Math 152–Calculus 2

Ft Steilacoom Campus 9401 Farwest Drive SW, Lakewood, WA USA 98498

Daily in RAI 468 (and RAI 262 on Wednesdays) Course Item #: 3192

Pierce College, Spring 2016

Instructor Information

Name: Chad Bemis E-mail: (preferred method)
Office Hours: 11:00 – 11:50 AM Office Location: Rainier 345 (3rd Floor)
Phone/Voicemail: 253-964-6707 (on phone messages or emails, leave name, number and what class you’re in! )

Disclaimer: All information in this syllabus is subject to change if the instructor finds it necessary. Any change will be announced during a class session. Absent students are responsible for any announced changes to the syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to determine what is missed in class due to an absence. Exchange phone numbers or emails with at least 2 classmates so that you can obtain the information you miss when absent. If a change is made, download the updated copy on WAMAP. If you miss a class, you are still responsible for knowing what happened there! If you must be absent, please get notes and assignments from a classmate.

You can use the course website and email to keep up with work.

Class Days and Time / Campus / Room / Item # /Credits

Daily 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM / FS Campus /RAI-468 / 3192 / 5 credits

Required Materials

1.  Text: Calculus: Early Transcendentals; by James Stewart 8th edition. Note: This text will be used for math 151, 152, 153 and 224.

2.  A graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI 84 (any version) is recommended. You can rent a calculator from the library for $15.00 for the quarter. Pay your money to the cashier and take the receipt to the Library. **Note: TI 89 or other models with a CAS may not be used on exams.**

3.  Use of a computer with internet access (don’t need to bring to class) for the WAMAP.ORG assignments. You will need two pieces of information to enroll in the WAMAP course materials website. They are:

a)  The Enrollment key for the course is spring16, and

b)  the Course ID is 11621

Recommended Materials:

·  A binder to keep all your assignments and a list of scores (in case there’s a dispute about a grade on any assignment)

·  Notebook for notes and pens/pencils, graph paper

Course Description: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Definite and indefinite integrals. Methods of Integration. Applications of integration. Improper integrals. Introduction to first order differential equations.

Software:We will be using WAMAP, located

WAMAP is a web based software system so you will need a current web browser to access this material. WAMAP may suggest additional software plug-ins to enhance the display of mathematical symbols but these plug-ins are not required. Each student will be required to complete online quizzes and homework assignments each week, which consist of several problems associated with material in the text. There are often opportunities to "get help", by means of videos linked with questions. You can also use the message boards/forums to ask each other questions, and you can ask the instructor questions as well! Keep in mind that every question regenerates different numbers so you should copy and paste the question to get a specific answer!


TEST:At the end of each chapter a closed book, timed assessment will be given on the chapter material that will assess the chapter outcomes. Students will be given 50 minutes to complete the assessment. Specific directions for each exam will be given on the exam as well as announced during the review session. The exam may have a calculator and non-calculator sections. To receive full credit on an individual problem, appropriate methods from the chapter being tested, scratch work to support that method and the answer itself must be clear and correct.

Students who miss a test but make arrangements ahead of time with the instructor may be given an opportunity to test early or late with appropriate documentation provided as to why the exam cannot be taken on the scheduled day. Students who miss a test without contacting the instructor before the test will not be allowed to take the test and will be given a score of 0.



·  Access to a computer and graphing calculator (at home, school or work) which you can use for extended periods of time

o  If you do not have extended access you must have the ability to print from the computer & return later to input assessment answers.

·  High speed internet access with an up-to-date internet browser.

·  Ability to install plug-ins or class software (if not using school computers). Highly recommended

o  Up to date antivirus software

o  Back up school work assignments on an external hard drive/memory stick or on Google docs, etc.

If Class is Canceled: Be aware that from time to time, I may not be able to be in class, and may not be able to obtain a substitute. A good practice would be to check WAMAP messages AND school email each morning before leaving for school, especially if this is your only class!

- It is your responsibility to keep up on reading, homework, and assignments if class is cancelled for any reason (e.g., instructor illness, bad weather) Keep checking WAMAP for due dates, as they may change frequently!!

- If the cancelled class was to have been a test or quiz period, then plan to take the test or quiz on the next day that class is scheduled.

- The instructor may be in contact by email. Check the course website for information.

Emergency Procedures

● For life-threatening emergencies call 911 and then Campus Safety.

·  In the event of an emergency evacuation (whenever the alarms sound), gather all personal belongings and leave the building using the nearest safe exit. Be prepared to be outside for a minimum of an hour and stand a minimum of 200 feet from any building or structure. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed.

● To find out whether class is cancelled (in case of instructor absence, snow or other reasons):

·  You should always check your school email (that’s the one that I use for announcements) and WAMAP for messages.

·  You can find out if the school is closed by checking the major television or radio stations that list school closures (for example, KING, KIRO, KOMO, and others),

·  You can check the school’s website at – an announcement will typically be posted on the home page if school is closed. There will also be a sign posted on the door that the class is canceled for the day.


All students are subject to the responsibilities, rules and regulations as outlined by the college student code of conduct. Knowledge of the information contained in these documents is the student’s responsibility.


In all course communication with your instructor and fellow classmates, English writing skills are required with proper capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Avoid slang and acronyms like ROTFL for “rolling on the floor laughing.” Don’t use ALL CAPS for entire sentences or posts, which denote yelling at someone. Any form of attack or inappropriate response within any form of communication with other students or faculty is unacceptable and if done in a discussion post will be removed immediately accompanied with a warning. If you disagree with something someone says, do so respectfully and collegially, and provide legitimate examples to support your side. Re-read your writing before submitting and consider the tone of your emails and discussion posts, making sure nothing is coming across as defensive, too “know-it-all” or critical, or academically inappropriate.


Academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in failing the assessment in question or the entire course. Students may also be subject to disciplinary actions by the college as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, as mentioned above. For more information on what constitutes plagiarism please become familiar with the following.


Please utilize the following college resources to help you be successful in this course.

Tutoring: If you have trouble with the course seek assistance right away (do not put it off!).

• I encourage you to work with other students on assignments. Form a study group, or simply work with a classmate outside of class. This is a great way to learn! Be sure that in the end you understand the topics.

• The Tutoring Center offers math Drop-In tutoring, and has individual tutors. These services are FREE!

In Cascade 504 drop-in tutoring is available from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm MTWTh, and 8:00 – 2:00 Friday.

In Rainier 338 (the Math Center) drop-in tutoring is available 8:00 AM– 1:00 PM. (hours may be changed)

For more information see

·  There is also online tutoring – described here

·  See me during my office hours whenever you have questions.

Library resources:Reference materials and other library resources announced in class can be obtained through the college library. Please visit

Computer labs:To take advantage of computer resources on campus please visit

ADA STATEMENT: Your experience in this class is important to me, and it is the policy and practice of Pierce College to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you experience barriers based on disability, please seek a meeting with the Access and Disability Services (ADS) manager to discuss and address them. If you have already established accommodations with the ADS manager, please bring your approved accommodations (green sheet) to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course. ADS offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you and the ADS manager, and I am available to help facilitate them in this class. If you have not yet established services through ADS, but have a temporary or permanent disability that requires accommodations (this can include but not be limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), you are encouraged to contact ADS at 253-964-6526 (Fort Steilacoom) or 253-840-8335 (Puyallup).
Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning
Students utilize mathematical, symbolic, logical, graphical, geometric or statistical analysis for the interpretation and solution of problems in the natural world and human society. Students will utilize both traditional and technological methods.
Critical, Creative and Reflective Thinking
Students will be able to question, search for answers and meaning, and develop ideas that lead to action.
1. Apply mathematical principles and techniques learned in this course to similar situations throughout the course.
2. Combine reason, experience, and information from this course, other courses, or earlier life experiences to: (a) critically interpret a problem using an appropriate mathematical model, (b) determine the methods of solution for problems, (c) then apply those methods, and finally (d) judge whether the calculated solutions are reasonable.

3. Citizenship

Student will be able to effectively communicate various topics and ideas while displaying respect and responsibility to other classmates continually striving to promote multiculturalism in the classroom to foster healthy working relationships.


Response time information instructor-Student: Please allow 24 hrs response time for all messages left after 8am on Monday but before noon on Friday. Messages left after noon on Friday may take up to 72 hrs. *Holidays excluded.

Response information/expectation Student – Instructor: Students are expected to check and read their email, WAMAP messages and ALL FORUM POSTS posts regularly and respond if needed following the same guidelines I have set for myself.

Response information/expectation Student – Student: When working on group projects students are required to exchange contact information of some sort and check and read their email and messages regularly and respond if needed as soon as possible.

Chapters of the Textbook Covered and Tested in this Course – Omitted Sections not tested!
Chapter 5 (The Integral) – All sections
Chapter 6 (Applications of Integration) – sections 1, 2, 4, 5 (omit 3)
Chapter 7 (Techniques of Integration) – All sections
Chapter 8 (Further Applications of Integrals) – sections 1, 2 (omit 3, 4, 5)
Chapter 9 (Introduction to Differential Equations) – sections 1-3 (omit 4-6)
IMPORTANT DATES for Spring 2016:
April 8th – 100% refund ENDS May 6th - No Class / Inservice
April 22nd - 50% refund ENDS May 30th – No Class / Memorial Day
May 20th - Last Day to Withdraw
May 23rd – Registration for Summer/Fall for current students
May 31st - Registration for Summer/Fall for former students
June 14th – Last Day of Regular Instruction
June 15th – 17th “Finals Week” No regular class meetings, only Final exams!(ours: Friday 6/17 @10am)
Final Exam: Will be Friday, June 17th from 10:00 AM– 12:00 PM in our normal classroom RAI 468. There will be no makeups on the Final Exam. The Final Exam is comprehensive, meaning all topics of the course may be included in the exam.

Graded Categories – Note: Your Gradebook is available on WAMAP.ORG

Quizzes: There will be a Class Quiz every week in the Computer Lab (RAI 262) usually on Wednesday. (We will meet in RAI 262 each Wednesday) The quizzes will be taken ALONE, and you may use books, notes and a calculator. There are no makeup quizzes. Each quiz will cover material previously discussed. Come prepared to take the quiz (make sure you’ve worked on previous homework and gotten help if needed.) If you miss class, the quiz will be available until 11:59 that night. If you need extra time to finish it, use a Latepass on WAMAP. (you can use a Latepass on most Online Assignments)

Exams: There will be about 4 In Class Exams. There will be an exam about every 2-3 weeks. There will be no unauthorized makeups. If you fail to take an exam, you will receive a ‘0’. Makeup exams will only be given if you contact me by the day of the exam via email. You will be allowed one makeup exam. You must take the makeup exam within 1 week of the missed exam. NO NOTES WILL BE ALLOWED ON EXAMS. Students who miss a test without contacting the instructor before the test will not be allowed to take the test and will be given a score of 0.