love and sanctity of relationships within the family and community structures
The program has developed more then hundred young women to face the challenges of life by understanding self, dynamics of family and contributing effectively in family related matters (which is rare in the tribal scenario of Balochistan) and thereby contributing in local government structures, initiatives for community development focusing the women. Three women organizations have emerged out of this program and further are expected to be developed around the gender and development issues.
More then hundred women have been developed in the process. These women have developed their community development plans for improving the status of women in their respective areas. The proposals are being negotiated with the district governments. These women are coming from most tribal backgrounds, where the opportunities for women does not exist, however they have demonstrated that women leadership is essential for effective gender relationships and for the growth of the country. These women are managing district offices in six districts of Balochsitan, working alongside district governments, teaching, mentoring and above all including the families of the interns and themselves in a lifelong learning process.
Institutional Development And Sustainability
Institutional Development and Sustainability Program is the central intellectual resource for IDSP’s programs on continuous basis for improved mechanisms, structure and programs. During these five years IDSP will make an effort to transfer most of its activities to the rural communities of Pakistan mainly in Balochistan to economize the costs, increase outreach and broaden benefits. The major focus of the program will be on Human Resource Development and management. The program will create mechanisms for Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management at IDSP for continuous professional reflections on their programs and the individuals in the program. A comprehensive review and assessment mechanism will be evolved which will clearly mark the strength and weaknesses of programs and individuals from a neutral yet trustworthy perspective by annual. The program will not only review the contents of other programs but will coincide/agree with other programs at IDSP for capacity building of the programmatic teams / individuals. Its facilitation role will be to plan and conduct monthly in house programmatic reviews.
This program will develop a five years plan of the linkages with donors for fund raising. The other initiatives will plan and design for Endowment Building through advisory services and other possible initiatives according to the core believe of IDSP.
Establishing the Regional campuses, community learning centers and the central resource centers are the primary responsibilities of the program in next five years. Strengthening the central resource centre of IDSP and providing relevant material for web site will be the major responsibility of the program. The major aims of the program are:
§ Setting up of 6 regional campuses provincial offices of IDSP-Pakistan, recruitment and training of provincial teams.
§ In-house planning and review sessions.
§ Reflections from partners and stakeholders.
§ Annual review and assessment for institutional learning and expansion.
Developing management plans, information and financial in house systems, monitoring and evaluation will be the programmatic portfolio of the IDS Program.
Followings are the major components of the program:
During these five years IDSP will endeavor to transfer most of its activities to the rural communities of Pakistan mainly in Balochistan to economize the costs, increase outreach and broaden benefits.
a. Advisory Services
The institute has rendered its advisory services to many different organizations. Few major ones are listed below:
· Early Childhood Education, AED
· Community Participation in Education, British Council
· Public Private Partnership in Education Sector, Sind Government
· Education Management Information Systems, British Council
· Geographical Information System, British Council
· Introduction of IT in Teachers Training Colleges, British Council
· Research studies on the status of EMIS in Pakistan
· Development of national strategy paper for EMIS in devolved system.