Network Knowledge

Full Board Meeting of December 11, 2013

Headquarters, Chatham, IL

Present:Keith Bradbury, Theresa Faith Cummings, Janie Fischer, Bob Fluent, Marie Giacomelli, Dr. Jerold Gruebel, Mark Hanna, Dr. Victoria Johnson, Dr. Keith Lape, Paul Palazollo, Jack Sharkey, Ron Tendick; by conference call: Elwin Basquin, Susan Shoemaker.

Guests:John Diefenback, CAB member.

Staff:MJ Bates, Keith Lawson, Ed Strong.

Mr. Tendick, chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m., and introductions were made.

I.Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of September 11, 2013 Held at Network Knowledge and Via Conference Call

Dr. Lape made the motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2013 Executive Committee meeting. Mr. Bradbury seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Dow Lohnes indicated to Network Knowledge that the “Public Comment” section of the agenda is not required to be listed on the agenda.

Dr. Lape said he agrees with leaving it off the agenda.

II.Building Committee Report (Boyle, Chew, Hanna; Tendick)

A.Letter to BCSD Superintendent and Board Chair; Response

Dr. Gruebel has sent a letter (included in Board packets) to the Ball Chatham School District superintendent and board chair requesting their signatures on the document so Network Knowledge can proceed with leasing or selling part of the headquarters building.

B.Building Improvements

Dr. Gruebel said Network Knowledge has made three building improvements that had been recommended by the insurance company.

Mr. Lawson said the fire alarm system, the down spouts on the back of the building and the water damaged ceiling tiles had been changed or replaced. This will help in the future with the possible lease or selling of part of the building.

C.Follow-up Strategies

At this time, Network Knowledge has no follow-up strategies. We have gone to a real estate agent to work on leasing or selling the west wing of the building.

Mr. Palazzolo and former Board member Tom Gray, Mayor of Chatham, are to follow-up with the Ball-Chatham School District to see if there is still interest in the building, and Mr. Tendick would like to talk to Jim Nuess, Ball-Chatham School Board chair, to see if it is possible to bridge the gap between the school district and Network Knowledge.

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Minutes of the Network Knowledge Full Board Meeting on December 11, 2013

III.Membership Report (Viewer Supporters by Station)

A.Member Counts and Averages

Dr. Gruebel said Network Knowledge remains a full service station. We increased our overall membership by 20%, with Quincy having the highest increase of 27%.

Now, Network Knowledge needs to increase membership again by 20-25%. We have a person on board to help with social media and the new website which was launched today, and we are working on new ways to communicate to our audience, and to increase our audience.

B.SJR Article

Network Knowledge had a very good article in The State Journal-Register (included in Board packets), and we have been receiving good feedback.

Dr. Gruebel said he would be glad to talk to the newspapers in Quincy, Macomb and Jacksonville. Mr. Bradbury said he will contact the Jacksonville Journal.

IV.Treasurer’s Report (Fluent, Palazzolo)

Mr. Fluent said it’s a dynamic period for Network Knowledge with the audit not being completed as yet. Agreements have been reached with Bank of America and IFF and we are waiting for each to sign-off on the agreements. Cezary Turek of Silverman Consultants has done an excellent job working with both Bank of America and IFF.

Dr. Gruebel said the Board should recognize Silverman Consultants at the Annual Board meeting in July.

Mr. Fluent said looking at FY13, Network Knowledge had a very good year. We received two major donations that put Network Knowledge in a good position of net income.

In FY14, Network Knowledge is back to struggling with a deficit. Grants and awards are down $116,000, but Dr. Gruebel has done a very good job of managing the expenditures.

V.Community Advisory Board (CAB) Report (Diefenback)

Mr. Diefenback, chair of the CAB, reported they have held several meetings. The CAB members volunteer their time and labor on pledge nights, mailings and other projects; generate new volunteers; help with the revenue stream through memberships and special events; and help with opportunities for local programming. The CAB will meet at least three times in 2014: the last Tuesday in February, June and November. Anne Bowers is the secretary, and James Holmes is the associate secretary.

VI.President’s Report

Dr. Gruebel announced that he would not give a President’s report,but he discussed social media and the new website.

