Chair’s Report
FRWC Board Meeting – April 18, 2008
Ortonville Creekfest: I attended a planning meeting for the Creekfest in Ortonville. It looks like an all-round busy day on June 9th, starting with a pancake breakfast. Darren Bagley will be doing his “creek critter” thing, and the FRWC will have a booth.
NEWSLETTER(s): Starting with a sincere apology to Dennis Z – whose article was omitted; we had a great looking newsletter which I trust all of you have seen. The Friends of the Flint River Trail newsletter got out about the same time.
Special thanks to Roxy Moreno who assisted with the lay-out / formatting and preparation for the newsletter –as she has did for us when she was a Board member. Roxy has now established her own (mostly) travel arranging business out of her home – and is willing to prep the Watershed Newsletter on a contract basis at a reasonable hourly rate. (This one was for free!) As long as we are diligent in preparing our articles and submitting them on a timely fashion (so nothing needs to be re-done to accommodate a late arriving article) we can contract the job reasonably. I will work with staff to make sure that happens.
Trails Meetings I have attended a handful of trail meetings in support of the development of a regional trail system for GeneseeCounty and beyond. If you are interested in more commentary on the system, please talk with me. There are a number of Friends of the Flint River Trail events coming up as you can see from the calendar. Included in the trails meetings are events around Bike Week and the Safe and Active Flint Coalition. I attended the Flint Rotary Club on April 11th – with the program dedicated to the Safe and Active Flint Coalition – and promoted the Trail events.
River Corridor Alliance I was able to attend my first Flint River Corridor Alliance in some time this past month. Rebecca is now our active representative to the group – and Karlstrom sits on the Board.
Honoring Olof Karlstrom Olof was one of several GeneseeCounty attorneys honored for their advocacy of Civil and Human Rights at a recent reception hosted by a number of legal groups – a nice ceremony and program. Congrats to our former chair and our good friend !
Busy time ahead !! Hat’s off to our staff and volunteers among all of you for the great – and hard – work you will be doing on behalf of the FRWC in the coming weeks and/or month.
HollowayLake Assoc: I attended the recent meeting of the LakeAssociation where there was much discussion about assessing damage / pollution from the nearby Richfield Land Fill.