Department of Education
Department of Higher and Further
Education, Training and Employment
Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
Education and Training Inspectorate
Report of a Follow-up Inspection
St Joseph’s Primary School
June 2000
Mr C Fanning
Chairman to the Board of Governors
St Joseph’s Primary School
50 Fernaloy Road
Co Armagh
BT60 3LRSeptember 2000
Dear Mr Fanning
The general inspection in May1999 highlighted strengths in the school, these included; its positive ethos, the very good relationships at all levels, the sound curricular planning, the good standards in the children’s work and the instances of excellent teaching. In addition, it was noted that the principal provided effective leadership.
The inspection identified a few issues including, the need to review the programme for structured play in years 1-3 and the quality of the provision for the reception children, the need for a more consistent approach to the promotion of learning outcomes and for some improvements in indoor and outdoor physical education facilities, including health and safety matters.
The Education and Training Inspectorate carried out a follow-up inspection on 7June2000 and the findings were reported to the principal and a representative of the Board of Governors.
The following are the most important improvements which have been implemented since the general inspection:
- the structured play programme for years 1-3 has been reviewed and improvements have been made;
- in planning, there has been an increased focus on learning outcomes, and the children are now engaged in more independent work;
- a start has been made in addressing a number of the health and safety matters identified at the time of the inspection. These matters will continue to be monitored by the District Inspector.
The school has made good progress in addressing the key areas for action. The parents and broader community can have confidence in the school’s commitment to improvement.
Yours sincerely
J BIRCHccMr P Loughran
Acting Chief InspectorPrincipal
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