He asked the Board to go to the new website to learn about programming, opportunities for volunteering, special events and much more. E-blasts are done through e-mail; Twitter, Facebook. It’s a great improvement over where we’ve been.

Dr. Johnson asked if Network Knowledge will create an app for the website. Dr. Gruebel said that was a very good suggestion and would look into it.

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Minutes of the Network Knowledge Full Board Meeting on December 11, 2013

VII.Marion Gardner Jackson Trust, Oakley Lindsay Foundation and USDA Grant

Applications (Strong)

Dr. Strong said Network Knowledge has an application into the Marion Gardner Jackson Trust. Some of the Quincy area Board members have been helpful in writing letters of support.

Network Knowledge also has a grant application in to the USDA for a grant for support of public television in rural areas. This would be a $120,000 master control equipment upgrade.

We will hear from both grants in January.

VIII.End of Year Giving (Strong)

Dr. Strong said Network Knowledge is not at 100% giving in Board donations, unlike last year. The staff is at 100% giving, so the commitment is there.

We appreciate all the contributions and help the Board has given, and the Board continues to help in other areas as well.

IX.Possible Sale of WMEC Transmitting Tower

Dr. Gruebel said we have interest in buying the WMEC tower in Colchester. Network Knowledge has two companies interested in purchasing the tower.

We sold the farm land around the Colchester tower for a $160,000 profit, and paid off $100,000 of our debt with it.

If there is a possible sale of the tower, we will hold an Executive Committee meeting to review and make a decision.

X.Collaborative Partnerships: Exploring the Possibilities and Illinois Public Affairs Network (IPAN): Update

Dr. Gruebel said Network Knowledge can work toward a possible IPAN for a statewide system.

B.Blackburn College with Historian/Author

We have been working with a professor at Blackburn College on a project, and have two collaborative grants in the works, which includes one with the Pritzger family of Chicago.

Dr. Gruebel said Dr. Strong has been working with genHkids on a grant. Their project is to teach kids good nutrition and exercise habits. This project is very complementary to Network Knowledge’s children’s programming.

D.Springfield Civic Garden Club/Local First Springfield

We are working with the Springfield Civic Garden Club and Local First Springfield on a possible local gardening program.

E.Lincoln Library

Dr. Gruebel and Mr. Collins worked with the Lincoln Library to produce two spots on the services the library offers. Hopefully Network Knowledge will generate more customers for Lincoln Library.

Quincy Library has shown some interest in doing the same. If any of the Quincy Board members know Quincy Library Board members, it would be helpful.

F.Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce

G.Downtown Springfield, Inc. (DSI)

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Minutes of the Network Knowledge Full Board Meeting on December 11, 2013

H.Innocence Project

We are currently working on projects.

If any Board members know any community groups that Network Knowledge has complementary programming to, please let us know. Grants are very successful when two or more groups apply together.

XI.WGEM Lease for WMEC Transmitting Tower

Dr. Gruebel said he went to WGEM for matching money and support for the MGJT grant.

He requested Quincy area Board members write letters of support. Mr. Fluent, Mrs. Fischer and Mr. Hanna said they will write letters. Dr. Strong will send bullet points.

On January 1, we will have a five-year renewable lease from WGEM to have equipment on the WMEC tower.

XII.Local Programming

A.Illinois Stories Nominated for Third Midwest Emmy Award

Dr. Gruebel announced that Illinois Stories was nominated for a 3rd Midwest Emmy award.

B.Gettysburg Address: Reflections from Lincoln’s Hometown

The Gettysburg Address: Reflections from Lincoln’s Hometown is a local program Network Knowledge did in collaboration with the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. The local program was aired following the national program. (The Board viewed a clip of the program.)

We have some interest for high schools to possibly use the program in their curriculum.



Two of the local programs that Network Knowledge continues to produce with journalists and lawmakers from the state capitol.

XIII.Downton Abbey Preview Party at the Historic Pasfield House (Open to the Public) on Friday, January 3, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.

Dr. Gruebel invited the Board to attend the Downton Abbey Preview Party on Friday, January 3, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pasfield House in Springfield. It is not a fund raiser, but a friends raiser.

Mr. Fluent made the motion to adjourn. Dr. Lape seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Faith Cummings

