Affirmative action remains a controversial issue. One of the more recent challenges to affirmative action was a lawsuit brought against the University of Michigan. Read the articles "Ten Myths About Affirmative Action," "Mich. weighs ban on affirmative action," and "Michigan Voters Ban Affirmative Action" to learn more about this topic. Write a short paper that discusses why affirmative action is such a controversial issue and your thought about this. Discuss the lawsuit that was brought against the University of Michigan and whether you agree or disagree. What did you learn from reading the affirmative action myths?

1. Why is affirmative action such a controversial issue? What are your thoughts about this issue?

2. What were the circumstances that lead to the lawsuit that was brought against the University of Michigan? Do you agree or disagree and why?

3. What did you learn from reading the affirmative action myths?

4. What is the affirmative action debate about in Michigan?

  1. to allow the University to hire more minorities for faculty positions
  2. to allow the student who was denied admission into law student to enroll
  3. to equalize the number of blacks and Hispanics enrolled in graduate programs
  4. to ban the state from using race and gender to determine who gets into college

5. What other states have banned affirmative action?

  1. Alabama and Minnesota
  2. Texas and New Hampshire
  3. New York and New Jersey
  4. California and Washington

6. The following website will give you a better understanding of prejudice and stereotyping. Read the article "The Psychology of Prejudice: An Overview" to increase your understanding of this topic. Write a short paper of why people are prejudice and stereotype. What is Theodor Adorno’s theory on authoritarian personalities and what are the criticisms and support of this theory? What are ways that people can become less prejudice?

7. Why are people prejudice and why do they stereotype?

8. Do you agree or disagree with Theodor Adorno’s theory about authoritarian personalities? Why or why not?

9. What are ways in which people can become less prejudice?

10. What percent pf African Americans have white ancestry?

  1. 75%
  2. 45%
  3. 90%
  4. 10%

11. What did research fund out about the out-group homogeneity affect?

  1. that in and out group membership had little affect on stereotyping
  2. that in-group members are more likely to be stereotyped
  3. that people see out-group members as more alike than in-group members
  4. that people see in-group members as more alike than out-group members

12. Hispanics are the largest minority group in the U.S. Read the articles "Hispanic Growth Surge Fueled by Births in U.S." and "Hispanic Population In U.S. Soars" to learn about population growth and challenges faced by immigrants and their families. Write a short paper that addresses the most recent trends in the Hispanic population and the challenges that they face including education, political power, and incomes. What is your opinion about immigration from Mexico into the U.S.?

13. What changes has the U.S. experienced in the last 20 years in the Hispanic population?

14. What challenges do Hispanics face in the U.S.? To what extent do you see them assimilating into American culture?

15. What is your opinion about immigration from Mexico into the U.S?

16. The surge in the Hispanic population during this decade is the result of:

  1. the increased deaths among the African American population
  2. the number of babies born to Hispanic immigrants
  3. the increase in immigrants from Mexico
  4. a decrease in the white population

17. When do most immigrants to the U.S. tend to arrive?

  1. as infants
  2. as teenagers
  3. when they are in their 40’s
  4. when they are in their 20’s