Howard Co. (MD) Public Schools: Mark Coates, Fine Arts Coordinator
Common Core
Music and Literacy
Music and Math
Teacher Resources
Lesson Plans:
- An extensive Arts Integration website that addresses Common Core Literacy and Math standards by former Howard County Music Educator and Arts Integration Specialist, Susan Riley.
- High School Instrumental Music Program’s site. Includes actual writing prompts for Common Core assignments.
- Resources and links for teaching literacy through music education.
- Specific Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening lessons.
- - Great list of songs, including lyrics and publications.
- Cross-Curricular approach to music education and reading.
- Includes detailed lesson plans.
- Elementary school literacy lesson using “Carnival of the Animals.”
- 1960’s Folk Music Lesson Plan: The Influence and Social Impact of Music.
- Must create a free account to access BrainPop.
- Searchable database for lessons on a variety of topics (music, visual art, theater), and includes connections to other subject areas.
- Rock ‘n’ Roll song form lesson plans.
- Includes lessons and links, connecting music to literature.
Supporting Documents:
- sthash.DMYGQvE6.smjIgVDZ.dpbs
- Over 30 separate sites for information about the arts and Common Core.
- A long list of Common Core resources related to the arts.
- An extensive Arts Integration website that addresses Common Core Literacy and Math standards by former Howard County Music Educator and Arts Integration specialist, Susan Riley.
- Resources for music teachers integrating the Common Core into their current practice.
- Discusses connections between music and reading/language.
- Presentation resources about developing literacy through music and movement.
- Includes language terminology, flashcards, and song examples.
- Look for Powerpoint at the end of the site, which includes all the lesson and resource descriptions.
- Integrate music in your K-2 classroom! The ten songs on the included CD focus on twenty standards-based mini-lessons that allow you to teach phonemic awareness, visualization, letter and sound identification, movement, and specific writing-craft skills.
- Includes examples to incorporate music into the English classroom. Great ideas for using music (especially song lyrics) as “text.”
- Highlights music and language arts connections by presenting language arts performance standards (Albuquerque Public Schools, 2007) followed by musical connections and activities.
- Focuses on English literacy through the medium of music. Gives examples of songs.
- A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik’s ABC Music & Me
- Includes activities, online games, etc… for music learning. Specifically geared for elementary school.
Articles and Books:
- Clay, M. (1993).An observation survey of early literacy achievement. NH: Heinemann.
- Davies, N.L. (2000). The beat goes on.Childhood Education,148-153.
- Feldman, J. (2000).Learn to sing with Dr. Jean.
- Dee Hansen; Elaine Bernstorf and Gayle M. Stuber. (2004). The Music and Literacy Connection. NAfME.
- Jalongo, M. & Ribblett, D. (1997). Using song picture books to support emergent literacy.Childhood Education15-22.
- Wolf, J. 91992). Let's sing it again: Creating music with young children.Young Children.
Student Research
Music Industry “How To”
- Focus just on student research, rather than site registration.
Student Resources
Sharing Composition/Projects:
Voice Thread (cost for educator registration)
- Research Publication by the New London Orchestra’s “Literacy through Music” program.
- Includes neurobiological research and advocacy tools.
- Help students find the connections between mathematics and music with these lesson plans, printables, and references.
- Integrating Music and the Curriculum Using Music with Math.
- Creating a clapping symphony.
- Patterns in music and math.
- Get the Mathcombines video and web interactivity to help middle and high school students develop algebraic thinking skills for solving real-world problems.
- The purpose of this page is to catalog lesson plans for incorporating music into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) classes.
- How can you connect music and movement to math? By incorporating musical activities throughout your day, you can provide children with opportunities to strengthen basic math skills.
- These sites are about the application of mathematical principles in music.
- Includes links to sites on music and fractions/ratios, Pythagorean tuning, Fibonacci sequences, symmetry, fractals, and more.
- Includes lesson plans, worksheets, a podcast on how music is being used to teach math concepts, and interactive lessons.